His Tolerance 3:)


Hi  EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kyu said  and i could tell that he was soooooo excited 

You guys are late Yoona said  

Two people  were getting ready for like  4 hours  Kyu said  glaring us 

Yaaaaa i said  look who's talking i said 

Ok  ok ok enough now who is he ?? Hyun Joong said with a somewhat irritated tone 

He is U-Know . We've mentioned him  before  i said

Nice to meet you all . I'm YunHo  he said and placed his hand around my neck in a playful manner

Yeah yeah let's go in now Hyun Joong said and turned his back at us and started walking 

What's wrong with him ??? Kyu asked 

We don't know a few minutes before he was ok Jung Min said 

Well  let's party people  Hyun Jun said 

Everyone followed  him and  went into the club . We found a table  for all of us and i don't even know how this happened but i found myself between YunHo and Hyun Joong  and next to him Tiffany . I thought it was so awkward but then i saw Kyu and he gave me an  evil grin and i realised how we ended up like this . He was talking with Yoona   and later i have to ask him what they're talking about cause i'm curious but anyway.Then YunHo whispered to me 

Can you tell me who is that hotty at the bar ???

Who do you mean exactly ?? There are 3 people there i whispered back at him

The one with the black short hair and the white skin , the one who looks like a dark angel he told me

Oooooo you mean JaeJong HAHAHAHAHA Dark angel  ??? i said

You've never talked to me like that , should i be jealous ??? i said

Hahahahaha i want to meet him he said

Of course i can introduce you but you should stop drooling now i said with a pout 

I have a mission  don't worry i won't forget it  he told me and gave me a wink 


I'm trying my best to stay calm and composed but if he keeps whispering at my otter like this i'll punch him . Saengie seems to have a nice time with and he keeps laughing and laughing . What the hell are they talking about  what's so funny . Since when does otter like to have so much contact with other. I don't think i will be able to tolerate this if he  try to touch him i'll break his hands i swear .

Hyun Joong do you listen me ??? Tiffany asked 

Sorry there is too mucch noise here i couldn't listen to you  i  said

I said  is it alright if i come at your place tomorrow i can cook  lunch Tiffany said

Yeah ok  why not . i said

I turned around and the two of them were gone . I started to  look for them and i spotted them on the dance floor  . THEY WERE DANCING . The only reason why i haven't beat this  guys is because i don't want to make a scene . They keep dancing and dancing and then my eyes met  with this guy YunHo  i think i saw him  grin at me and then he grew closer to Saengie and he placed his hand around MY SAENGIE'S  waist MY SAENGIE'S . That's my limit. My mind went blank and i found myself walking towards them like a bull . 

Where the hell do you think you're going ??? Jae said  holding my shoulders

Leave me NOW i said That  trash is touching HIM , MY SAENGIE . Let me go  i said yanking his hands away 

STOP THIS NOW  he said and held me again . Somehow i realised  what i was going to do

Ok  i'm fine now  let me i said

Are you sure ??? h asked

Yes i'm ok

 Tiffany's Pov 

What does he think he is doing. Suddenly  leaving me  alone here and  whereis he going ?? He is with Jae at the dance foolr but why are talking and not dancing . I went closer  and i heard the name i hated the most SAENGIE  WHY HIM AGAIN ??  He will  pay for taking my boyfriends attention again . He definitely will cause he  is  MY BOYFRIEND NOW . I went closer to Hyun Joong making both of them know  that i was close  and  shouted

Baby do you want to  dance ??? i asked 

Yeah let's  dance he said and i could tell he was surprised to see me next to him 

While  we were dancing i made sure that i caught Young Saeng's attention when he looked me i quickly went closer to Hyun Joong and kissed him . I could see Youngg Saeng freeeze and i  smiled parting our kiss. Hyun Joong was shocked because he didn't expect me to kiss him . I smiled at him  and he told me 

I will go to keep Jae company he is alone  . You should go see Yoona too he said

Fine i told him and left

HYS Pov 

While we were dancing with YunHo i saw them kissing and i started to breathe with  difficulty and my eyes were  wet . Yun Ho saw my reaction , he looked behind us and realised why i was acting strange . He took my hand and walked me out of the club . 

Are you alright ??? he asked with  worried voice

Yes it was the smoke  i  suddenly couldn't  breathe  i said

You don't have to lie to me i saw everything remember ??he said  hugging me 

Sorry i said

You don't have to apologise  he told me 

You look beautiful  he  said shocking  me 

Before i realised what was happening he came too close to me and  a second before our lips met .........





Hope you like this chapter :DDDD Sorry to update  late 

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Monica_hs #1
Chapter 35: I need more
LovelyYS #2
Chapter 34: Welcome Back! Thank You!
I love Hyunsaeng and I love this omg :)
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 33: Please update soon while I have been waiting for next chapters too long almost 2 years. You know that I really like this story, you are amazing for this story!!
mehakh2001 #5
Chapter 33: i just loved it..u just imcreased our curiosity by updating...pls don't keep us waiting...i really want to know what's gonna happen next...!!!!!
SS501_301 #6
Chapter 32: what's the next episode....
keenie73 #7
Anxiously waiting to see what happens next. Hope you can update soon.
mehakh2001 #8
Waeyoo....why haven't you updated..pls update soon..Cruz I want to know why saengieee.'s attempting a suicide...
Chapter 32: Oh god! Why the cliffhanger? I'm so eager to know what happens next. This is getting really interesting. Please update soon.
keenie73 #10
Chapter 32: Nothing like keeping us hanging...waiting on a update. :)