
ஓMy Foreign Affairஓ - completed -
Looking at the documents in his hands yunho smirked, again he had the perfect plan to make jaejoong suffer slowly and destroy everything that he loves and he was going to do it, he was going to do it on a daily bases, each and every single day he will destroy or ruin a little thing that the sissy likes until he got nothing more, until he can't take it anymore and he falls under his mercy

Looking at tomorrow's schedule in front of him yunho smirked; the two sissies have home economics and from the background information he collected about the sissy he loved no he adored cooking so the first step is to ruin his pleasure from cooking classes and to do so he need just one simple call so picking up his mobile yunho made the call and smiled with satisfaction, tomorrow is going to be fun for sure

Walking out of his room cheerful yunho walked downstairs again, Yoochun was looking at some documents frowning so walking to him yunho dropped at the couch next to him:' troubles at work hyung?'

'Oh yun, no… the concert tomorrow…'

'You got a concert tomorrow hyung?' grinned yunho, Yoochun's concert will be a great way to celebrate the upcoming success

'Yea… small one, five thousand person, that is it' smiled Yoochun sadly again

'There are still tickets right?'

'For you?'

Yunho nodded

'Yea sure, four right?'

Again yunho nodded

'Yea, I will get them for you with backstage accesses tomorrow's morning'

'Thank you hyung' grinned yunho happily:' so what are those papers?'

'The lyrics for the songs I'm gonna sing' sighed Yoochun as yunho grabbed the papers looking at them, he frowned a little, all the songs were sad once, all calm and quite as everyone already knew all written by Yoochun himself for his mystery lover begging him to come back to him

'Hyung~ why don't you sing some of your old songs? You know, the happy cheerful ones that used to make everyone stand up and dance'

'I don't feel like…'

'Here, let me choose the songs for you please' yunho did not wait for an answer as he took the papers and started to search

'Fine yun, you can choose three songs' Yoochun surrendered to his brother's wish and watched as yunho frowned taking his job top serious while flipping the papers until he decided:' here, rising sun, mirotic and O '

'Are you sure?'

'Yup, I love those songs' nodded yunho as Yoochun sighed and nodded, maybe just maybe Junsu will watch the concert tomorrow

With Junsu and jaejoong:

Both Junsu and jaejoong were sitting together in jaejoong's dorm actually it looked so great that no one would tell it was a dorm, jaejoong moved most of his room into here so it looked almost the same, a lot smaller yea but still so similar and sitting on the huge bed comfortably they were both having snacks and watching TV when an ad popped up about Yoochun's concert tomorrow's night and about it being broadcasted live at TV

'Omo Suie~ we must watch it! It's your favorite singer!!'

'Huh… err… no need hyung, no need to it's not that big deal…I… I don't…' somehow Junsu could not force himself to say I don't like him anymore… somehow his heart twisted in pain and his tongue seems to be tied to the top of his mouth unable to move

'So we will go watch it together tomorrow, I will order someone to get us some tickets and back stage accesses'

'What?...no hyung don't… I want to watch it here…yea…together we will stay and watch it here'

'But su we can go and watch it live and…'

'No hyung no need… it… it will be crowded and it's… it's more comfortable here'

'Hhhh alright then, we will prepare some foods and we will watch it together, a sleepover'

Sighing in relieve Junsu nodded his head feeling a lot easier now knowing he won't face Yoochun face to face, knowing he could keep on running from him more and more, it actually made him feel a lot easier even thought his heart felt heavy again just like the day he left…

The next day:

It was third class already jaejoong and Junsu had free classes and they were skipping happily to the home economics class to use it as jaejoong actually demanded that he and Junsu will use the class on their free time and the headmaster could do nothing but accept

Smiling both boys stopped in front of the classroom as jaejoong unlocked the door; yup the headmaster even gave him a copy of the key to keep, unlocking the door they both entered deciding whether to back a chocolate cake or cheese cake just to wide their eyes and yell in fear! All around them, everywhere, in the sinks, on the counters and even in the bowls, on the floor and on the shelves, everywhere was filled with RATS!! Big ugly dirty black RATS!! Running and making those ugly noises and if there was anything that the all mighty jaejoong was afraid of it was bugs and rats!! He could not take the sight of them

