Chapter 2

A Twist In My Story

During the short break before the next class starts, Taeyeon received a text message.

It was from Baekhyun.

Baekhyun: Noona.. Are you free later after school ends?

Tiffany: Omo... Who texted you? Is it Baekhyunie again? 

Taeyeon nodded as she smiled energylessly.

Tiffany: Wae? Come on, even though he's a dongsaeng, you should give him a chance. I think he's a nice guy. He's handsome and really cute too with that eye smile. He seems to be really innocently liking you. It's been some time since he started to try asking you out for a date. You should consider Taeyeon-ah.

Tiffany tried to persuade the girl enthusiasticly. Taeyeon just smiled back at Tiffany as she replied the boy.

Taeyeon: Not today Baekhyun-ah. Maybe some other day. I have something on later. Sorry.

Baekhyun: Oh.... Geurae.. I will try again another day... Don't need to apologize noona.. Sorry if I bother you..

Baekhyun replied as he started to feel down. It's his 189th time being rejected by his Taeyeon noona.


The last class for the day was over. 

Yuri: Where are we heading after school?

Sooyoung: Let's go eat meat!

Sunny: Aigoo.. Our shikshin is in action again kekeke.

Hyoyeon: I'm up for it! Who else is coming?

Taeyeon: Should not be a problem. I'm quite hungry too.

Jessica/Yoona/Seohyun: Ok!

Yuri: Now it's only left with Fany's answer. Are you coming along with us Fany-ah?

Tiffany: Sorry girls. I can't join all of you today. I've got a date with Nichkhun. I've decided to give it a shot with him. Afterall it has been quite some time since he started to court me. And I think I've started to like him a little hehe.

Hearing the statement from Tiffany, Taeyeon got taken aback. Despite that, she kept a poker face with a smile.

Taeyeon: That's a good news. You should go ahead and try it out with Nichkhun. Siwon was a jerk and you should put that past you since it was already over between you guys like 3 years ago. Don't forget to tell me how it goes like ok!

Taeyeon and Tiffany had been best friends since they were 15. There's pretty much no secrets between them because they share everything with each other. Siwon was Tiffany's ex-boyfriend before she became single. You can call him a jerk because he is a total player. 

Tiffany: Hmm.. Yeah you're right. I'll see you girls in school tomorrow then. I'll text you tonight to update you about the date later okay Taetae hehe. Bye girls!

All of the girls bid her goodbye and they went seperate ways from Tiffany.


In front of their school gate, Nichkhun was waiting nervously for Tiffany.

Nichkhun: Hey Tiffany you're finally here! Come get in my car. I drove to school today so we can probably grab a bite first before going for a spin. Are you okay with it?

Nichkhun was a very polite and considerate guy 

Tiffany: Um. Sure, it sounds like a good plan.

Tiffany as usual gave her killer eye smile as she get in the car. Nichkhun being a gentleman as always, closed the door for her. He then made his way to the driver's seat and helped Tiffany put on her seatbelt.

While driving, they had some short conversation.

Nichkhun: What do you wanna have today? Western or Korean? Or others?

Tiffany: Western! Heehee. Are you okay with it?

Tiffany asked shyly.

Nichkhun: Sure let's go eat at W Restaurant. They've got really delicious western food there.

Tiffany: Hmm. Ok.

She smiled at him as they continue their journey to the restaurant to eat.

The wonderful date that they had that day had to end as it was getting late already.

Nichkhun: Goodnight Tiffany-ssi. Rest early and have a good sleep. I'll see you tomorrow in school.

Nichkhun had drove her back home and walked her to the front door of her house.

Tiffany: Uh. Goodnight. Drive safely back home ok.

Nichkhun left after he've seen Tiffany safely entered her house.

After washing up, Tiffany excitedly called Taeyeon to share with her about her date with Nichkhun.

Tiffany: Taengoo-ah! You're not yet asleep right?

Taeyeon: Uhh.. Not yet. Fany-ah.. Wae? How's your date?

Tiffany: Hehe. Omo you know he's such a gentleman. He's so polite and considerate. Always thinking for me first. So caring. I think he's the right one. I've started to really fall for him now hehe.

Tiffany started to do a storytelling to Taeyeon about the whole date and how perfect was the Thai-American-Chinese guy.

Taeyeon kept silent throughout with only few responses like, "Uhh.., Ok.., Really.. That's good for you..". Inside her heart she wasn't really feeling good. She was feeling pretty jealous and upset that her best friend had went out on a date with a guy.

Ever since Taeyeon broke up with her first and only ex-boyfriend, Kangin, she had not fallen nor date with other guys. She was basically too heartbroken from the relationship and her heart had grew numb. People who see her would think that she had no feelings and see her as a little cold person because no matter how many people tried to penetrate through her heart, even the most sincere and innocent ones, do not seem to be able to do so. It has been like that since she was 18, the year that she broke up with Kangin after their almost 3 years relationship. 

From the time she broke up with Kangin, Tiffany has always been the one being there for her throughout everything. Their relationship were even closer than how sisters can be. Some who do not know them may mistaken them as lovers. Of course, it's not the normal boy-girl relationship but instead a girl-girl relationship. Taeyeon in their relationship is always a giver. She always gives in to Tiffany and let her do things her way most of the times. After ten years going through all the best and worst times together, maybe that's when Taeyeon had slowly started to fall for her best friend. At first she thought that it was a mistake as she might have been confused. But slowly, she realized that she had fallen deeper in love with Tiffany. But she had not confessed to her for fear that she might ignore her. As you can see same gender relationship is not really a right thing to do. So for the past six years, she had just been loving Tiffany quietly. Actually she was quite contented with that as Tiffany was single so both of them had always spend time together. But her happiness lasted till today as Tiffany had decided to give Nichkhun a chance to woo her.

After she had excitedly share about her date with Taeyeon, she slowly started to feel sleepy.

Tiffany: Taetae.. I'm sleepy already. Let's continue when I see you in school tomorrow hehe. Goodnight.

Taeyeon: Uhh.. Ok.. Have a good sleep. Remember to cover yourself with blanket or you might catch a cold. Goodnight. See you tomorrow, Yeppeuni.

Reminding Tiffany to cover herself with blanket before she sleeps has been one of the daily routines that Taeyeon always say before they both go to sleep.

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ooo i love this
Chapter 6: update soon please
Iloveexalot #3
Chapter 6: This story is soo confusing
Chapter 4: update soon please