chapter 9

Love is Blind
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Chapter 9

“Seriously Changmin! Give me a break! I’m old you know!” Yunho was whining at the tall boy who about 10 metres from him. Changmin simply turned back, smirked and resumed his strutting.

Halfway into this chase, Yunho had realized that Changmin was torturing him for fun. Somehow, the earlier incident didn’t just hurt the boy but also flipped his ‘evil switch’ and the kid was making his father run around in circles.

Earlier, when Changmin had run out of Yunho’s office, Yunho followed him. He completely forgot about his fiancée who’s utterly confused about the occurrence and ran after his son. Changmin entered a bus and Yunho, without wasting any time, hailed a cab and followed the public transport. Every time the bus halted at a stop, Yunho would keep a hawk’s eye on the alighting passengers for the tall and lanky kid. When Yunho finally found Changmin leaving the bus, Yunho halted the taxi, paid the driver more than required money and ran after the boy.

Changmin was probably aware his father was tailing him, so he wanted to have his own payback. For starters, he got off two stops early form his house and walked up the streets to their apartment building while making unnecessary stops in the way. First, Changmin went to the ice cream parlour waiting for Yunho to catch up a reasonable distance which was 4 ice-creams long. When he saw Yunho was nearing where he sat, he took off again this time turning around to send a mocking face to his father and his father would whine like he is the younger of the two. Changmin then entered the local supermarket, Yunho tailing him grudgingly in the food aisles of the store. Changmin would pick up a sweet treat and look at Yunho challengingly who is telepathically telling him to behave. The attorney is aware his son is a food monster but has to control his intake, but Yunho is treading on eggshells so he could only mentally induce the boy to drop the packets of chips he is so tauntingly putting in the cart. Yunho couldn’t take it anymore and walked to Changmin and put the 5 out of 6 packets back on the shelf and went back to his earlier place on the back of the aisle. Pouting, Changmin took the chips and another 3 packs of candy and went to the cashier. He ignored his father who paid for the snacks and picked up the items and ran off putting some distance between him and his father again.

Along the way, Changmin munched on the chips and was done with 2 and a half candy bars and Yunho was panting and wheezing. Of course, he would since the sadistic boy was taking all the long routes to his home.

“Jung Changmin you are being unreasonable!” Yunho finally lost it.

They had only 5 minutes from their destination and Changmin saw red.

He was being unreasonable!

As far as he thought, his behaviour was very much within reason considering what his father had done.

“who are you calling Jung Changmin? I am Kim Changmin, Mr Jung Yunho.” Changmin addressed his father angrily, “you’ve known of our relation for only over an hour. Don’t go staking any claim on me!” and Changmin stomped off angrily. Yunho knew he had crossed a line that their newly discovered relationship had and even if they knew each other for 5 years, Yunho couldn’t immediately start being a father, and a disciplining one at that. He needed to acquire his son’s trust before that, which was close to waning because of what happened in his office. His litany of sorrys and pleading fell on deaf ears as Changmin entered the elevator and Yunho followed, still apologising but scared to make any move because of his son’s murderous glare. When their floor came, the tailing resumed till Changmin was inside the house. Yunho followed him.

“don’t wear shoes inside the house!” the boy ordered his father. Yunho, like a kicked puppy took of his shoes and wore the slippers Changmin pointed at and entered inside the living room. He was briefly immersed in his perusal of the house that he didn’t notice Changmin had gone off again.

“Changmin wait!” Yunho called after his son who entered his room and banged the door shut. Unfortunately, Yunho didn’t make it in time and ended up having the teak wood door hit him square in the face. “holy mother of God!” Yunho clutched on to his face in pain. His head hurt badly and he felt some wetness above his lips. He checked in the ornamental mirror hanging in the hallway and sure enough, there was a crimson line trailing from his nose to his lips and the skin above his left eye brow had cracked and reddened. “motherfu-”

“are you hurt?”

“fish!” Yunho rephrased his curse when Changmin walked out of his bedroom, “motherfish! That’s what I said!” Yunho supplied with a hand on his nose.

Changmin raised his eyebrow. His father was too stupid to think that he doesn’t know the exact cuss word his father was about to let out, but he’ll give him the benefit of doubt. “whatever, just go sit on the couch. I’ll get ice.” Yunho didn’t need to be told twice and he sat on the long red couch in the living room. Changmin had brought some cubes of ice in a towel and given it to Yunho who pressed it to his brow.

“am I still bleeding?” Yunho asked. Changmin came closer to his face and scrunched up his nose when he saw another drop streaming from Yunho’s nose. He nodded and Yunho let out a groan. “do you have a first aid kit?”

“we do, but I’d have to call aunty Suie to do it for you and we can’t afford to let her know you're here.”

“why do we need her to do it? You do it.”

Changmin looked at his father as if he grew horns on his head, “I c

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Chapter 17: Their journey was filled with tears, laughter, and love. Minnie is so adorable with his girlfriend, sneaky Jae trying to capture their puppy love. I wonder who was behind the camera on the airplane wedding. Surely they'll look back at all these beautiful memories and continue to create new ones. Thank you for the rollercoaster ride of emotions!
Chapter 17: Rereading because i love this ❤❤❤
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Chapter 17: Finally they are together. And now I can sleep peacefully. I have enjoyed every bit of the story.. It made laugh, cry, angry, panic and so much more emotions.. I have enjoyed it and love it so much
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Chapter 15: i very much enjoy reading this...i think your the only author that i like reading in a jaejoong girl version :)