
Light at the End of the Tunnel
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The weather was changing quickly as autumn was ending and winter was well on its way. Key shivered slightly and hugged his arms together as he walked down the side walk, passing by several leafless trees. The sky would full of dreary grey clouds that threatened to pour down rain any minute. He hoped dearly that he wouldn’t get caught in the downpour as he walked the trek to Minho’s house, but that didn’t seem likely since it was already drizzling out. He quickened his pace, reminding himself to start wearing a hoodie over his school uniform. He sighed in relief when Minho’s house finally came into sight, right as the rain let loose. He knocked on the door twice and let himself in, quickly shutting the door to the cold weather. He kicked off his shoes and made his way back to Minho’s room.

“If I wasn’t so cold I would smack you right now,” Key said, barging into the room and jumping into Minho’s bed, pulling the blankets tightly around him. Minho looked up from his homework where he was sitting at his desk and looked at Key in surprise.

“What did I do?” He asked dumbfounded. Key gave him the ‘Umma Look’, the look a mother gives their child when they’re hiding something.

“Think back to 4thperiod, that might refresh your memory,” Key told him, lying across the bed on his stomach, trying to regain some warmth. Minho frowned and thought for a minute, and then blushed.

“How did you find out?” He whispered, slightly mortified.

“Take a wild guess,” Key replied. Minho stared at him blankly and Key sighed, “Taemin saw you.”

Minho felt his heart stop and the world stopped spinning.


No way.

Taemin didn’t see that, he couldn’t have seen that!

Minho bit his lip and shut his eyes, counting to ten to calm down so he could resist the urge to punch a hole in the wall. This couldn’t be happening.

“Yeah, exactly. He was pretty upset, but I talked some sense into him that this was probably a big misunderstanding. But honestly, kissing a girl is a pretty low thing to do so I’d like you to explain yourself. And I mean everything, including why you’ve been lying to him saying that you had extra practice, because I know from Taeyeon that you haven’t,” Key told him. Minho sighed and ran a hand through his hair, trying to find a way to explain this whole mess.

Because it really wasn’t what it looked like. He’d never cheat on Taemin; he loved that boy too much to do that.

“I didn’t kiss her, and I didn’t expect her to kiss me,” Minho told him, to clear that up first.

“Who?” key asked, sniffling slightly.

“Luna,” Minho replied.

“Why were you with Luna?”

“…She’s been teaching me how to play the guitar for the last few weeks. After soccer she helps me for an hour. I didn’t tell Taemin…because I wanted to surprise him with a song,” Minho told him.

“So what happened today?” Key asked, the puzzle slowly coming together.

“She kissed me. Luna told me that she had feelings for me for awhile since we’ve been friends for a long time. She said that she just wanted to let me know how she felt, but she accepted that I loved Taemin. But she kissed me anyways,” Minho admitted.

Key was quiet for several minutes as he let this process through his mind. He was very relieved that he had been right; it had all been a huge misunderstanding. He knew that Minho loved Taemin with all his heart. He could understand why Minho had lied to him and said he was having extra soccer practices, since he was planning on surprising Taemin with a song on his guitar; but he should have came up with a better excuse because anyone could have told Taemin that there had been no extra practices.

“Well I suggest you go right now and explain everything to him before he spends the night downing tubs of banana ice cream, watching chick flicks, and crying himself to sleep,” Key advised him, unwrapping the blankets from around him and sliding off the bed.

‘Yeah…Thanks for listening, Key, and not going crazy and killing me,” Minho told him gratefully. He really was relieved that Key had kept calm about this. If anyone ever hurt Taemin, emotionally or physically, purposely or accidently, Key would go off and kick their . He may seem like a quiet, gently person, but if you messed with his baby then the Almighty Diva came out, and that was a mean .

“I trust you, Minho. I know you’d never do anything to hurt Taemin,” Key told him earnestly. Minho smiled softly and pulled

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keytomyseoul #1
Please tell me how can I read Fade into Darkness, thanks.
SuJuniorLover99 #2
Oh man, I just finished the whole thing and I've got to admit it was really sweet sometimes and really sad other times. Great story either way! Cant wait to read your others.
Yay it's finally complete. <3 I'll read this tomorrow after classes. LOL. Goodnight. <333
YAY!! The Sequel!!! <3 <3 <3..poor taeminnie :(<br />
Key's father is an and its a good thing that he died<br />
At least Key has Jjong forever <3 Gr8 wrk!!!
monteymonkey #5
SherlocKey #6
I read the Something More Than Best Friends and loved it, so I read this. <br />
Now there's another sequel?!<br />
Yay!! :D
kolmilyo #8
WHAT?<br />
Aha I kinda thought it ended, couldn't tell though c(: <br />
Great fic! <33
Already subscribed to that story. LOVE IT!!!!!! >.<