Chapter 5

When Love Stirkes


No, tell me this is not happening!!! Just tell me it’s not happening!! It’s only a dream but the news was too real to be a fake one. My heart broke into millions of pieces. My eyes were already glistened with tears after the doctor informed me about the horrible news. I was in my own sorrowful world that I never noticed Suho had been standing beside me ever since the doctor left. Sorrowfully, I lifted up my mournful, tear-stained face to him. I cried even louder seeing that pitiful face of his.

Suho went and sit beside me, surrounding his arms around my shoulder, patting it gently. I groaned louder in misery when he immediately let my head rest on his broad shoulder. I still can’t believe whatever comes out from the doctor’s mouth. Now I really felt like killing, murdering Seohyun and Sunny for causing this kind of to happen to me.

“AAARRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” I groaned in anger, with continuous tears kept flowing out from my eyelids



I don’t blame her though.  I would have reacted the same way if I were to receive such bad news. Although I’ve never experienced such situations before, I truly believe how frustrated and disgruntled it felt like after putting in so much effort for something when in the end, it’s being wasted just like that. Sadly, due to her ankle injury, she couldn’t be in the big match because it would take weeks for her ankle to be fully recovered. She looked so devastated and despair that I don’t want to leave her crying alone. I don’t mind going through the pain with her, as long as she was not going through it alone.

My heartbeat kept on increasing its speed as honestly, this was the first time I am comforting a girl. It’s a good thing that she cried because it’s as if she was letting out whatever she had been keeping inside. I just have to wait for the right moment to console her about this matter.


My legs were cramping being in the same position for almost an hour and half her body weight resting on it but when it comes to her, I don’t give a damn about all those. I kept praying in my heart that she will be ok when suddenly she push herself away from me and apologised. She still looked upset and I’m afraid if I were to console her, it will make situation become worst. The least I could do was..

“You alright?”

“I need some time alone. You should go home, and thanks for coming. Sorry and goodnight,” she requested and laid her head on the pillow facing the other side.

My prediction was right. Without answering and understanding her situation, I quietly exit the ward. I gave one last look before leaving. I had difficulty in sleeping that night. My mind was not in peace because I could sense, Sasya was still awake and she was crying again. I regretted going home. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.


Sasya: Hello? Tsk…

Suho: Hello, Sasya you’re still awake?

Sasya: Ani, about to go to bed…

Suho: It’s already 2am. Are you crying?

Sasya: Ani…

Suho: Sasya, I know you’re crying. You may lie to me but your voice can’t. I’m sorry to call you this late but my heart doesn’t feel good and as a friend, I felt bad doing nothing.

Sasya: No it’s ok Suho. Don’t feel bad. I’m the want who was supposed to feel bad. You came all the way here to the hospital instead of going home after school. Komawo.

Suho: I’m just doing my job as a friend. Listen, didn’t mean to hurt your feelings any further but can you tell me the truth? Are you still crying about the news earlier?

Sasya: ------------yes……

Suho: Thank you for being honest. Don’t worry too much about it alright? There is always a reason for things to end up this way. Who knows you’re fit for a much more better match compared to a school versus school thingy. You know what, to me your soccer skills matches the standard of the famous footballers out there. You can represent Korea and be the first, well known girl soccer player in history and share the same spotlight as your David Beckham. Hahah, cool right? I’ll be your number one fan.

Sasya: Hahahaha!! I wish whatever you said will come true. Thanks Suho, it’s making me feel much better now. Errmm, it’s almost 3am, aren’t you sleepy?

Suho: Nah, I’m still freshly awake (yawning)

Sasya: Haha yeah right…. Freshly awake much? Alright then, I wanna go to bed, now that my sadness is being reduced thanks to you. Goodnight! Send my regards to Su Jin.

Suho: Alright, goodnight and take care babe…

Sasya: Huh? Babe?!

Suho: What? No what I meant was chingu! Hehe sorry! XD Bye!


Why must that word came out from my mouth? AIIISSHHH!!!! Me and my uncontrollable emotions!! Hope she doesn’t suspect anything!! OMG SUHO!! Why must I be so clumsy!


Dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows. Sasya was reading people’s tweet on her twitter account when she came across Suho’s tweet that send some curiosity to her. It happened for quite a couple of times actually and every tweet that he posted, it’s as if he was hinting something to a particular person.

