Chapter 8

When Love Stirkes



Love is just a word until someone special gives it a meaning. Finally, the moment that both of them especially Suho had been waiting for comes true. He don’t have to worry about losing her anymore because they were officially a couple and Sasya felt so blessed and don’t have to worry about being single for her entire life anymore, thanks to Suho. They had been a couple for a month and everything seems to be going on so well between them.

Sasya was fully recovered from her ankle injury and was now back on track with her other team members. After discovering out the truth, Seohyun and Sunny were disqualified from the competition and was being replaced by other helper players. Overwhelmed with joy upon being back on the field for training. As promised, due to Sasya’s injury, the big match was being postponed and it was tomorrow. In addition, it will be the last match Sasya was going to play for the school before her graduation next week. She ensures that she will achieve victory again.

It’s the last few minutes before the whole entire match ended. The score is now 18 against 19. One more score and Royal High School claimed to be the victory. All of the players in the field were swooning with exhaustion. All had serious and focused expression plastered on their faces. It was always so intense especially when it was coming to an end. Sasya closed her eyes and prayed. A few seconds later, she opened her eyes and focused it on the hundreds of spectators that came to watch. She managed to spot her boyfriend. Suho noticed her and did a warm, confident smile. He did a love sign using his finger causing Sasya to beam with happiness, giving her strength to continue.

“PPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!” the whistle went off and the pressurizing part rose tremendously. One of the East High players intends to pass the ball to his team member when Minzy blocked it using her coach defender’s technique. She then passed the ball to the striker which happened to be Sasya. Due to her strong capability, all of the opponent crowd around her and like a pro, Sasya confused them by doing light kick to the ball in different directions. Once it was the perfect time to attack, she aim and quickly kicked the ball. It landed successfully in the goalpost.

The spectators immediately stood up and cheered their lungs out, including the Royal High School players. Sasya was being lifted up by her team members, tossing her up and down while cheering out loud. The principal presented the huge gold trophy to Sasya as a captain of the team and took a few photos. Most of the spectators came towards the field to congratulate them2.

Both Suho and Sasya spotted each other and they run as fast as they can into each other’s embrace. Overload with joy, Suho surrounded his arms around her waist and lifted her up, turning a few rounds, squealing in excitement.

“Congratulations baby!!” he wished

“Thanks babe! Phew, it was a tough game but I made it. Thanks for your support babe!” Sasya thanked him and smile, revealing a row of gleaming teeth.

Suho lifted up her chin and pressed his lips against hers and they kiss in the middle of the field when someone saw it.

“Ugh, get a room will you?”Baekhyun joked

“Yah, can you don’t into people’s business. It’s not like the first time you’re seeing someone making out,” Kai nagged

“You know why Baekhyun hyung said that? He is just jealous because he still hasn’t found himself a girlfriend,” Sehun added

“Yah Sehun, don’t put words into my mouth! I will get myself a hot looking girl. Just wait and see,” Baekhyun assured

“Errmm guys, how many times have he said that already?” Tao added

“About 20 times including today. But still…..,” Luhan said

“FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” all of them shouted at him

Baekhyun was so angry that he yelled back and attacked all of them violently.   

Suho and Sasya burst out into hysterical laughter.

Hours passed so quickly. The players just finished showering, looking so fresh and were busy chit chatting about their victory while packing up their stuffs. On the other hand, Sasya take a sit located at the spectator’s area, drying her wet hair with a towel, at the same time, admiring the huge, gigantic field.

“Hey Sasya, are you joining us? Coach is organizing a small party at the hall, to celebrate our victory and moreover, it’s his last day coaching us. He is flying off to Italy remember?” Minzy reminded her

‘Yeah, I remember. You guys just go on without me first, I’ll come later,” Sasya told them

With that, they leave Sasya alone.


Honestly, I felt like crying because from tomorrow onwards, I’m not going to be stepping onto this field again. I share four years of friendship with it. Before Suho came into my life, this field had been my best friend, my first love, my stress reliever and my most favourite place to slack. This field was my all time witness from me being a normal team player to captain of the team. I’m seriously going to miss this place. There were too many memories to be forgotten that it starts to replay in my mind like a video player. I giggled to myself, recalling back about the stupid moments during practice for my first year in high school. I accidentally kicked the ball too hard that it landed on the coach private part.

“Am I interrupting your date with a ghost? Aiish, just look at this girl. You never even dry your hair properly. You can catch a cold don’t you know that?” a familiar male voice asked, and he immediately snatched the small towel from my grip and continue to dry it gently

“Wae? Are you jealous? And can you stop treating me like a little kid? Now I know how Su Jin feels,” I teased

“Of course I am! Well the both of you got to be thankful for having a concern person like me. Hmph!” Suho joked

“Aiiggooo, trying to show tantrums now? So childish! Haha! But still cute as ever!” Sasya complimented and squeezed his puffy cheeks

 “Anyways, why didn’t you join the rest at the party? You’re the star for the party. I thought you were there but Minzy told me you’re here alone. Everything ok babe? ” he answered, while taking a sit beside me, picking up a plate filled with slices of pizza.

The aroma of the barbeque sauce was making me so hungry. I told him the reason or else he would think that his girlfriend was a crazy maniac, laughing to herself for no reason. I ended up telling him about the memories that I had in that very field. We burst out laughing with Suho adding some funny stuff turning the story into a parody.

“You really had lots of hysterical memories during your junior year’s babe. Here have a slice of pizza, I know you’re starving,” he told me

I am about to take one slice when he stopped me.

