Chapter 4

When Love Stirkes


So, should I take that his answer was a ‘yes’ just by seeing the flabbergasted expression that was being plastered on his face right now? But on the other hand, it can’t be 100% truth as well. Only God knows what his real answer was and I couldn’t assumed without any evidence. He was about to breathe a word when it’s being interrupted by a phone call.

He apologised and answered the call. If only his phone didn’t ring, I could have known his answer, or should I also said it might be a fake answer.

“What?!!! Andwe….Su Jin…,” Suho panicked

“What’s wrong?” I asked, feeling concerned

“Which hospital? I’m coming right now!” Suho exclaimed through the receiver

Something big might have happened to his brother, as he ran towards the taxi stand right after he ended the call. Feeling worried, I tailed him and help him flagged for a cab. In a few seconds time, we managed to get one. In the cab, Suho elaborated about the conversation that he had earlier with Kris, informing him that Su Jin was experiencing blood loss due to having a fight with his school mate. Suho and I were paralyzed with fear.

My goodness, why in the world would Su Jin get involved in a fight? I requested the cab driver to speed up and finally we reached in a few minutes time. I paid for the cab as Suho was already rushing in the emergency room to rescue his brother. I went in and saw Kris calming Suho down. I saw Su Jin lying unconscious on the hospital bed, his head being bandaged and the bandage was covered with fresh blood. Kris and I, kept saying positive sayings to Suho just to comfort him down when the doctor interrupted.

“Kim Suho? You’re Su Jin’s brother right?” he asked, checking some documents on his clipboard

“Yes! Is my little brother going to be ok?!! Is he?!!!” Suho yelled in anger

“Calm down. He is suffering from blood loss. I need to give you a blood a test to see if it matches with your brother. If yes, then he could be save,” explained the doctor and with no further a due, Suho went for the blood test.

Once the results were being revealed, it doesn’t matches unfortunately. Suho and Kris had a little argument with the doctor when I tend to get fed up, I just volunteered myself to donate some of my blood to Su Jin since we’re both blood type “O”. After the doctor rejected Kris’s offer to donate his blood due to family purposes, I lied to the doctor, saying that I’m Su Jin’s sister as I know he wouldn’t allow me to donate my blood if I were to revealed my relationship with Su Jin. At last, the problem had been solved and I went to sign some forms and proceed to the bed beside Su Jin.


Phew, thank you God for saving my brother. Relief flows through my entire blood and I let out a thankful sigh. I thanked Sasya a few times and wait outside the emergency room with Kris. While waiting, Kris told me about what he witnessed earlier as he saw my brother having an argument outside an internet café while Kris was on his way home. I shook my head from side to side reflecting about my brother’s behavior and stood up from my seat to take a look at him. However, my intention was to check out on my brother’s condition, but in the end, my eyes betrayed me by looking at Sasya instead. The questioned that was being posted by her just now, replayed in my mind. Am I jealous? Hmmmm….

“Don’t worry about it too much,” Kris told me, while a cone of ice-cream

“Nah, I’m not. My brother is strong and I know he will regain back his conscious,” I assured him

“It’s not your brother I’m talking about. I’m talking about Sasya. Don’t think about it too much, you’ll win her heart, I’m sure of it,” he said

Ok, Kris was starting to scare the out of me. How the hell does he knows what I had in my mind? Pfft, after knowing him for more than 4 years, I’m used to it, so there was nothing to be amazed at. I gotta admit, my actions could be really obvious at times. Since I couldn’t take the jealousy feeling any longer, I decided to have a heart to heart chat with him as we made our way back to the chairs.


The blood donation was done in 30 minutes. Su Jin was still unconscious but the doctor assured Sasya that he will regain back his conscious the latest by tomorrow morning and he will have to spend his night in the hospital to ensure that his condition will be stable. With that, Sasya thanked the doctor and went out of the room to inform Suho about Su Jin when she paused her pace upon hearing a conversation regarding about her. Curiosity engulfed Sasya’s entire body that it urged her to eavesdrop their conversation.

 “Seriously Kris, I would do anything, anything to win her heart. But how the hell am I supposed to do that when someone is interrupting? Too make it worst, he is like the popular guy in school and she is also the popular girl in school. I mean why she would go for a normal, typical guy like me, when there are better ones like that Wooyoung guy? Haiz…I had a feeling it’s not gonna make it,” Suho said

Sasya exposed herself to them, pretending to check her pulse as if she had just ended the blood donation. Sasya explained the details to Suho and his fear and worried feeling towards his brother tend to reduce every second that passed. “Thank you so much for your help. You guys can go home, I’ll take care of Su Jin,” Suho told them. Sasya offered to accompany him but Suho insisted that she should go home. Kris signal to Sasya and being understanding, she agreed to Suho’s decision. Kris and Sasya bid their farewell.

“Suho, take care alright? Su Jin will be fine,” said Sasya

“Yeah….thanks,” Suho said, unenergetically

Kris do feel concern about his friend but he decided to leave Suho alone to let him cool down and reflect about whatever he said. Suho sauntered into the room and sit beside his brother’s bed. He then started to day dream and reflect about what he told Kris and what Kris advice him to do. His brain was too lethargic that he fell asleep in a few seconds time.


