[SEHUN] Chapter 2

Change Your Mind

Three tests, two quizzes today. How lovely.


It was stressful, to read textbooks and study the text while practice and dance came all along the way. It is not like I read about geometry while I do a few pelvis s before spinning, or answer science questions as I do a three-hundred metre dash on the field...


"MOVE IT BOYS!" Hyoyeon Noona would yell at our sweat-covered bodies. "WE HAVE A BIG GAME TOMORROW NIGHT SO GO GO GO!"


"I swear," Chanyeol ran beside me, panting. Even though he's on the [football] team, he still gets tired after running 15 metres. "She is suitable for the army.”


"Everyone says that," I breathed. "Now give me a question on science."


"What why?"




"Okay fine, uh," He thought for a bit. "What chemicals are in our bodies?"


"Easy: Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen."


"What does our body need to repair tissue, or something…?"


"Proteins and amino acids. If you don't eat enough protein everyday, there is a good chance you will get anorexia."


"What is the difference between discrete variation and continuous variation?"


"Discrete; you have it or not. Continuous; you have it when you are born."


"Give me three signs of chemical changes."


"Ability to burn, change of color, the odour," I answered half-heartedly. Chanyeol didn’t do so well in Science. These are the easiest questions. "More."


He muttered something quietly, more like a curse. "Dude, you don't need to study. You know the textbook backwards and upside down."


"Sehun, now, try do that and then spin." The choreographer ordered me as I picked up a piece of paper from my bag.


"Yes sir," I stared at the paper, waiting for the music to run.


As the music began to play and my part began, I read about the basics of geometry as I did some pelvis s and spun. But since I was so focused on the paper, I ended slipping forwards.


"No one reads a piece of paper while ing uncontrollably and spinning after making the girls' wet." The choreographer said awkwardly, crouching down beside me and staring at me. Thankfully, it was just the two of us. One on one.


"How does ing and spinning make the girls wet?" I questioned him, looking at him. "That sounds very weird." How does he even know that?


"Don't look at me if I know," He exaggerated. Haha, the word ‘if’."Ask one of the older ones. They know how to do that… um… well. Besides, you don't need to study. You're good."

Know how do it well?



I did football and dance as I studied, but what am I suppose to do?


"You should have asked the teachers for some study guide," Yunji said, getting a pencil. "They have a million study tips for you to choose from, smart one."

"Excuse me, but I'm not a person who stays in their room for the rest of their day after school." I stuck out my tongue. "I barely have four hours in my house."

"So you sleep for two hours?"

"Merely a catnap."

The math test was passed down, with only twenty multiple choice and five short answers, costing the test in total 50 points. The teacher always knows that Yunji and I would get at least 98% at our maximum. 95% is the minimum. It was always like this since first semester last year, we were only academic rivals; scoring at least 97 per subject without knowing each other. I was always first, by a point higher. I used to feel bad for her, only getting a point lower than me (probably because she was a girl). But since it kept happening, the best way how to congratulate her is about it. It suddenly became habitual.


Only twenty minutes was eaten, I slickly finish with the kiss of graphite on the almost-filled space. Yunji finished third after Suho hyung, who became suddenly bored and slammed her face onto the desk. More likely wanting to sleep in school. Usually, the teacher would let us go quickly to the convenient store nearby and make us buy some snacks for him, but instead, we were asked to leave class and go to the music room without reason. Unsure what to respond, we still followed the teacher's orders anyway. Walking to the music room from where we were would take us approximate of five minutes, so running was a lot easier, even though Suho hyung and myself hated to run. Yunji was a flawless runner, taking two metres ahead of us. We still have an hour left for Math, but screw that.

Arriving in the music room, the ten hyungs and Yunji's friends sat on the tables, staring at us. The three of us bowed quickly [to the teacher] and went to… well, wherever we had to go.

"You two are late," Kyungsoo says. "What took you so long?"

"What took us so long?" I repeated. "There was a test today for Math."