Been thinking about you all day

I wonder when will I strike the perfect goal

It only feels like seconds whenever we’re together

I can’t wait for school to end!!! I’m always looking forward to it! J

Sasya just giggled and shook her head. She then continued scrolling all of the tweets to find out some interesting news or stories about her other friends. A few minutes later, the door ward slide open and in came Suho with his laptop in his grip. They greeted each other and before Sasya could say anything, Suho bombarded her with concern questions.

“I’m fine doctor Suho. Thanks for your concerned. Hehe. How’s school? Have you confessed your feelings to her yet?” Sasya purposely asked

“Huh? What do you mean? Who is her?” Suho asked

“Your tweet. You’ve been hinting on twitter. So who is she? Do I know her?” Sasya asked

Suho was taken aback by whatever she said and he laughed out in disbelief. It’s funny to him because the answer was Sasya herself. Suho did a cheeky smile and changed the topic.

“Eh, don’t try to change the topic. You always do that whenever you’re stuck at something. Arrasoh, arrasoh, I won’t ask anymore ok?” Sasya teased Suho as she saw his face turning red

Suho bought lunch from the cafeteria below. They were eating and watching a very funny football movie causing them to laugh out loud. Half way through the movie, there was a knock and the ward door slide open. In came Wooyoung with a bouquet of flowers. Suho’s anger started to boil as Wooyoung made his way towards them.  

“Hey Wooyoung!” Sasya greeted

“How are you feeling?” he asked and sit on the other side of the bed, placing the flower on the small table

“My ankle is still in pain,” Sasya answered

“I see… hey don’t worry about tomorrow alright. I mean, there were lots of competitions out there, no big deal if you miss this one. You’re still the best player in our school,” Wooyoung gave some motivation words and told her about the same incident that had occurred to him before

Heatedly, Suho couldn’t control his anger that he left the room straight away.


My gosh, why must he appear again? I almost lost my temper that I felt like lashing out verbally at his face. Then Kris’s voice lingered in my ear which caused me to change my mind on being fully angry with Wooyoung. Thinking back about it, he never even does anything wrong….yet. However, I tend to feel uneasy whenever he was around. I’m like hating him for no reason. His face never fails to make my blood pressure rise up though. Do people experience such feelings before? Speaking of the devil.

“Hey, wassup Suho,” he greeted me, finally

 I don’t even have the mood to reply him back. All I did was to nod coolly and look away from him.

“So, you like Sasya? Hehe, it’s really obvious you know,” he told me in an irritating tone

“So what if I like her? As if you could help…pfft, you’re just ruining my plan,” I said sternly but whispered to myself when it comes to the last six words

Without warning, he surrounded his arms on my shoulder treating me like we had been friends for years. I feel uncomfortable and move a few centimeters away from him.

“Who says I can’t help. I’m a pro when it comes to that ok? Don’t judge me too quickly. Although you never say anything, I can tell that whenever I were to bump into you two, you tend to hate it. I know you’re jealous of me being such a busybody, disturbing your moments with her but for your information, she had been my junior for 4 years. We treat each other as friends and not more than that. She’s not even close to my taste. I’m sorry if my actions hurt you,” he apologised

“It’s not that I don’t like. But the way you speak to her is like as if you’re flirting with her. I mean, I’m sure you had experience what I felt before, you know how it feels like to see your crush being with someone else,” I told him

“I know how you feel bro. Experienced it before but thankfully everything went well,” he said proudly

“What do you mean?” I asked

“I was like you before. At first it was damn hard to get close to her. I almost lost her but because of an advice, I managed to be friends with her and as days go on, and our relationship gets closer and closer. We’re together till now. The waiting part but once you get her, you will feel like you’re on top of the world,” Wooyoung told me

“Wait…wait… you have a girlfriend?” I exclaimed

Wooyoung nodded his head in agreement and smirked at me who looked so dumbfounded. He even showed me a picture of his girlfriend as proof. Phew~~~Ok now that makes me feel better than ever.

“Haha! Happy? So what are you waiting for bro? Go grab her before someone else does,” Wooyoung warned me

“Haiz… it’s hard..,” I lamented

“That’s when you need a love doctor like me! It’s easy; just do what I told you to do. I guarantee she will fall for you instantly!” Wooyoung assured


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