Chapter 7

When Love Stirkes


A few minutes had passed and nothing came out from Suho’s mouth. Due to that, it caused Sasya’s face to darken in frustration. Giving Suho a chance before she explodes, she asked the same exact question to him again. Unfortunately, it was a failure to get the answer out of him. Sasya let out a sighed, feeling so pissed.

“Nope, I don’t,” Suho lied

“You’re lying. You’re lying to yourself in fact. Like you said before, you may lie to me but your actions can’t. I can see it in your eyes. Is it that hard to be straight forward?” Sasya snarled for the first time at Suho

“And I already told you my answer! I don’t like you more than a friend alright?!” Suho raised his voice

“Then be honest with me, are you into soccer because of interest purposes or are you into soccer because of other reasons?” Sasya raised her voice back at him, her face suffused with anger

It’s getting much more pressurizing for Suho to be direct with her because he was not prepared and assumed that this kind of awful things might occur between him and Sasya. Pangs of guilt hits Suho and instead of continuing the conversation which will eventually turned out into a huge argument, Suho was being a bit stubborn and just keep his mouth shut. Sasya’s persuading eyes never left him and same goes for Suho’s apologetic stare. “HEY SASYA!” called out her team members from far.

They kept staring without caring about what was happening on their surroundings. Sasya definitely know the answer. Their stare break when Minzy touched Sasya on the shoulder. All of her other team members greeted her and asked about her condition. Sasya act as per normal so that they wouldn’t suspect anything while Suho pretend to watch something on his laptop. Fed up, Sasya decided to go back to her ward and invited her team members along.

“How’s the game?” I asked

“What game? There is no game at all,” Minzy informed me

“No game? It can’t be. I thought coach already fixed the date with East High school?” I asked in curiosity

“Thanks to someone, it was being postponed to next month. It’s no fun without you in the field,” she said with the others agreeing

“What do you mean thanks to someone? Who?” Sasya enquired curiously  


Why must all of this happen? Am I back to my coward self again? My brain was too tired to think and I was steeped in guilt. In this case, it wasn’t her fault at all. She had the right to be stern with me. The problem now was me. I’ve been dragging it for too long and I think I’m being obvious that it urged her to find out the truth. Aiish, me and my foolish, dumb actions. If only I have the guts to confess everything to her but too bad, I’m born as a coward and it annoys me to the max.

“Just because she likes soccer, I have to follow the same interest as her to win her heart? Pfft… that’s so stupid of me,” I insulted myself

Oh well, I can kiss my hopes goodbye having her as a girlfriend. I know from the start it’s not gonna happened. I looked up at the sky that was filled with blankets of stars shinning down on earth. I really could relate myself to the stars above. It only depends on the sun to produce lights while I only depend on people to get whatever I want. This has got to stop. To think in a positive way, all of the bad experienced that I’ve encountered makes me a stronger person. I’m slowly learning from my mistakes now. I was day dreaming about my life when I could sense someone beside me.

“May I sit beside you?” that familiar voice asked

Feeling hurt, I said nothing but to look downwards. In my mind, I could already picture and assumed that this will be the last time I’m gonna be seeing and speaking to her. I’m prepared for it. Negative thoughts were attacking my head when she said something that turned it into a positive one. She apologised? I shifted my eyes to her who was so guilt-ridden.

“I’m sorry for being harsh to you earlier and thank you for what you’ve done. I’m so ashamed to even look at you in the eyes right now. What you did was very meaningful to me. I don’t even know how to repay back what you did,” she lamented

She sobbed and tears already forming in her hazelnut pupils. Our eyes met at last and she continued speaking.

“I must be your first worst friend isn’t it? It’s ok if you don’t want to accept my apology because I really deserve it, I deserve much more worst than that actually.  I didn’t mean to be stern with you but things happened for a reason. Tsk…. And I had my own reasons and I should tell you as I’m being kinda selfish,” she said and then paused for a while

The moment I heard her sobbed, my heart felt uneasy instantly. I felt bad for ignoring and not talking to her. I’m prepared to listen on what she was about to tell by waiting patiently.

“Ever since my childhood days, most of my friends were guys. I never had some special feelings towards them until I get to know you. I feel different every time when I’m with you. I feel more secure and the way you treat me for the past few months made me feel like I’m important unlike my other guy friends who doesn’t treat things seriously most of the time, even my parents who were always doing overseas business trips. But you’re different. You cared for me, you’re always there for me when I’m having a hard time and you’re the first guy friend that never fails to make me smile and happy like almost all the time. I never feel lonely whenever I’m with you,”

“You’re the most awesome guy friend that I had ever had that I don’t want to lose you. That’s why I’m acting sternly towards you because I wanna know your real feelings towards me. The truth is I like you; it’s just that I’m scared of being rejected. I’m not confident when it comes to confessing. It’s nothing new though. I could predict that I’m going to be single for life. I mean let’s be frank with each other; most guys in the world would go for girls that have the looks, body figure and especially well-mannered attitude. Pfft…which guy would go after a girl that is rude, ill-mannered and have a tomboyish character like me?” she looked down on herself

“I would,” I told her honestly


I laughed in disbelief and shook my head from side to side. He gotta be joking. No guys would ever want me as their girlfriend.

