Teasingly Killing !!

ஓMy Foreign Affairஓ - completed -
28: Teasingly killing!!

Finally walking to classes hand in hand jaejoong was blushing madly, he was barely able to move as yunho was way too wild back in his dorm, Junsu walking behind them with the rest of the F4 could not but notice the change in the couple's attitude, jaejoong was all lovely dovely holding onto yunho's hand and smiling shyly while yunho was holding on his lover tightly, a wide grin on his face and leading the way to the cafeteria, sitting there to have breakfast yunho pulled jaejoong onto his lap feeding him while jaejoong ate blushing

'OK WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH YOU TWO?' finally kibum found the courage to ask

'What? Jae boo is my lover right? Why can’t we be lovely dovely, you and changmin are all the time, here boo say ahhhh'

Jaejoong opened his mouth to accept the spoonful of soup before he spoke:' yunie~ no more I'm full'

Smiling yunho nodded and kissed jaejoong softly on the lips. Sitting on the side watching Junsu felt like crying, remembering when he and Yoochun were like this back in Paris, god how much he missed his lover, how much he wanted to run into his arms, but… if he could be successful then he could go back to Yoochun, then no one will say he is after fame or money, he will be a successful man too

The day went on with the super lovely dovely Yunjae making everyone fell sick but all the students were going crazy taking pictures of the couple and following tem till yunho flipped on them and shooed them away

With the end of the lessons leeteuk closed the same play he was reading over and over again and entered the car, the driver drove home without a word as he knew leeteuk hates to talk to anyone so reaching the mansion the driver parked and leeteuk got out quietly and entered the house

Entering the house leeteuk wanted to go to his room and sleep a little when he saw two familiar figures sitting in the living room drinking coffee together, his eyes widened seeing the younger between the two as he eyed him smirking:' oh leeteuk shi, care to join us?'

'Kangin shi! Err… I gatta go… err…'

'Oh come on join us son, we will have coffee together' his father smiled at him and having no other choice leeteuk sat down on the couch beside kangin, all his body tensing up as he smelt the sweet mysterious odor of the man sitting beside him wearing a very expensive suit and drinking coffee

As the maid hurried to serve him coffee too leeteuk had to place his book beside him to hold the mug and at once kangin's eyes traveled to it's over while a smile formed on his lips. Suddenly leeteuk's father got a call and smiling he stood up:' excuse me for a second' and with that he left the room

At once leeteuk stood up wanting to escape kang in's presence, somehow today seeing kangin in this amazing suit looking extra hot he could not hold himself, he just wanted to run away to his room where he is safe but just as he was about to stand up a strong warm hand grabbed him pushing him back down on the couch:' running away already leeteuk shi?'

'K…kangin shi…. I… aaa….'

'Running to your room?'


'I'm glad you read the play I told you about, like it?'

Looking at the book beside him questions, tons of them, all raced into leeteuk's mind again, why did kangin tell him to read this play? But he was not going to ask, he was not going to show the man any sign that he is deeply in love with him


'Really? What did you like the most? I thought it was a boring play that I hate so what did you like in it?' kangin raised an eyebrow and leeteuk felt that this way just another tease, another way to kill him softly with the teasing but still he was not giving in

'I... I like their relationship, the way they choose death instead of being apart'

'Really? But they ended up dead not together!'

'Still I like it!!' frowned leeteuk freeing his hand from kangin's and grabbing the book just as his father walked back into the living room

'Ok we can start the meeting right now'

Smirking kangin walked with leeteuk's father to the office room in the second floor to work while leeteuk frowning walked to his room, leaving the door open leeteuk could peek at kangin working, he always did that, his room was in front of the office room and his father always left the door open while working with kangin so leeteuk leaving his room door open could see kangin sitting to the office in front of his father both working

As leeteuk went to take a shower and walked out again the office door was closed, frowning he sat on the bed, why did they close it? They did not do it before so why now?

'Frowning much are not we?'

Startled leeteuk turned around at once, shocked to see the smirking kangin standing behind him leeteuk almost had a heart attack

'Wh… what are you doing here?'

'What? I'm not allowed here?' kangin raised an eyebrow

'I did not mean… I…'

'So I am welcomed here' smirked kangin again making leeteuk blush harder


'Huh?' blushed leeteuk

'So you found your running away friend? The one you asked me to look for?'

