
The Hunter and the Wolf

"Sohee, wake up," I heard Myungsoo's voice softly whisper.

"Mmmm..." I groaned.

"I have to talk to you."

I opened my lids halfway and sat up a little. I scooted over so that Myungsoo could have more room on my bed, because the way he was sitting, his was halfway in the air. Gladly, he moved over.

"What?" I said, my voice cracking. I looked outside to see that it was still dark, so it must have been in the middle of the night. What could have been so important that he had to wake me up at night?

"I got a call from... you know."

"Your mother?" Myungsoo nodded his head slightly. He told me about this before; his dad was a hunter but died of cancer, and his mom always blamed his death on Myungsoo. So, she ran away and remarried. I clenched my fists at the thought of Myungsoo's mom; she used to be so nice but now I feel like I don't even know her anymore.

"Stepdad wants me to take over his company."

Those words echoed again and again in my head after Myungsoo said them. Stepdad? Company? I couldn't imagine living without my best friend. Maybe God took him away because I was spoiled and depended on him too much.

"Does that mean you're leaving the house?" I asked, trying to make my voice crack less. I put on a serious face, because it was time to get serious.

"Yeah, they want me to transfer into a better college to take business classes,"


"Sohee, I know--"

I interrupted his sentence when I half-grunted and half-screamed as I threw a pillow at the wall. I ran my hands through my messy hair and held in my tears that were threatening to fall down my face.

"I'll come back for you."

I froze at those words that slipped out of Myungsoo's mouth. When I looked up at his face, I could tell that he was dead serious. That's when a tear finally found its way out of my eye and I quickly wiped it with the back of my hand.

"I know you will," I whispered. I gave him a weak smile that probably showed the pain I was feeling at the moment. Myungsoo brought me in for a warm hug, and it was kind of uncomfortable because of our positions on the bed. After a few minutes of hugging, he let go to add on.

"And Stepdad's son will be living with you."

My eyes widened in shock. 


"It's okay, Sohee. If he ever tries to touch you, take out your weapons and don't hesitate to stab him in the chest." I chuckled a little at how Myungsoo took that so lightly.

"Why can't your stepdad's son take over the company?" I asked.

"Apparently he's a delinquent and ran away, but since he's Stepdad's biological son, Stepdad still cares for him a lot. But he still thinks that I'm more suitable for his company. Still, it's a request from Stepdad and he was literally begging on the phone," Myungsoo explained slowly.

"A delinquent? Even worse," I said, rolling my eyes. Myungsoo laughed and patted my head, even though I could tell from his fake smile that he was actually worried about me.

"Don't worry I'll be fine," I assured him while smiling. Then, I showed him my guns. No, not my real guns, but my muscles. Even though I could use my real guns, too. Myungsoo just laughed at me and smiled for real this time, with his eyesmile.

"Yeah, I really shouldn't worry." he said, "You have to sleep more to go to school tomorrow. I should go."

I nodded my head and laid back down on the bed. Myungsoo bent down and kissed my forehead gently, so gentle that I could barely even feel his warm lips touch my skin.

"Goodnight," he whispered in my ear, causing me to smile. His sweet voice echoed again and again in my head until I eventually fell asleep.


"Sohee~!" Myungsoo yelled from downstairs. I took one last look at the mirror and answered him.

"Coming!" quickly, I ran down the stairs to the breakfast table. I noticed Myungsoo was sitting at the table with two suitcases and a backpack on his back.

"You're leaving right now?" I asked him. He nodded his head and gave a small smile. 

"I'll walk you to school."

"No, it's fine. It's going to be hard for you to bring all your bags with you all the way to school. Just go straight to the bus."

"You sure?" he asked, his eyebrow arching up. He was probably confused because I usually hate walking alone.

"Mmhmm" I replied with food in my mouth. He waited for me to finish my food until he got up with me.

"Goodbye hug?" he asked. Without hesitating, I threw myself in his arms and he spun me around, causing me to laugh like an idiot.


I was working on my homework and constantly checked the time. It was 8 P.M. To be honest, I was actually curious about who was moving in. Is he messy? Quiet? Neat?

Right when I was asking all those questions in my head, the doorbell rang. That must be him...

I quickly ran down the stairs and without one big breath, twisted the doorknob and opened it. I found myself staring at a boy that's a bit taller than me, who had messy hair but can look good in it. He gave a small smile.

"Hello, Sohee."

His voice was soft and husky and it gave me chills, making my hairs stand up. His smile was tiny but showed so much warmth. His clothes were so casual but he looked so good.

His name was... Kim Jong In.

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DarKnight97 #1
Chapter 6: Ohhh snap! It's getting serious! Btw I love you authornim, thanks for updating so quickly :)
Chapter 6: Oh really? Who do YOU need to protect Kai?
Chapter 5: Oh.My.Kai. EPIC. Can't wait for the next chapter author-nim! :)
Chapter 3: I understand the whole complicated plot issue. The struggle is real. Anyway, things are getting serious...Good job author-nim~ :)

P.S. Half of B.A.P is dead? What up with that? O.o
Chapter 2: Sooo cool! I hope Chen's a werewolf too. I'll wait for the next chappie~
Chapter 2: I knew I would like this kid. Great chap author-nim! ^^

P.S. Hi Chen! Aren't you a werewolf though? Why is Kai being such a creeper...?
Chapter 1: LOLZ their relationship is so interesting and Sohee is freaking hilarious. I have a feeling I'm going to like this.

P.S. "'s just college. Nobody's going to die." I'm sorry Myungsoo. I don't know where you live, but where I'm from colleges can get attacked...
i think it's really interesting ><
i'll wait for the first chapter! ^^