Chapter 1

When Love Stirkes

“Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock~~” the sound of the time ticks

Suho was penning down his last sentence of his essay test before it ends. Usually Suho would finished his essay right on time, without having the time to check but since today was a very important day for him, he rushed through the questions and finished the entire paper 15 minutes earlier. Being the first to finish, he raise up his hand to alert the teacher who had been walking back and forth to occupy his boredom. Once the paper was being submitted, Suho retrieved his bag and dashed out of the classroom. His close friends started to smirk at each other, except for Baekhyun who was a bit forgetful at times.

“Psst….where is he rushing to?” he whispered to Kris, sitting directly beside him

“To meet his favorite soccer player obviously….,” answered Kris and went on to concentrate on his paper


Sasya and her team had been playing for the past one and a half hours. Everyone’s whole body was aching in protest as they force themselves to continue. One more score and that will determine their victory by the end of the day.  The concentration level was extremely overwhelming, especially Sasya, captain of the girls soccer team. She must ensure that whatever strategy she had discussed with her team members must be put to action on the field. Once the whistle blow, the intense moment of the game had just begun.

After a few passes, the ball was being passed to the striker, which happened to be Sasya. With no further a due as she has good aiming skills, she gave a very powerful kick to the soccer ball, causing it to fly over a few of the opponents including the goal keeper’s head and landed inside the goal post. Royal High School had defeated Genie High School with the score of 15 against 20.

Like what they encountered last year, they managed to achieve victory and make the school name proud. The spectators cheered their lungs out and Sasya was being carried by her team with the gold trophy in her hand. A wide proud smile was plastered right on her face, imagining herself being in the World Cup match with all the other famous football players.

A few minutes later, most of the spectators were taking their leave, some of the team members’ family congratulating their daughters on how good they played. Sasya was wiping her sweat with the towels provided, grabbing her Addidas bag when she saw Suho. Due to his shyness, he pretended not to notice her and look further ahead, as if looking for someone else. Sasya walked towards him.

“Hey Suho!” she greeted

“HEY!! Erm… hey, Sasya,” he panicked

“Hmm… your brother told me you’re not into soccer. Are you here to support anyone? Your friend perhaps?” she asked

“He told you that?!!!...(trying to hide the fact that he’s angry with his brother)…errrr… yeah. I’m…I’m here to support my friend, exactly…haha,” Suho faked a laughed and rubbed the back of his neck

“What’s her name? I can inform her about your presence as you seem to be looking for her?” Sasya offered

“Ye? Oh…. Ermm… you don’t have to…Don’t ask any... of… the....girls,” he stuttered and look away

Sasya creased her eyebrow in confusion and giggled seeing his unsure reaction.

“I mean….I’ve send her a text and she’ll meet me at the library. Thank you,” he thanked her

“Alright then. Oh I almost forget, tell your brother to bring his Maths revision worksheets for tuition tonight. By the way, nice hairstyle,” Sasya complimented and wave at him before going into the changing area.


Exhilaration bubbled up inside of me like a soda water. I brushed through my hair and then spiking it up with a wide beam being plastered on my face. That’s the first time she had ever complimented my hair. It really means a lot to me and it made my day. Giddy with joy, I kept touching my hair like a maniac and went for my vocal class, located at level 4 of the school building.

Due to over jubilant, I can’t even concentrate. That scene keeps on repeating on my mind like a recorder but the good thing was, I am seated at the second last row of the class, so the teacher wouldn’t notice me smiling and giggling secretly to myself. I was too delighted that I even pictured the teacher as Sasya and start to day dream when someone near to me tends to get disturbed by my action that he couldn’t take it anymore. “Bro, you alright? Don’t tell me you’re in love with the teacher now?” Kai whispered, eyes still focused on the teacher. Ignoring my friend’s comments, I get myself back to reality. Still in hyper mode….

“Kai, what do you think about my hairstyle today?” I asked, eager to know his answer

“Aiish, you’ve been asking me for like the tenth times already. I’m sick and tired to answer the same damn thing arra? Is there anything fresh you can ask? Ugh!!” Kai grumbled in annoyance

I know what his answer was going to be like but Sasya’s comments were too touching to actually believe it did happen. However, my face turned gloomy as the coward part me that had been hiding inside of me and the advice that was given by my friend, Chen yesterday tend to make me realize something.

He’s right though. I mean what’s the point of wanting that person to be mine when I’m just here trying not to make an effort about it and expect fate to go as it plans. I always get regrets and sadness in return because since we’re from different course, it’s hard for me and Sasya to meet. Not only that, I’m also shy when I’m face to face with her and my mind went blank whenever she was to start a conversation. Just by looking at Chen, his nagging came back into my ears.