“Honestly, I don’t mind having a girlfriend like that. So what if you don’t have the looks or figure? Not all girls are perfect and what makes you think girls with the perfect features and figures are all angels? They are no different from us Sasya. Humans will surely encounter mistakes in their life. What’s the point of being close to perfect when your attitude ? Don’t you ever look down on yourself alright? Don’t compare yourself to others because you’re perfect in my eyes,” he told me sincerely

My heart almost stopped beating. I felt so touched that I felt like pouring out my tears again. Honestly, no one ever said something sweet to me like that before. None of my guy friends, none of them ever complimented me on my looks and Suho seemed to be the first one.

“Jinja! I’m not kidding. Other guys or girls could comment whatever they want to comment about you but the truth is, I just like you to be the way you are. Maybe in other people’s eyes they would rate you about average when it comes to looks but when you ask me, to be frank you’re different in a way that you’re the only girl that is beautiful in my eyes. Pfft, you may think that I’m saying this for the sake of saying but I really mean it and I guess I have to answer your previous question that you posted to me earlier?” he reminded

I’m wondering whether he will be honest with me, or will he try to drag the answer till the right time comes. However, I must not only depend on my instinct or prediction. I could not set high expectation on this one because it’s just too complicated to do so. As always, I’m prepared for bad news instead of good news. Deep down inside, I know I will be rejected.


“I know I’m not good in hiding secrets even my own secrets and it looks like it’s too obvious to you isn’t it?  I tried, really tired my very best to hide the fact that I actually like you. In the end, I end up failing…again…. Most guys and my friends thought I am crazy to fall in love with a tomboyish girl like you but it’s funny that I get attracted to you. I still remember our first eye contact at the school field. That’s when I started to fall for you. I’ve been like your stalker from that moment on. My friends could teased me as much as they want but whenever they want to introduce me to their other girl friends, I just can’t seem to get myself to like them because you always appeared in my mind and I lose interest in them on the spot,” I paused

“Thinking about it, I’ve been so stupid for not approaching you much earlier and I feel so dumb to get angry whenever I was to see you with any random guy, even a teacher. I feel broken seeing you being with other guys, wishing that they were me, it just doesn’t feel right you know? Haiz… those stupid moments of mine,” I continue confessing

She giggled without showing me that she was actually blushing. Her cheeks were burning red and we both steal glances at each other shyly. Bravely, I intertwined my fingers into hers to get her attention to me. I’m almost succeeding. Just a few more words, hopefully.

“And to conclude my answer, I really, really like you, a lot,” I confessed feeling afraid

“Like me?” she exclaimed in despair causing me to be panic

“Ani…that’s not what I mean…I …what I mean…I..,” I stuttered

“I love Kim Suho,” she exclaimed

I panic thinking of how to explain to her when her sentence made my mind go blank. My eyes went wide open in amazed and I asked her to repeat what she just said for a few times. She accepted? SHE ACCEPTED?!!!!


“Yah, I’m not gonna repeat after this arra?! So open up your ears so that you’ll hear it clearly. I accepted Kim Suho to be my soul mate and I will really welcome him into my life. I will promise to cherish him because I believe he is a special gift send by the above. He is a part of my life now. And hope this relationship of ours will last long,” Sasya confessed

“And I Kim Suho will promise to take full responsibility of you and will love you for eternity as to repay for accepting my proposal. You’re my most special girl from now onwards (checking his watch) 10:36pm, 3 of October 2014. I will never forget this date ever. Loosing you is like losing a part of my life and I will make sure that doesn’t happen. I love you!” Suho confessed, hands still gripping onto hers

“Hahah, yah, we acted as if we’re getting married. Hahaha,” Sasya laughed

Both of them laugh out loud and a sense of satisfaction hits them like a lightning. They paused for a moment and stare into each other’s eyes feeling so blessed to further their step into a boy and girl relationship stage. Suho touched her face. His thumb skimming her cheek-bone, intense and insistent. He drew himself closer to her and presses his lips into hers, touching her cheeks to slow the kiss as he doesn’t want to end it so soon, holding closer to his so that they could feel every place where their lips touch.

“This must be your first kiss?” Suho joked, forehead still in contact with hers

Sasya laughed and replied.

“Haha… I bet it’s your first time too?”

They chuckled, with Suho’s arms surrounding her waist, pulling her closer towards him and continue their kissing.


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