'Omo Su!!' jaejoong jumped in Junsu's hands that almost fell down as he walked out of the class locking the door again before the rats escape before jaejoong let go of him and stood on the floor again

'I will clean this hyung, don't worry I'm used to have rats in my old apartment' smiled Junsu and looking around he saw the big covered iron trash can next to the door so dragging it he walked back inside and locked the door again while jaejoong started to think who could do this. Only one jerk came to his mind so while Junsu was inside chasing the rats and hunting them down throwing them into the trash can jaejoong went to a jerk hunt wanting to kill that idiot today!!

Knowing he was not in his class for sure jaejoong went to the cafeteria and looked around truth enough the Jerks 4 were sitting together looking at something happily and chatting as he walked to them with fire in his eyes, standing right behind the master jerk's chair jaejoong did not bother to say anything he just grabbed yunho's shoulder and before he could say or do anything jaejoong threw him in an amazing move to the other side of the room




Jaejoong did not care, a lot of students were watching in terror too as he walked to yunho and grabbed him from the collar hitting him again and again in his stomach until unable to take it yunho fell on the floor feeling the pain in his guts

'That is for the rats you jerk!' hissed jaejoong as he dusted his hands and walked out of the cafeteria back to the class to see what happened with Junsu, as he reached he saw the door open and Junsu pouting

'Hyung! Where did you go?' pouted Junsu as jaejoong reached him

'To make the jerk pay! What happened with you Suie~?'

'I caught them all hyung, the cleaning lady is cleaning everything now and we can use it right after she finishes everything' smiled Junsu as jaejoong nodded

'Good, we can bake extra food for this evening for the sleepover' smiled jaejoong happily again as Junsu smiled and nodded

With Yunho:

Kibum helped yunho stand up again on his feets and led him to the chair; they all sat back down as leeteuk shooed everyone out threatening to hunt them down if they told anyone about what happened

'I WILL KILL HIM! HE WILL SEE!' hissed yunho with the most dangerous look in his eyes

'Calm down hyung, please~ we will go to yoochunie hyung's concert tonight and have fun so please forget about him for now~ please~' begged changmin with his best puppy eyes and cutest face pulling on yunho's sleeve afraid by the look in his hyung's eyes

'Min?' blinked yunho, it was not like changmin to defend anyone beside kibum

'SHIM CHANGMIN! ARE YOU DEFENDING SOMEONE ELSE?' kibum was angry for sure now

'What? No! bummie~ I just… that look in yunho hyung's eyes…' pouted changmin snuggling into his lover's arms

'What about the look in my eyes?' blinked yunho

'It's scary~' pouted changmin more burring his face in kibum's chest

'Fine… don't be scared min I will forget it for now!' yunho grinned his teeth already thinking of a new idea to make the sissy payback!


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Loved this story from start to end. My favorite pairings, all the fluff in the end. Just <3
Ahh my feels!
tsubakisworld #4
Chapter 53: Sry I'm a silent reader ^3^ but I really loved this Story <3 *O*I'm in love with it *O*
first_rose #5
hi, i'm here again author-shi..... happy new year 2015... keep writing ne....^^
icyalice #6
Chapter 18: Omomo... is yunho some kind of masochist or what? I can undestand he let jaejoong hit him since he likes him and else. But he let yoochun hit him too? Wouldnt that be some kind of child abuse or what? Hahaha.

Everything else is Nice btw. Im off to read the rest~
yasminasaaaa #7
Chapter 53: i'm in love with this story its perfect
changminizer21 #8
Chapter 20: i'm forever in love with this story <33 i'm re-reading it for the 20th time XDDDD
This is the first fic that i read by you. Poor Junsu but then again i really like how you portrayed the bullying scenarios. Thank god for Yoochun and Jaejong's help :P
i really love it *-* the relationship from all couple are awesome ^^ it was funny to read how became kangin and leeteuk a couple :D i dont know them but it was nice ^^