
Light at the End of the Tunnel
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Jonghyun had his arms wrapped protectively around Key as he watched the scene before him. How long had they been in the coroner’s office? And when had his parents gotten there? All he knew and all he cared about was that Key was in shock and he wasn’t speaking.

“He is a minor! Why on earth would you tell a child to look at something like that?!” Jonghyun’s mother, Sora, yelled at the doctor. Key stared blankly at the ground and lay his head on Jonghyun’s shoulder. He just wanted it to stop; he wanted to leave and go home and go to sleep. Maybe when he woke up it would all be a dream; that there had been no accident, and he hadn’t just seen his dead mother and father. Because this wasn’t happening. If this was the reality of life he didn’t want it anymore.

Jonghyun’s father, Jongwoon, sat silently as he read the police report that the doctor had given him earlier. He was going to sue this hospital and this doctor for letting Key read this without an adult present. It was almost unbelievable what had happened, there was no wonder why Key had gone into shock.

The police had tracked down the car that had hit Minho’s, they had tracked it down to the Kim house not too far from the accident. The disheveled car was sitting in the drive way, and when the police went to the door there was no answer. The neighbors said that the couple was home, so the police went in. The first thing that they had noticed as that the house smelled strongly like coppery blood. The searched around and when they got upstairs they had found two bodies in the bedroom. One had been st

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keytomyseoul #1
Please tell me how can I read Fade into Darkness, thanks.
SuJuniorLover99 #2
Oh man, I just finished the whole thing and I've got to admit it was really sweet sometimes and really sad other times. Great story either way! Cant wait to read your others.
Yay it's finally complete. <3 I'll read this tomorrow after classes. LOL. Goodnight. <333
YAY!! The Sequel!!! <3 <3 <3..poor taeminnie :(<br />
Key's father is an and its a good thing that he died<br />
At least Key has Jjong forever <3 Gr8 wrk!!!
monteymonkey #5
SherlocKey #6
I read the Something More Than Best Friends and loved it, so I read this. <br />
Now there's another sequel?!<br />
Yay!! :D
kolmilyo #8
WHAT?<br />
Aha I kinda thought it ended, couldn't tell though c(: <br />
Great fic! <33
Already subscribed to that story. LOVE IT!!!!!! >.<