Chapter 5 : Fun Things

Juliet, the vampire
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When on my way to go back home , Jung Soo Ri keep following me from behind . I feel annoyed so I turn around and said to her : " why do you keep following me ? "
" Eh ? I'm not . I go this way too, you know ." walking while pointing at the same way I'm going . Without telling her , I turn to another path way to walk home but she keep follow on me no matter where I'm going . " Hey ~ Join the band club . " She asked me again .
" I said I only play for fun . " 
" Don't you think it a waste of your talent to just 'play for fun' ? Let's practise together and put on an awesome show at the festival , huh ? " she groan . But I keep on silent and I don't want to listen to her. " It has been my dream ! I need you if I want to fulfil it~ "
" but I say I don't want to . How many times do I need to repeat myself ? " I finally say something to her . 
" I don't believe you . If you come to the band club , you can play that guitar as much as you want . How could you not want to ? Is there reason you can't join ? If there is . Then tell me . I'll help you . "
I look away while said : " I'm going to study . " 
" w-what ? Stu-udy ? Opphhhsss ! I almost threw up ! " act like wanna to threw up . Then she said again : " Man, you're saying some boring stuff . To spend your teenage years on studying . You're quite boring aren't you ? " she look at me with a serious look . " Are you going to study all thoughout high school and graduate without any memories ? "
" yeah, I am . "
" you're going to graduate in a year . Don't you feel like It's gonna be a waste to spend that year on studying ? "
" no . I actually wish time went by faster . "
" Then what do you do when you want to play guitar ? "
" I can play it at home . " 
" Don't you feel lonely after transferring ? Come to t

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