
The Hunter and the Wolf

"Hey..." I heard a voice whisper. I opened my eyes halfway to see Kai's face only inches away from mine. Shocked, I stood up abruptly and hit my head with Kai's.

"Oww..." I mumbled, rubbing my head. "You okay?" I asked Kai who literally had no emotion in his face. He didn't answer me and said something else.

"You fell asleep during class."

I looked down at my desk at the unfinished notes written in my book. I guess I ended up falling asleep anyway...

"Heh..." I rubbed the back of my neck. Then, Kai looked away from my face but held up a notebook. I didn't react in any way, so he shoved the notebook closer to my face.

"It's the notes from today's lesson," he said, finally giving up on being silent. He still didn't look at my face. Could it be possible that... he's not used to being nice?

"It's okay, you don't have to--"

Kai tossed the notebook onto my desk and left the classroom. Why is he being so nice to me...? I shrugged it off and put everything into my bag. Finally I decided to take my phone out and check the time and... SCHOOL WAS ALREADY OVER!!?? Wait... does that mean that Kai was staring at me for the whole day?

*ring ringg*

"Hello...?" I said into the phone.

"Sohee? Where were you in class? I didn't see you in both of my classes! Did you go home sick?" Myungsoo asked, sounding concerned.

"I fell asleep in class and nobody woke me up for the whole day..." I explained.

"Well, you have to come home right now." Myungsoo said. He emphasized the words 'right now', and whenever Myungsoo was that serious, I knew what it was about.

"Got it."

I hung up the call, slung my bag over one shoulder, and ran home.


"Look at this." he said, holding up the list of people in the morgue. It said under their names how and when they died. "Kim Himchan: May 26th, 1:12 A.M. Large open wounds that look like gashes across chest. Bang Yongguk: May 26th, 1:25 A.M. Injured head, large open wounds across chest. Yoo Youngjae: May 26th, 1:40 A.M. Same injuries as Bang Yongguk." Myungsoo read off of the paper.

"Everything happened last night..." Myungsoo nodded his head.

"And it seems like all three of them were killed by the same wolf." he added. I felt my head heating up in anger. Why can't you stupid werewolves just leave humans alone? I wanted to go barge into the hospital morgue and look at the bodies myself, but I know I wouldn't be able to. Because I know that even if we are hunters, humans don't know. Heck, they don't even know that werewolves exist!

"How will we find this person?" I asked him. 

"It looks like we need to have a meeting with the others first." Myungsoo replied. I nodded my head. I sat down on the table while Myungsoo called the other hunters over to have a meeting.

After around twenty minutes of silence, someone barged through the door.

"SOHEEEEE!" Sungyeol yelled, lifting me up from my chair and spinning me around in circles. He stopped and put me back down on the chair when he realized that I wasn't laughing, smiling, or reacting in any way.

"We're here!" Sungjong said with Sunggyu and Woohyun behind him. A few minutes later, Hoya and Dongwoo came in together. (YaDong haha)

Everyone sat around the table, and Myungsoo handed the piece of paper to the leader, Sunggyu. His face was emotionless as he read what was on it.

"Is it more killing? Do we have to kill more wolves?" Sungjong whined. He hated killing wolves the most out of us. He was always innocent, and he viewed werewolves to be the same as humans.

"Seems like it." Sunggyu replied. 

"I guess no more dates for me..." Woohyun mumbled to himself, causing Sungyeol to laugh a little.

"Guys, I think we should be more serious about this," Dongwoo said while watching Sunggyu's straight face.

"I think the same wolf killed three people last night," Sunggyu explained to the group. I nodded my head. "Hoya, your mom works as a nurse in the hospital, right? Ask her if we can visit the morgue. Even if she says no, tell her we'll be secretive about it."

"Alright," Hoya said.

"Okay, this concludes the meeting. Let's meet up again tomorrow after school." Sunggyu said. Everyone agreed, although some whined. Finally, they all left the house.

I put my hand on my forehead, trying to stop the headache.

"You okay?" Myungsoo asked.

"I'm fine... I just need to study a little and then have a deep sleep." I answered, and then I walked upstairs into my room.

I don't know if I'll be able to handle seeing the bodies tomorrow... what if... it brings back memories...?


A/N: WHEWWW omg guys I just finished plotting everything out in my notebook and I have to say... it will be a very interesting plot... hehehe. And two new characters, maybe more~ (the two new characters will be girls not boys, sorry haha) and ALSO omg Himchan, Yongguk, and Youngjae are dead :( noooo~
But I'm kind of worried because the plot seems a bit complicated. Well, I hope it works out.

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DarKnight97 #1
Chapter 6: Ohhh snap! It's getting serious! Btw I love you authornim, thanks for updating so quickly :)
Chapter 6: Oh really? Who do YOU need to protect Kai?
Chapter 5: Oh.My.Kai. EPIC. Can't wait for the next chapter author-nim! :)
Chapter 3: I understand the whole complicated plot issue. The struggle is real. Anyway, things are getting serious...Good job author-nim~ :)

P.S. Half of B.A.P is dead? What up with that? O.o
Chapter 2: Sooo cool! I hope Chen's a werewolf too. I'll wait for the next chappie~
Chapter 2: I knew I would like this kid. Great chap author-nim! ^^

P.S. Hi Chen! Aren't you a werewolf though? Why is Kai being such a creeper...?
Chapter 1: LOLZ their relationship is so interesting and Sohee is freaking hilarious. I have a feeling I'm going to like this.

P.S. "'s just college. Nobody's going to die." I'm sorry Myungsoo. I don't know where you live, but where I'm from colleges can get attacked...
i think it's really interesting ><
i'll wait for the first chapter! ^^