
Light at the End of the Tunnel
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Flip, turn, kick, shake the hips.

“So Nyuh Shi Dae!”

Strike a pose.

Jessica stood in her position, Y-balance, with a huge smile on her face.

“Great job you guys!” Taeyeon said loudly, and everyone dropped their positions. It was after school and they were holding yet another cheer practice. Autumn sports might have been over, but winter was here so now it was time to start practicing for basketball games.

“Can I go now puh-lease?” Jessica whined, sticking out her lips in a puppy dog face. She wanted practice to end so she could hurry and rush home to get ready for her date with Onew. She only had an hour and a half left before she was supposed to meet up with him at the movie theater, and that was not enough time! Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Jessica and nodded.

“Go on, get out of here. Go get ready for your date with Onew,” She told her teasingly.

“Don’t forget to tell us all about it when you get back!” Sunny exclaimed as Jessica went to the bleachers to grab her bag.

“Oh! Make sure you have lip gloss on when he kisses you!” Sooyoung reminded her.

“Go see a scary movie so you can sit on his lap!” Hyoyeon giggled.

“No, see a romantic one so you can cuddle up to him.”

“GIRLS! I said Sica can go, the rest of you get back to practice!” Taeyeon yelled, saving Jessica from any more embarrassment. The rest of the squad groaned loudly and grumbled but when back to cheering. Jessica threw Taeyeon a thankful smile and headed for the door. Her mother was waiting outside in the parking lot, Jessica had texted her earlier to pick her up after practice since she didn’t want to walk home in the rain. She quickly pranced over to the silver car and sat in the passenger seat, closing the door.

“Hi, umma!” She greeted happily, leaning over to give her mom, Saejung, a hug.

“Hey, sweetie, how was practice?” Saejung asked her, starting the car and backing out of the parking lot.

“It was great, we finished up one cheer and tomorrow morning we’re starting a new one,” Jessica informed her.

“That’s good. Well, your father and I will be going out tonight to dine with some of his co-workers. I don’t want to leave Krystal home tonight with Sulli, so can they tag along with you to the movies?” Saejung asked, driving towards their home.

“What?! No! Mom, I’m going on a date they can’t come with me! Why can’t they go over to Amber or Luna’s for the night?” Jessica refused as her mom parked the car. She opened the door and slammed it shut behind her.

 “Because Luna and Amber are busy this weekend with family stuff,” Saejung informed her. She generally knew the schedule’s of all Krystal’s friends since they were over so often. Instead of two daughters she felt like she had five. Jessica glared at her and stomped into the house. Krystal and Sulli peaked out from the kitchen and giggled when Jessica glared at them.

“You two aren’t coming with me!” She yelled loudly, stomping upstairs to her room. She grabbed her towel and toiletries and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.

After she was finished, she went back to her room to get dressed. This was the part that generally took the longest. It was only a movie date, so she shouldn’t have to get too dressed up. But since her mom was forcing her to bring Sulli and Krystal, she had to dress up a little. She got dressed and out on some make-up and pulled her hair into a ponytail before deciding that she looked good enough. Glancing at the clock she thought it was probably time to start heading out. She turned off her lights and headed downstairs.

“Mom! I’m leaving now!” She yelled, and Krystal and Sulli ran out of the kitchen covered in white stuff.

“Wait! We’re not ready yet!” Krystal exclaimed, running upstairs with Sulli right behind her.

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keytomyseoul #1
Please tell me how can I read Fade into Darkness, thanks.
SuJuniorLover99 #2
Oh man, I just finished the whole thing and I've got to admit it was really sweet sometimes and really sad other times. Great story either way! Cant wait to read your others.
Yay it's finally complete. <3 I'll read this tomorrow after classes. LOL. Goodnight. <333
YAY!! The Sequel!!! <3 <3 <3..poor taeminnie :(<br />
Key's father is an and its a good thing that he died<br />
At least Key has Jjong forever <3 Gr8 wrk!!!
monteymonkey #5
SherlocKey #6
I read the Something More Than Best Friends and loved it, so I read this. <br />
Now there's another sequel?!<br />
Yay!! :D
kolmilyo #8
WHAT?<br />
Aha I kinda thought it ended, couldn't tell though c(: <br />
Great fic! <33
Already subscribed to that story. LOVE IT!!!!!! >.<