
The Hunter and the Wolf

~Next day~

I walked over to Kai who was currently zoning off as usual. 

"Thanks," I said, handing him his notebook, "although I can't read your handwriting."

"You can't read my handwriting?" Kai asked, looking puzzled.

"Yeah, it ." 

"I can read it just fine..."

"Because it's your own handwriting." 


It's really hard for me to have conversations, as you can see for yourself. So, I just left to sit back at my seat.

"Class has started, please take your seats," the professor said as he walked into the classroom. Uggh...


My day wasn't really exciting. To sum it up for you, I gave bad impressions to all of my teachers because I didn't go to the classes yesterday, and when I had classes with the hunters, they would keep annoying me and I would get in trouble for talking instead of them. Such a great school day. Oh, and in lunch time Kai would stare at me like I was some kind of mythical creature. He was with his eleven other friends, which by the way, are also in most of my classes. Girls call them "exo" and they are the kingkas of Seoul University. Personally, I think Infinite, the hunters, are also very good looking, and they could also be considered the "kingkas". Well, I guess everyone has their own opinions.

"Hey Soheeeeeeee~" Sungjong said, waving his hands in front of my face, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I looked out of the car window and saw that we stopped. "We're here."

"Oh, already?" I opened the car door, stepped out, and immediately felt the cold air blowing on my bare arms and legs. I looked up at the big hospital building towering over my body.

"You'll catch a cold," Myungsoo said from behind me while he hung his blazer over my shoulders. I turned around and smiled at him to thank him.

"Okay, guys. My mom will come out from the back door to throw out the garbage and when she does, we go in. Got it?" Hoya explained as we were walking to the dumpsters. We all nodded.

Minutes later, Hoya's mother came out to throw out the garbage, like planned. We got in the hospital easier than we thought we would, and Hoya's mother scanned her ID card in the scanner to open the morgue door.

"Make it quick," she whispered.

"We will, don't worry," Sunggyu assured her. She left the room and the doors slid closed behind us as we walked to the name that read "Bang Yongguk".

Slowly, Sunggyu pulled the handle and a body slid out under white covers. I hid my face behind my hand as Sunggyu peeled off the white covers on top of the body to reveal the chest and head wound.

"ewwewewww" Sungjong complained, cringing while looking at the body.I felt the same way as him. The other boys, though, were just observing with a straight face.

Surprisingly, seeing the body didn't make me think of my dad. Not even the other two, either. I was staring at Youngjae's body when Myungsoo came up to me.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I answered him. Suddenly, I noticed something. "Hey, what is that little bump on his chest?" I asked, pointing to the little bump under Youngjae's shirt. Myungsoo quickly and carefully reached under the T-Shirt and pulled out a... nail clipping? Myungsoo's eyes widened, and it took me a while to realized that that wasn't an ordinary nail clipping.

"Sunggyu oppa!" I half whispered-half yelled. He was looking at Himchan's body but stopped and walked towards us when I called him over. Immediately (a lot faster than me) he noticed what Myungsoo was holding and took it from his hand.

"This is all we need to find the culprit," he said. The rest of Infinite gathered up around us.

"Oops looks like the werewolf broke its nail~" Woohyun joked, and of course, Sungyeol and Dongwoo laughed along with him. 

Anyway, we all got out of there silently, and Hoya's mother helped us get out of the hospital secretly. I rested my head on Sungjong's shoulder and sighed in the car, and I heard him sighing, too.

"It smelled like death in there."

"Agreed," I commented.

A/N: Sorry for the short and boring chapter. I had to get this whole murder thing out of the way. There's probably going to be like no more murdering stuff until reallllyyyy far into the story (near the end) HINT HINT kay bye. (Maybe I'm hinting that someone dies).

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DarKnight97 #1
Chapter 6: Ohhh snap! It's getting serious! Btw I love you authornim, thanks for updating so quickly :)
Chapter 6: Oh really? Who do YOU need to protect Kai?
Chapter 5: Oh.My.Kai. EPIC. Can't wait for the next chapter author-nim! :)
Chapter 3: I understand the whole complicated plot issue. The struggle is real. Anyway, things are getting serious...Good job author-nim~ :)

P.S. Half of B.A.P is dead? What up with that? O.o
Chapter 2: Sooo cool! I hope Chen's a werewolf too. I'll wait for the next chappie~
Chapter 2: I knew I would like this kid. Great chap author-nim! ^^

P.S. Hi Chen! Aren't you a werewolf though? Why is Kai being such a creeper...?
Chapter 1: LOLZ their relationship is so interesting and Sohee is freaking hilarious. I have a feeling I'm going to like this.

P.S. "'s just college. Nobody's going to die." I'm sorry Myungsoo. I don't know where you live, but where I'm from colleges can get attacked...
i think it's really interesting ><
i'll wait for the first chapter! ^^