'Err… yes thank you for helping'

'I'm glad you help' smirked kangin winking at leeteuk ily making the boy melt down as he felt his breath become heavier, was it just him or did the heat shoot up about a hundred degree in here?

'My father…. I….'

'He went to the company to bring a document he forgot there; it will take an hour or two so you got about two hours to admit you love me'


'So you don't want to admit it?'

'I did not say I love you…. You… where did you get this?... I …'

'Oh please' kangin walked to leeteuk pushing him to the wall and trapping him between his hands and the wall so he won't be able to escape

'I see the way you look at me, always peeking and eyeing me whenever you think I'm too busy to notice'

'I don't'

'You also come from college instead of hanging with your friends to see me here'

'No I…'

'You observe everything I do so now you know my favorite color, meal, drink…'

'What? Nev…'

'Just admit it love, you are in love with me!'

'I… you are imagining!'


Leeteuk nodded his head hardly that he felt dizzy

'Dear diary, kangin did not come today, I waited for him for so long but he did not come, I asked my father but he said that he came in the morning, I wonder if he did so not wanting to see me… this is so confusing… why did he tell me to read the stupid play? They die in the end? Their love was not that strong…'


'Rings a bell?'

'That… I…'

'It's your own diary, I hacked your laptop while you were in the shower, so you missed me huh?'

'Stop it already! You're always teasing me and making fun of me!! I can't take it any more I love you so what? I fell in love with you but I will fall out of love with you soon! So don't tease me anymore…'

'I forbid you!!'


'I forbid you to fall out of love with me!! I told this to your father already, he was supposed to tell you this evening, but I will say it now, tonight there is this ball in the company, a formal dinner and in it I will announce to the world that you are my bride to be!! So you are not allowed to fall out of love with me!!'


'Dear diary…'

'YAH!! ENOUGH!' blushed leeteuk madly as he looked away unable to believe that kangin had read that

Smiling kangin whispered:' cute' again in leeteuk's ear before he captured his bride to be's lips in a slow motion taking his time to the soft lips and take their taste and savoring it before he slipped his tongue between the lips and leeteuk closing his eyes giving in to the seduction parted his lips softly allowing kangin in as he pleased to roam and everywhere as their tongues met both and brushing on each other like a sweet candy

'Leeteuk….' Leeteuk's father opened the door causing the two lovers to pull back at once both panting and leeteuk blushing like a tomato while shocked to see his son kissing his partner

'So… I see you got no problem agreeing to kangin's offer' chuckled the old man making his son hide his face in his hands blushing like a red wine

'Of course he does not; we will go as planned and announce the news in the party tonight, right love?'

Still hiding his face thinking this must be a dream or something leeteuk nodded just to feel kangin holding on his hand and slipping something to his finger so looking leeteuk saw the white golden and diamond weeding ring in his finger and smiled softly, it must be real, it had to! He won't be able to take it if it was a dream!!


'Yes love?'

'Why? Why did you tell me to read the play if you hate it?'

'Oh I was just teasing you, I love that play baby, it's my favorite' chuckled kangin earning a playful hit on the shoulder.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Loved this story from start to end. My favorite pairings, all the fluff in the end. Just <3
Ahh my feels!
tsubakisworld #4
Chapter 53: Sry I'm a silent reader ^3^ but I really loved this Story <3 *O*I'm in love with it *O*
first_rose #5
hi, i'm here again author-shi..... happy new year 2015... keep writing ne....^^
icyalice #6
Chapter 18: Omomo... is yunho some kind of masochist or what? I can undestand he let jaejoong hit him since he likes him and else. But he let yoochun hit him too? Wouldnt that be some kind of child abuse or what? Hahaha.

Everything else is Nice btw. Im off to read the rest~
yasminasaaaa #7
Chapter 53: i'm in love with this story its perfect
changminizer21 #8
Chapter 20: i'm forever in love with this story <33 i'm re-reading it for the 20th time XDDDD
This is the first fic that i read by you. Poor Junsu but then again i really like how you portrayed the bullying scenarios. Thank god for Yoochun and Jaejong's help :P
i really love it *-* the relationship from all couple are awesome ^^ it was funny to read how became kangin and leeteuk a couple :D i dont know them but it was nice ^^