[Suho, listen. Alright, I’ve been wanting to tell you this really badly and I think it’s the right time now. Look, you’re always complaining and whining about not having a chance to be close with Sasya, to have a proper conversation with her, to welcome her into your life but did you ever think for one second, that all of this was your fault too? I’m not trying to be a jerk ok, but honestly with your coward attitude like this, you’re never gonna have her as your girlfriend.]

Clouds of failure loomed over me when I felt an arm surrounding my shoulders. “Yah, Gwenchana? You seem to have a problem. Wanna talk about it?” Kris offered his help

Desperation truly can make a person changed tremendously.


The moon was high up in the sky, showing off its brightness to earth. I’m extremely proud of my team, especially myself that I can’t stop admiring the shinning trophy being placed inside the glass cupboard. Although our entire muscles were aching really badly, it felt worth it as our effort and hard practice totally paid off today. If only Beckham could watch my football skills, wouldn’t it be great? I would really want him to be my coach, if my wish to become a famous football player came true. Haha, but who am I kidding right? I couldn’t even meet him in person. Suddenly, my doorbell rang and I almost forget I have to tutor someone today. I rushed to answer the door. I opened the door and was about to greet my student when I was surprised by someone standing beside him, carrying a guitar bag.

“Annyeong Sasya unnie!” greeted Su Jin (temporary)

“Hello! Hi Suho, usually Mrs. Kim would send Su Jin. They must be busy I guessed?” I assumed

“Hey, Sasya. Actually our parents will be coming back home late tonight and moreover, I was on my way to my part time job and since my workplace is somewhere nearby, I might as well send him here. (checking his watch)…ok I gotta run now or I will be late. Call me once you’re done alright? I’ll pick you up.  Don’t you dare go home yourself arra?” he warned in a brotherly tone

“Arrasoh hyung~~~ don’t treat me like a kid will you?” Su Jin grumbled annoyingly

“Aren’t you one? Haha (messing with Su Jin’s hair) …I’ll get going first. Study hard and listen to unnie understand?,” he joked with his brother and said to me

I smile and nodded. Such a sweet brother moments they just had. I wish I had siblings like them. Seems to be annoying at times but there were times you would joke or tease each other in a fun way. Can see that Suho was such a caring brother. Alright enough of imaginations and it’s tutoring time.


Seeing that Su Jin had lost interest in concentrating on what I am about to teach and due to his fatigue reaction after 2 hours of tuition, I decided to call it a day. It’s no point forcing someone to study when their mind was getting tired. Nothing will go in their brains. As an obedient little brother, he took out his cell phone and gave a phone call to his brother while I get him something to drink. A few minutes later, I went out of the kitchen and Su Jin seemed to be so frustrated and pissed. He kept sighing over and over again. Feeling concerned, I questioned him and he told me that Suho never pick up his call.

I then tried calling him and even send him a text but no reply came back. I seriously don’t know what to do now but kept thinking of solutions. I don’t mind sending him back but the problem was Su Jin isn’t quite sure of the route as he always ride a car and he took a cab here with Suho just now. Aiigooo!!! What am I supposed to do now?

One hour had passed but still no actions taken when out of a sudden, my doorbell rang. “HYUNG!” Su Jin exclaimed and both of us ran towards the door, opening it instantly. Unfortunately it wasn’t him. “Kris hyung?” Su Jin exclaimed with one eyebrow protruding upwards, in confusion.

“Hey little guy, sorry for being late. Your brother has to work overtime and he asked me to pick you up, oh and Hi Sasya! By the way, Suho told me about the game today, congratulations,” he greeted

“He did? Oh, thank you,” I thanked him

“Kris hyung, can we go to Suho hyung’s workplace? I wanna see him perform!!” Su Jin  exclaimed enthusiastically

“Suho is performing?” I asked in amazement

“Yeah he works part-time at a bar. You wanna join us? Trust me you won’t regret it,” Kris assured


I’m overwhelmed with fear as I’m about to perform on stage soon. Even though I’ve been performing on most nights, I still feel nervous and anxious incase if I were to make some mistakes throughout the song. I was tuning my guitar and at the same time practicing my vocals when the host of the bar informed me to get ready. Taking a huge deep breath, I stood up, did a little vocal warm up.

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the amazing, talented Kim Suho!” announced the host

A huge round of applause could be heard. As usual, with legs like jelly, I made my way towards the stage, bowing, showing some respect to the audience and take a sit on the chair provided at the centre of the stage. “Thank you for welcoming me warmly on stage. The song I’m going to sing is………,”

I paused as my eyes accidentally saw something heartbreaking, really heartbreaking enough for me to continue. Kris? And Sasya? What were they doing here? Together? Chatting happily in fact? Then I could sense someone whispering to me. I turned to my right and the host was telling to continue with the show.

Seriously I can’t. It’s too heartbreaking for me to do anything right now! Kris, how could you?!

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