Chapter Two

Medley of Dalliance
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Medley of Dalliance "Expect the unexpected." —— Chapter Two

Saturday, January 12th


It was a crisp, winter morning. People of all ages were either outside enjoying this snowy weekend, or inside drinking some hot chocolate and warming up their shivering bodies. Loud cheers and squeals of children having fun could be heard at the park across from a certain twenty floor building, the place in which Yeonhee was cooped inside of, working on her school work.


After being awoken by a quick call by her brother that frigid morning, she had leisurely made a simple egg and sausage breakfast to gnaw on while engaging in her homework. By the time she had swallowed the last bite of her delicious turkey sausage, all of her math, socials, and science homework were done. All she had left to do was write her English essay on a book by Shakespeare.  Being that the project was appointed yesterday, Yeonhee still hadn’t picked out her book yet.


Layering over a sweater, a jacket, and a hat, Yeonhee grabbed her wallet and backpack on the way out before strolling off to the library. The nearest library was twenty minutes away, so taking advantage of the long walk, Yeonhee spent her time enjoying the fresh, earthy air of a winter morning. When she arrived to the rather large library building, it was already 2:00 PM. Being too distracted by the hundreds of books surrounding her, Yeonhee forgot about the time and looked over every one of Shakespeare's stories to find the one that matched her taste. After spending nearly four hours finding the perfect book and finishing half of her neatly planned out essay, she finally left.


Shoot, I’m going to be late for work, Yeonhee thought as she fast-walked back home. Little did she know that someone had seen her rushing past the streets and begun to follow her.


Might as well ask her out now, Baekhyun thought as he tried to catch up to her.


“Why is she walking so fast?” Baekhyun mumbled, slightly out of breath as he saw her turn a corner. When he finally turned the corner, Yeonhee was already out of sight. “, I lost her.” With that said, Baekhyun disappointedly shoved his hands into his pockets and angrily walked away.


As Yeonhee shut the door to her apartment, she quickly rushed towards the bathroom and took a quick shower. While her hair was still wet, she rapidly put on mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow and some pink lip-gloss before drying and curling her hair. Not wasting another second, she changed into her pre-planned outfit and rushed out the door, forgetting about the cold weather outside until she exited the building.


Getting onto the bus outside of her apartment building, Yeonhee could already feel the gazes most people in the bus were giving her.


 I only have fifteen minutes to get to the club, she mentally grumbled as she made her way to the back of the bus.


“Sweetheart, there’s a seat open right here, you know?” A middle-aged man harshly grabbed onto Yeonhee’s arm and smirked as he pointed towards the seat next to him.  Yeonhee dully stared at the mischievous grin on the man’s face before prying his hands off of her and walking away. Unfortunately, the man was too persistent and decided to go after her.


“Hey! I was talking to you!” The loud man pressed on as he grabbed onto her shoulder. This caused the whole bus to go silent as they watched the ruckus going on in the middle of the bus. Just as Yeonhee was about to pull the filthy hand off of her, someone had already beat her to it.


“Come on, old man. Don’t you think you’re way too old to be flirting with someone half your age?” A boy with blonde hair, almost to the shade of grey, told off as he twisted the man’s hand. The boy was dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a thick black sweater with the hoodie covering his head. In a bit of shock, Yeonhee stared at the boy before registering the fact that it was one of the students from her school.


“You little bastard.” The man growled before realizing that he was too short to beat up the boy. With that, the man glared at Yeonhee again before stomping away.


“Next time, flirt with someone your own age!” The boy shouted out before turning over and grinning at Yeonhee, expecting at least a thanking but all that greeted him was the back of the girl as she walked away.


“Aren’t you supposed to thank me? I just saved you from some ert.” The boy raised an eyebrow as he sat beside Yeonhee.


“I didn’t ask you to.” Yeonhee replied in that dead yet modulated voice of hers as she put on her earphones.


Go away, I don’t want you to recognize me, Yeonhee mentally urged as her hands tightened into fists.


“That’s reasonable.” The boy nodded before pulling out an ear bud from Yeonhee’s ear, earning a cold glare from her, “By the way, I’m Sehun. I need to go now so be careful with those erts that try to flirt with you.” The boy claimed to be Sehun winked as he stood up. Yeonhee slightly softened because of the warning he gave here, but, nevertheless, she tried not to show any signs of friendliness.

Sehun was about to walk away before he noticed the thin outfit she was wearing, “You know, it’s still winter so you should at least wear a jacket.” He frowned before taking off his sweater, “Here, I’m scared you’re going to freeze to death.” Sehun put his sweater on top of Yeonhee’s hand before waving a little goodbye and getting off at the stop.


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Chapter 11: don't abandon it OK author-nim?
manlyteabubbles #2
Chapter 11: aww suho and yeonhees sibling relationship is goals like whY CANT MY BROTHER BE LIKE THAT but lol baekhyun is probably gonna go to the bar a lot looking for yeonhee but jOKES ON U BAEKHYUN HAHA
ristachimi #3
Omg ... I couldn't believe that you are updated ur fic it's been like forever thank you authornim ^^
tehsweety #4
Chapter 11: Update soon
Chapter 9: update pls
Chapter 9: please update!
Chapter 9: cant wait for the next chapter! love it!
Chapter 9: When will you update, author-nim?
Update please... >.<
Chapter 4: Oh my god!!! I barely started reading this and I'm loving ittttt!!!!!!!
--minyoungiie #10
Chapter 8: oh my freaking goat xD . is that Baek ?