“You must be tired from training aren’t you? I’ll feed you arra?” he said sweetly

“Thanks babe,” I thanked him

He fed me and feed himself as well. I wipe of the stains at the side of his mouth and feeling bad, I feed him in a pampered way.  I may look like a party type of person but once again, don’t judge. I prefer to be in a quiet and peaceful environment where you could actually relax your mind and that’s when good memories tend to get back into your head. After eating the pizzas, we had some moments of silence, admiring the huge field that looked like a stadium.

The cool breeze brushed up our faces, causing my goose bumps to rise due to the coolness sensation. I moved in closer to him and automatically, he removed his thick red hoodie and wrapped my body with it. To make me feel warmer, he cuddled me like a teddy bear. That’s the kind of warmth I want. Hehe. I felt his lips touching my forehead and his fingers brushing through my moist hair. It felt comfortable leaning against his chest.

“Bae, how long do you think we will last? I asked

“Now that question does not exist in our relationship dictionary. I will make it last for eternity. I can’t bear to lose you and I promise I won’t. To prove it, I have something for you,” he told me

I lifted up my face and gave him that guessing stare. With that cheeky smile of his, I am assuming that there must be something up his sleeves. He then took out a blind fold cloth from his pocket and told me the instructions.

“Firstly, you have to be blind folded first, or else it wouldn’t be a surprise. Secondly, you have to do whatever I told you to ok?” he explained

“Sounds simple,” I said

He helped me with the blind fold and slowly, led me down the steps, hugging my waist all the time, incase if I were to fall anytime. All I could sense was my feet which kept moving down step by step and I felt like it’s never ending. I sighed on my fifteen steps when finally I managed to land on the flat grassy ground. I heard lots of footsteps after that and a few strange noises, like as if people are setting up things.

“Bae, what are you really going to do to me? Are we alone?” I said feeling so anxious

“You’ll see,” a different voice could be heard

“Wait, you’re not Suho. Yah who are you?” I exclaimed, about to removed but that someone blocked it

Suddenly, I heard the sound of someone strumming the guitar in a very melodic and soothing tune. I paused and try to use my sense of hearing to detect where it came from.

Your hands fits in mine like it’s made just for me, but bear this in mind it was meant to be, and I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all make sense to me. I know you never loved, the crinkles by your eyes, when you smile you’ve never loved, your stomach or your thighs. The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I loved them endlessly. I won’t let this little things slip ou…out of my mouth, but if I do, it’s you, oh it’s you, they add up to. I’m in love with you and all this little things~~’ sang that familiar soothing voice

I removed the blind fold cloth instantly, exposing my curious eyes to know what was really going on. Standing beside me was Xiumin and he signaled me to focus my vision to the front. To my surprised, being displayed right in front of me, was like a small stage which was being occupied by Lay who was strumming the guitar and  Suho, who was singing the song with full of emotions just by seeing his facial expression. I’m totally speechless.

‘You can’t go to bed, without a cup of tea, and maybe that’s the reason that you talked in your sleep. And all those conversation are the secrets that I keep though it makes no sense to me. I know you’ve never loved the sound of your voice on tape, you never want to know how much you weigh, you still love to squeeze into your jeans, but you’re perfect to me~~’ he continued singing, going down the small stage walking towards me

The way he looked and stared at me in the eyes feels like he was the guy that was meant for me. As he was getting closer, my eyes were glossy with tears. Our hands finally clasped and it felt like we’re in our own world. I blushed shyly and hide my face against his chest when I could feel his arms wrapped around my waist singing the bridge part.

‘You never loved yourself how first much as I love you. You never treat yourself right, darling but I want you to. If I let you knowwwwwww….I’m here for you. Maybe you’ll love yourself, like I love you..Oh….and I’ve just let this little things, slip, out, of my mouth~~`

We stare at each other intensely with full of lust

‘Cause it’s you~’ our foreheads are in contact

‘Oh it’s you; it’s youuuuu they add up to. And I’m in love with you~~~and all this little things~,” he ended the song off, with our eyes still fixed on each others

“You sang it beautifully babe. Thank you so much,” I thanked him

“Happy Monthsary to us babe. I love you, forever,” he wished

This was just too sweet for me to reply it verbally. He wipes off the tears of happiness that had been flowing out from my eyelids with his bare hands. I threw myself at him and brush my fingers over the curl of his lips. I then jerk backwards due to the huge round of applause and cheers made by his friends, my coach and my team members. Each of them was holding a rectangular board with huge letters printed on it, forming a sentence when all of them positioned themselves. I was distracted by that when Suho gets my attention back to him.

“I’ve never done a proper proposal to you since you’re busy preparing for your match so I’m going to do it now. Ani, I’m going to do it every year in fact. I’m going to propose to you every year so can you please answer the question that I am about to present to you? Honestly arra? You may turn to your right now,” he said, doing a back hug to me, waiting patiently.

Sasya, will you be mine forever?

Pure joy seeped through my entire body and I almost lost my balance, moving a few steps backwards. Automatically, tears of happiness gush out from my eyes like a waterfall. I covered my mouth, to control myself from squealing. I faced Suho who seemed to be blushing, showing signs of nervousness. “Say yes, say yes, say yes, say yes, say yes~~~” yelled the others in excitement.

I nodded and threw myself to his embrace. The others exploded some party poppers to us and started to make some noise and some of my team members’ just watch, feeling so touched like they were watching a love drama with a happy ending. We both let out a shy laugh at the same time staring at each other. I then surrounded my arms around his neck and with his strong arms around my waist. He attacked my lips, pressing it against mine as our tongue battle for entry.

“Thank you for accepting. Love you babe,” Suho wished and continued making out with me while I just smirk

I close my eyes, enjoying every moment of the kiss hoping that it will never end. Kim Suho, thank you for appearing in my life and made me realised that there was still someone who wants to be with me for the rest of his life.    

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