
Country Kpop!?

Saved by the bell. Since you hurried out of class so fast there weren't many people in the halls yet. This meant you could get through the halls to your next class quickly but it also meant GD and Taeyang could catch up with you. That is if they even want to talk to me. You glanced behind you and didn't see either of them exit the class yet. Why am I so afraid? It's not like they will attack me or something. They aren't like the bullies from last year. I just need to calm down. You finally slowed your pace and tried to take deep breaths as you made your way to class.

'...Which as they kiss consume..' Wait what? It was now your fourth class of the day, English. The teacher chose Romeo and Juliet as todays assigned reading. Your mind is so distracted you've read over the same page ten times without really paying attention to the words. There's only 20 minutes left before lunch. I have to think of something to say to them. Even if they don't sit with me at lunch we're in a group in Biology. I can't hide from them forever. You tried to regain focus and managed to finish the assigned reading just before the bell rang. Ok well here goes nothing.

You found yourself walking towards the lunch room at a much slower pace than usual. As you approached your usual table you saw someone was already sitting there. They were bent over looking at something so you couldn't tell who it was. I probably shouldn't have run out like that. Come on, I knew they would find out eventually. It's not like I did something wrong. Just be honest with them. Even as you were thinking this you were still fighting the urge to run and hide. No, I'm not going to spend this year eating in the bathroom. This is ridiculous. You walked up and sat your bag on a chair. The person sat up and greeted you "Hey" Adam said with a smile before turning back to his phone. Oh it was just Adam then. You were partially relieved but also disappointed it's not over with yet.

You left your bag at the table and went to pick your food. When you returned to the table it was still just Adam sitting there on his phone. "Are you going to eat anything today?" You asked as you noticed he had no food tray. "Ah I'll get something in a moment" he replied without taking his eyes off the phone. Suddenly the two people you'd been waiting on arrived. They greeted you right after you had taken a big bite so you decided waving at them was a better choice. You sat there nervously expecting.. well honestly you didn't know what you we're expecting, but it certainly wasn't what was happening. They were both going on talking and acting as they always did. Did they think I meant the TV show like Rose did? No, I definitely felt them looking at me after the answer.

Eventually Adam must have got too hungry to ignore it anymore and finally got up to get his food. As soon as he left, Taeyang and GD looked over at you. "So what you said earlier.. BigBang is your favorite singing group?" Oh so that's what it was. They didn't want to bring it up in front of Adam. I can understand they probably don't want people to know they're famous. "Yes" you answered quietly. "So how much do you know about BigBang? Do you know who all the members are? Or you just know the music?" "I know all the members" your heart was racing now waiting for their reaction. "Ah so why didn't you say anything before?" Taeyang asked curious. After a moment of thinking it over you replied "I was just worried you might feel awkward around me or think I was only being friendly with you because you're famous." "That was all?" GD asked. You looked up startled. "You've never made us feel uncomfortable and that wont start now. It seems like you've been worried about this for awhile so I'm sorry we didn't notice sooner. You shouldn't be afraid to be our fan, we're glad that you enjoy our music."

They really don't mind at all. In fact he said they're glad! As soon as you gave your answer you had went into panic mode and immediately started thinking of all the wrong things that could happen. It didn't even occur to you that they would have no problem with you being a fan. "So.. still friends? GD asked hopefully. "Yes of course!" You answered maybe a little too excited. "Heh alright great!" Just like that all the tension melted away and everyone was all smiles. Adam returned with a tray of food and looked at everyone. "Did you guys have some kind of bonding moment without me?" he asked pouting. "Something like that" you answered.

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Chapter 6: lol, poor girl. the ending was cute. glad they were like pshah whatever.
jessicalm145 #2
Chapter 5: Knowing she is going to get caught...makes this more enjoyable.
Chapter 5: argh! stupid bell with it's stupid timing! and how could she not pay attention after that. lol, glad it's finally out in the open though. because really, if she was talking to them regularly and didn't mention that she knew, it could've seemed shady.
Chapter 4: Lol, this is cute. I don't normally read high school fics, but being from the middle of nowhere, myself, i was persuaded. the ringtone was funny, how embarrassing if she got caught that way. AWKWARD.
Chapter 1: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!! such a cool idea! :)