
More Than This


Author POV


"Feeling better now?" Luhan asked a girl who rested her head on his shoulder. he kindly to offer his shoulder as her rest place.

"Yeah, better than before. Thank you oppa" Chorong flashed a little smile to Luhan and made him sure that Chorong is alright.


                It’s been 2 hours they stayed there without any movement. Luhan just stare at her while Chorong is crying and drowning on her daydreaming.  And Luhan already his friends to have fun without him. He checked his watch and it showed 6 p.m, it’s getting dark and both of them wasn’t grab their dinner even lunch. He is still curious about relationship between Baekhyun and her, but I wont bother her to tell me. But saw her with that painful tears made me feel hurt. He doesn’t know what to do to comfort her……


“ Hey! Lets grab our dinner, my tummy is growling now” Chorong patted her tummy and made a cutie face while pouting. Crying for a long time waste her energy too much, she has no energy now.

“Okay since it’s your first treat. Don’t regret your decision okay?” Luhan said playfully while dragging me to the street.

“why? You’re a big eater eoh? I didn’t expect that haha. Anyway, follow me. I know where’s the most delicious food we could eat” Chorong could relieve her sadness with Luhan. And now, her mood is back again now. She should say thanks to Luhan………..

“We’ll walking? Is it near?” Luhan curiously asking Chorong.

“Yeah, it’s not that far so we could save our money. And oppa, do you know why’re those people looking at us weirdly?” Chorong frowned as they were walking while people around keep staring at them. Chorong checked around her body and also checked Luhan too. After a while…. She realized that she forgot the most important things. It’s their CAMOUFLATE STUFFS!

                All of sudden, there are so many fans who crowded the street we are walking now. They started to took pictures of us. Yah it’s going to be a big problem later, but they didn’t mind it first. They think how to run away from this crowded situation. They looked at each other and started panick. Without any hesitation, Luhan grabbed Chorong wrist then ran away from them. Luckily, they could ran very fast until their fans couldn’t caught them again. They stopped on an alley and took a breathe so deeply. Chorong held her chest while sweating. It’s very tired for them plus they didn’t grab their dinner either.

Luhan fan himself and took a bottle of mineral water then drink it.

“Take it, you’re sweating rongie. You need some fresh water” After drink it, Luhan offered his mineral water to Chorong.

“Thank you oppa, fyuh! I cant imagine if they catch us” Chorong took the bottle Luhan offered and drink it until empty and throw it everywhere.

“Yeah and those activities of running away make my tummy growling. Should we go out now? And don’t forget to use them” Luhan then took his stuff and started to wear it like black sunglasses, hat. Chorong also wore them, like round glasses, hat and mask. It’s hard for being artists, but they should glad because of it they could meet and knowing each other.

“Okay, we’re ready now!” Chorong cheer up herselfand walked out of the alley followed by Luhan behind.

                They walked in silence. Not because of awkwardness, but they want to enjoy this moment and memorize it on their mind. A wind blow on them and it made Chorong shivering a little. Luhan realized it and slowly put off his jacked and wrapped it on Chorong’s shoulder. Chorong who was looking on the street directly looking at Luhan with confused and blank face. Luhan smiled when he looked back at a High-School-Girl-Look-Alike in front of him. She’s really cute with that glasses and look like a 18 old girl while actually she’s 23.

“Don’t stare me that long. You’ll fall for me later” Chorong teased Luhan playfully.

“Yah, you’re so confident. Im not looking at you mrs.confident” Luhan sticks out his tongue and walked left Chorong behind.

“Wait me girly oppa!” Chorong ran to chase his girly oppa. And they kept tease each other while walking side by side

Chorong POV

                I was very sad before but with Luhan oppa beside me, all of my sadness and pain suddenly flew anywhere and he give me happiness that he bring along. He’s a guy which have such a good personality and easy going. It’s not bad plan that I went to amusement park today.

                “We’re arrived now!” I said while pointing at the restaurant that I often visited.

                “We’ll eat there?” Luhan stared at me with unreadable face and I was frowned.

                “Yeah, what’s the matter?”

                “ What a small world we have! I often eat on too, their chicken feet is the best!”

                “What’re we waiting for? Let’s eat until all of chicken lose their feet”  I didn’t expect that Luhan is chicken feet lover like me. I got new buddy here, maybe I can ask him to treat me chicken feet again next time. 

Author POV

                They entered the restaurant and order so many chicken feet portion. They held chicken feet party that night. Laughs, screams, whined and pouted are filling their conversation until midnight and they were very full. Luhan looked at the watch and he was shocked. They didn’t realize that it’s already midnight and they would bid goodbye and wait for another chance to meet. Chorong and Luhan exchanged their number phone , so if they wanna meet. It’ll be more easier. Time separate them, Luhan and Chorong said goodbye to each other then went to their own dorm without knowing what will happened on the next day……………………………..






sorry for not updating for such a long time T__T my laptop was on service a week. and yeah, i can't publish my new chapter. I hope you like it. i'll update the next chapter asap. sooorryyyyy before ;;; 

and welcome my new subscribers and viewers.

big thanks to subscribers and upvoters and also viewers! God bless you always guys~ ^~^


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Penawar #1
Chapter 7: luhan is jealous now
update soon authornim :)
Sakura7 #2
Chapter 7: ahhhh... nice story. can't wait for the next chapter. update soon author-nim
luhan_chorong #3
Update soon please...
Kimmywheew #4
Chapter 7: maskdkjsiduimw. Luhan's jealous XD
blackpearlshidae #5
Chapter 6: Update soon ❤ ^_~
LuRong_ship #6
Who that guy ? please update soon, I'm curious about it.
Chapter 6: Dont tell me tht guy is baek
Chapter 5: Yahhh sasaeng fan I hate u
alicia5699 #9
Chapter 5: Nooooooo!! Chorongieeee!