First Day

The Hunter and the Wolf

"So, are you excited for the first day back to school?" Myungsoo asked me, giving me his eyesmile.

"Well, you look too excited for school." I replied, not answering his question. He laughed, grabbed my hand, and swung it back and forth.

Right... I forgot to tell you our relationship. We're engaged, and we live together. Even though we're having an arranged marriage, it's not really what you think. I don't hate him for being the one I have to marry; I noticed that in a lot of movies and stuff. Why do you have to hate the person you will marry? I really love Myungsoo as a good friend and he's the one that took me into his house when my mom died, leaving me alone. And I'm pretty sure that none of us have any deeper feelings for each other.

"Sohee?" Myungsoo asked, staring into my face.

"Huh? What? Yes?" I said, not knowing what was happening. Myungsoo chuckled and pointed to the building in front of us.

"We're here, that's all."

"Oohh, okay." I replied, now walking into the building with Myungsoo. We each got our schedules and looked at them.

"What the hell, I signed up for the same things as you and we still barely have classes together? What is this bull?" I said, frustrated. I messed up my hair with my hand and whined.

"It's okay, Sohee. At least we have two classes together." Myungsoo said. I could still hear a bit of disappointment in his voice, though.

"Yeah... you're right, I guess. I'm gonna go to my first class. Bye~" I said, giving Myungsoo a peck on the cheek and walking away. I chuckled when I saw from the corner of my eyes that he stood there, shocked.


Holy . School is so boring. Oh my god. Someone kill me now... please... arrggghhh!

"Kim Sohee?" the professor asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Uh, yes?"

"Will you introduce yourself to the class?"

"Oh... right." I got up from my seat and to the front of the room.

"My name is Kim Sohee. Twenty one years old. It'd be nice if you don't bother me--" Oh shoot... I sound like a rude . I coughed and started again. "It'd be nice if you don't bother me because I want to pay attention in class."

"You hear that, kids?" the professor asked the class. They looked like they didn't give a . Eh, I can't blame them.

"Professor, we're not kids, we're only a few years younger than you." someone said, smiling like a little kid.

"You must be Chen. Introduce yourself to the class." the professor said, looking at the sheet of paper with all of the names on it.

He said some stuff to the class and I didn't really listen. And all I did was stare out the window the whole time. I noticed a boy with our uniform... he jumped over the fence and looked around to see if anyone saw him. His backpack was slung on one shoulder, and his shirt wasn't tucked into his pants like it was supposed to. His hair was messy, probably from running, and his neck tie was loose around his collar.

We made eye contact for a split second, and then he ran out of my sight.

"Everyone pay attention." the professor said. Wait, what was his name again? Mr. Ahn? Whatever, I'll call him Mr. Ahn. "We will have an exam next week, so prepare for it yourselves. It is to see how much you already know from last year."

Everyone groaned, and I ran my fingers through my hair, kind of pissed off. Exam? I hate my life. Someone kill me. 

And if you haven't noticed yet, I'm not a very optimistic person.

"Sorry I'm late." Someone said, bowing down at ninety degrees. It was that same boy that I saw from outside.

"I don't really care if you all are late, but let me remind you that if you miss any lessons, I will not help you. Unless you are sick, of course." Mr. Ahn explained. The boy nodded his head. "Introduce yourself."

For once, I actually paid attention. I don't know why, but for some reason... this kid was getting my full attention. There was just something about him that made me stare at him longer.

"Hello, my name is Kim Jong in. You can call me Kai, though. Really, only my close friends call me Jong In." he said, "And I am twenty one years old. I hope I get along with all of you..." 

Was it just me or did it sound like he reaallllyyy didn't want to get along with us?

"He's so hot." a girl whispered from behind.

"You can have him because Chen is mine."

Girls gossiping like that really made me sick to the stomach. I don't know why, but I just hate it. I turned around and gave them a sharp glare.

"Can you please stop talking?" I asked. They looked a bit scared, so I gave them a fake smile and said, "Thank you." before turning my head back to the front.

Before I turned my head all the way, I saw that Kai kid looking at me. I thought that maybe he was just looking at the window next to me for a second or something, but no. He kept staring. And it kind of made me feel uncomfortable.

Whatever... I want to sleep. But I can't because I told everyone that I have to pay attention in class. Grr, fml.


A/N: Wowww I'm like exactly like Sohee. I hate school so much lmao. Also, if I get things wrong about college, I'm so so sorry because I don't really know what college is like. All I know about college is that you can pick your own classes, there's no bell, there's a professor instead of a teacher, people are all different ages, and... that's kind of it.

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DarKnight97 #1
Chapter 6: Ohhh snap! It's getting serious! Btw I love you authornim, thanks for updating so quickly :)
Chapter 6: Oh really? Who do YOU need to protect Kai?
Chapter 5: Oh.My.Kai. EPIC. Can't wait for the next chapter author-nim! :)
Chapter 3: I understand the whole complicated plot issue. The struggle is real. Anyway, things are getting serious...Good job author-nim~ :)

P.S. Half of B.A.P is dead? What up with that? O.o
Chapter 2: Sooo cool! I hope Chen's a werewolf too. I'll wait for the next chappie~
Chapter 2: I knew I would like this kid. Great chap author-nim! ^^

P.S. Hi Chen! Aren't you a werewolf though? Why is Kai being such a creeper...?
Chapter 1: LOLZ their relationship is so interesting and Sohee is freaking hilarious. I have a feeling I'm going to like this.

P.S. "'s just college. Nobody's going to die." I'm sorry Myungsoo. I don't know where you live, but where I'm from colleges can get attacked...
i think it's really interesting ><
i'll wait for the first chapter! ^^