Chapter 6

When Love Stirkes


Yesterday had passed and a new day was being welcomed. It was not just an ordinary day today. In fact, it was a very special but yet a despondent day for Sasya. It’s already 2pm in the afternoon. While her other team members were warming up in the field, she had to be stuck on the hospital bed. It’s still hard for Sasya to accept the fact about her injury. The game will be starting in one hours time and all Sasya could do now was only to imagine herself being on the field, with hundreds of spectators cheering and screaming their lungs out.

She felt lonely because since morning, no one had visited her. Most of her friends were busy preparing for the game and some were there as spectators. She was expecting Suho to visit because he was the only one who had been visiting her regularly at this hour. However, he doesn’t seem to appear.

“Haiz… he must be watching the game with his friend,” she sniveled

She curled herself, hugging her knees since her ankle doesn’t hurt that much and rested her chin on her knees, staring sadly outside the window, picturing how the atmosphere was like in the field.

She skipped her lunch and dinner. She had been listening to sentimental songs just to calm herself and make her forget about the game. She kept checking the time on the clock and still no visitors. It’s almost 9pm and her eyes were hurt upon staring at the screen for too long. She put her I Pad aside when she was flabbergasted with Suho standing like a ghost beside her.

“Hahahaha!! Did I come at a bad timing?” he teased

Sasya smile dejectedly and keep quiet.


I hope he was not here to tell me about the game. I would cry a river if he does that. I look away from him, blinking away the tears that was about to pour. He apologised for being late which I didn’t expect at all. He then sit in front of me and wipe away my tears with his bare hands and smile warmly that stopped my tears from flowing out.

“Let’s not think about the game ok? The competition means nothing without you being on the field. Can you walk?” he asked

“A little,” I asked back

“Wanna go get some fresh air?” he offered

Since its boring being in this room for hours, I accepted his offer. Suho helped me up at the same time using his other hand to reach for the stretcher. He passed me the stretcher but I accidentally put on pressure on my injured ankle that I jerked my left foot away from the floor and fell into his arms. We had a few moments of eye contact.

“You ok? Careful,” he reminded me

Once I’m stable with both the stretcher and his support, we slowly made our way out of the ward. We entered a lift accompanied by two middle aged couple who pressed the open button till we’re fully inside the lift. I and Suho thanked them for their kind deed. Suho’s arms were still surrounding my waist for support.

“Such a sweet couple. How long have you guys been together?” asked the middle aged lady

“Oh, he is no----,”

“We’ve been together for already 2 months,” Suho lied, surrounding his arms around me

“Ah… I see... From what I see, the both of you make the perfect couple and could last long. Hwaiting!” exclaimed the man and the both of them exit the lift, leaving me and Suho

“Seriously Suho, do you have to? Haha!” I laughed

“Oh well, it’s just for fun! Who knows whatever they said may turn out to be real? Anyways I’m just joking,” Suho said

Joking? I don’t think so. What does he mean ‘whatever they said may turn out to be real?’ He had been giving me lots of obvious clues. Sometimes it’s cute to see him hiding his secret when it was so obvious. We came to a huge open space area with barely any people were hanging around. I never discover this place before even though I’ve been warded for a few days. We sit on the steps, enjoying the cool breeze.

“Did you watch the game earlier? You always come to visit me in the afternoon but you didn’t. So I’m assuming you’re watching the match?” I asked

“Eh, I told you not to think about the game. Let’s not talk about it at all ok? If you bring up that topic again, I’ll swear I’ll-----

“Arrasoh, arrasoh! I promise I won’t,” she assured and put her finger on my lips

I giggled.


She’s expecting my visit? OMG!! My heart did a back flip. She might think I don’t know, but hiding behind that mask of her beautiful beams was actually an aguish and sorrowful expression. I could sense she was still disappointed. I monitored her facial expression and something was telling me that she was forcing not to show her sad side to me. She may be a good hider but not when she was with me. My aim for today was to make her happy till I succeed.

I reached for my bag pack and took out my laptop. Then, I took out two packets of popcorn and handed one to her.

“What’s with the popcorn? Are we watching a movie or something?” she asked

“Something like that, just wait and see,” I told her

I click onto the files with all of the videos that I’ve downloaded yesterday night. I played the first video.

“You watched World Cup too? Didn’t know you’re really into soccer now,” she asked curiously

“Yeap, I’m starting to love soccer. Let’s watch the match alright? Let’s enjoy! Woohoo!” I told her and the both of us started to concentrate on the match


We had been acting like real spectators, shouting and exclaiming in excitement every time the ball from our supporting team went into the goal post. Surprisingly, this is much more fun than having to play for the spectators. I honestly had an enjoyable time with Suho that I don’t even remember about the competition. We kept criticizing each other’s team funnily in order for our supporting team to win.

I paused at times to monitor his reaction and seems like he was to engross with the match. I’m still unsatisfied with his sudden change of liking soccer. He could be pretending to like it though. I decided to test him.

“Suho,” I called

“What? Come on, Rooney almost scored a goal…Awww damn!!! That was so close,” Suho exclaimed while opening the bottle of his drink

“Do you even understand the soccer rules before even watching? And do you know what position that the players are being assigned as?” I test his soccer skills

*“Of course I do. What’s the point of watching something you will never understand? See, that guy standing there is a goalkeeper, that's the defender who is in charge of centre-back, sweeper, full back and wing back. Oh and that dude is the midfielder and obvious that one is the strike as he had been striking a goal since just now. Good player he is eh?” Suho elaborated and I felt like sitting right in front of a professional coach

My jaws dropped wide opened with his detailed explanation about soccer. I think if he were to go for a written exam he would score full marks for his paper. I’m too stunned that I’m loss for words. I stare at him without a blink. His eyes had been fixing itself on the laptop screen till a few seconds later he realised my attention on him. I’m still predicting that he has other reason and I think I know that reason pretty well and crystal clear.

Should I bring this matter out? I can’t take it unless I had ferreted out some information that he had been hiding inside. I just can’t take a person who was being indirect.

“Anything else you would like to know? I guess you should know more compared to me. Hey look, it’s Beckham. He is playing the next match!” Suho exclaimed and hinted me to focus on the screen instead of his face

“Suho don’t mind me asking you something personal?” I asked for his permission


My concentration towards the game disappeared instantly, I stopped the video and turned around to give some attention to her. She looked at me with inquisitive, beady eyes as if she was about to ask some prying questions. I tend to fidget trying to avoid an eye contact with her. The serious atmosphere was rising and I’m nervous as hell. I’m casting anxious looks right now. Aiish, be your normal self Suho!

“Sure, ask on,” I allowed

“Do you like me?” she asked

I froze and went all panic-stricken. She gave me a serious expression that I can’t seem to breathe out any word to her.
Ahhhh crap!!!! I hate when this topic is bringing brought up. My heart can't stop beating and my mouth tend to shut up whenever she were to ask this question. AAARRRGGGHHHH!! BLOODY MOUTH!! TALK!!! TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL!!    

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