One week passed so quickly that it only felt like it’s only been a day. Lots of events were happening in the college, especially for the soccer club. There will be a competition between Royal High School and East High School on Friday this week. Due to that, Sasya and Suho never met that often and each of them were focusing on their busy schedule. Moreover, Suho had been trying and forcing himself to avoid hanging out with Sasya because whenever he does that, the feeling of not able to achieve something that he wanted the most started to take control over his emotions, especially when Wooyoung happened to be with them.

Suho was singing random and scribbling something on his worksheet when his mate, D.O. was happily chatting loudly with his girlfriend on his phone. Suho felt so annoyed by it and let out a sigh of frustration, rolling his eyes at him. D.O. ended his call with sweet, lovely words, causing Suho to be disgusted by it.

“Are you ok? Why so angry all of a sudden? And by the way, you wanna go on a double date with me this weekend? My girlfriend is bringing her friend along and she doesn’t have a partner. Who knows it might be a golden opportunity for you to start a relationship, hehehe,” D.O offered

“Yah! Why must you ask me? What? Doubled date? You think I’m that free to go on a date? Aiish, you can ask the rest arra?!” Suho exclaimed in anger and leave the classroom

D.O. gave an unbelievable stare as he watched Suho leaving when Chanyeol who had been listening to their conversation said,

“You’ve asked the wrong guy man. Suho would only go on a date if the girl is Sasya. By the way, is your girlfriend’s friend pretty?” Chanyeol asked, having an intention to try his luck for a soul mate

Suho was on his way to the rooftop garden of the school when he once again bumped in Wooyoung and Sasya. Suho wanted to apologise but the moment his eyes met Wooyoung, he stop. Sasya greeted him in a friendly manner and all Suho did was smile and hurried his steps, to avoid his poor eyes from staring at the heartbreaking scene. Guilt hits Sasya right in the heart but she kept on having a positive mindset. She and Wooyoung continued their journey to the school gym.


The sun at noon was high in the sky causing my shrunken shadow on the hard ground. We practiced a few matches and did a few drills with the coach to get us prepared for the competition happening two days later. I was resting and as I recalled back from the start of practice, I didn’t speak or talk that much to my team members. I only talk when it’s necessary which was not normal. I’m usually the endorphin but today was tremendously different. My poor coach has to shout out my name a few times to wake me up from my day dreaming moments. I have no idea why Suho kept appearing in my mind.

I heard the sound of the whistle being blown and the match begin. Alright Sasya, time to put in my full concentration on the game. As a captain I can’t set bad examples for my team mates. The match went on smoothly, I was about to kick the ball that Minzy passed to me when out of a sudden Seohyun pushed me harshly causing me to land on the floor. I’m trying to get up but Sunny stepped my left ankle, putting in full force on it. I yelled in pain. The coach couldn’t see what was happening as Yuri was blocking. Sunny then kicked the ball whenYuri  kicked me harshly right on the same exact painful spot that Sunny had stepped on. I heard a crack and screamed in pain. I felt an electrifying pain that was so unbearable. All of my mates crowd around me, including my coach. The coach end the practice session and help to call for the medics. Everyone except for Seohyun and Sunny was helping me to not move my body so much.

“Ahhh!!! Its hurts!!! AAAOOOWWW!!!!” I cried and moan in pain, rolling back and forth to bear with the excruciating pain that I can’t even get up after trying a couple of times.

With no one paying attention to Yuri and Sunny, they flashed a smirk on their face as if sending a message that they did it on purpose. But for what reason? Were they taking this practice session so seriously, taking the other team as their real opponent that they need to include violence? It’s just a practice for God sake. They had been my team mates for 2 years and I don’t remember having any conflict with any of them. Why were they being so cruel to me now? I’m so in pain that I had no mood to start an argument with them. It’s so obvious that they did it on purpose.

The medics came and they placed me on the stretcher. I’m still yelling and groaning in pain as I was being led into an ambulance. It felt like years to reach the emergency ward. Nurses and doctors rushed to me and did what they can to reduce the pain for me.

The brilliant rays of the morning sun shone right through the curtains that it woke me up from my slumber. I sit upright and stretch when I felt a sudden strike of pain coming from my left foot. I removed the quilt and realised that my foot was being bandage and it hurts when I move it. I wanted to get down from the bed but I was shocked when I saw someone sleeping, with his head resting at the side of the bed. I accidentally yelled. He instantly get up with eyes half opened.

“Suho?” I asked in surprised

“Oh? You’re awake? Sorry to scare you,” he apologised when we’re being greeted by the doctor

“Morning doc. How is my condition? Can I go home soon?” I asked

“Well, I’m afraid not. You’re ankle isn’t fully heal. You can only go home in on week time, depending on your ankle. I’ve contacted your parents in Germany. They’ll be back two days later,” explained the doctor

“Ok, so is my injury that serious? Or is it just a minor one?” I asked

“Ermm…. Do you mind?” he signal Suho

Suho gets the hint and he allowed me and the doctor to have some privacy.


I went to the washroom to wash my face so that I will feel fresh. I rubbed my face continuously to keep myself awake. As I walked back to Sasya’s ward, I heard sobs. I was about to turn the knob when I saw Sasya crying while the doctor just look downwards in guilt. What’s happening in there?

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