"But you finish ten minutes after getting the test paper."

"The annoying kid from 11-C kept poking my backside."

"Makes sense.”

“Hello my homeroom,” Mr. Lau spoke up, hopping up to a desk to sit on. “Despite that all of you rank in the Top 20, you guys finish tests or quizzes under 45 minutes. Since you have at least an hour left until the period is over, I thought that I would take the opportunity to use the remaining time for me, and Mr. Cho to teach.”

“Teach what?” Tao questioned.

“Well, whatever he wants to teach you all.”

“So you are telling me that you, Henry Lau, do not know what Mr. Cho is teaching us?” Tao squinted at him, questioning. I promise you, it feels weird if someone calls Mr. Lau his name.

“Yesterday I was suppose to know, but he hasn’t said anything in particular.”

“So,” Mr. Lau spoke up for a bit. “What tests did you guys have today?”

“Well, I have three tests left.” Mayumi groaned in annoyance. “It’s the worst.”

“History and English.” Tao rolled his eyes.

“A quiz on basketball.”

“Who on earth has to do a quiz on b-ball?”

“Chemistry and Literature.” Luhan coughed.

“EW SCIENCE AND LITERATURE?” Jiyun repeated in disgust. “Those are the worst. I had Literature and Physics.”

“Lucky,” Nayoung pouted, “I had a test on Mechanics and Math.” She gave a disgusted face.

“So is this 11-A?” A voice echoed. He was dressed in a tailored-blazer with a brightly white collar shirt (that blinded my eyes) underneath. A pin was cut through his pocket of the blazer as a pair of black dress pant suited his shoes. All eyes focused on the well-dressed man. “Why, hello. Let me introduce myself. I am Mr. Cho, preparing to graduate in Korea University. My major is Music and Literature. Pleasure to see you all.”

Are you sure he’s a student teacher? Because he is dressed to go to a wedding or something. And he sounds so intellectual.

“I have heard about you all, ranking in the Top 20 in this highly prestigious school.” He began, slowly walking around the classroom. “Byun Baekhyun, placed 2nd on the Incheon Music Festival Competition. Well-vocalled.” Baekhyun blushed in emotions, evoking that memory last year. “Wu Fan, or Kris Wu, the captain of the school’s basketball team. Well practiced.”

“Thank you sir.” Kris says. “No need for the compliment.”

“Jongdae and Junmyeon, you two were the temporary radio jockeys filling in for our most popular radio jockey for quite a while.”

“Jongmyeon,” Suho flashed a small smile. “I still remember.”

“Jongmyeon sounds like a brand.” Chen laughed.

“Jongkai, oh yes, Jongin… All-time winner for the local jazz and ballet competitions.”

“Please, do not bring that up again.” He moaned as Kyungsoo and I .

“Luhan, your soccer team made it to finals thanks to you.” It happened last year and a month.

“I remember Yixing, Star Academy.” Lay looked down, plastering a smile on his face. “Kyungsoo, son of the CEO of one of the most successful business in South Korea.”

“So you praised some of us about our talents, but D.O. hyung only for being a son of a CEO?” Kai squinted.

“I was about to add his amazing vocal talent.”

“T-Thank you, sir…”

“Tao, wushu competitions. A talented young martial artist as well as rapper.” Tao felt lighted when he got complimented. “Xiumin, finishing 3rd for all of your taekwondo competitions.”  

“Jiyun, won second on that song-writing competition back in May. By the way, you made my mother cry because of ‘Pray’. Especially bringing four girls and a guitarist to sing it. ”

“That was too emotional, Jiyun.” Mr. Lau brought up.

“Oh, sorry…” Jiyun answered. “Some things were happening while I was songwriting.”

“Ishiguro Mayumi, former three-time national champion for ballet back in Japan.” Mayumi bites her lip, a sign of embarrassment. “Chanyeol, or should I say
arkeol , the 12th most popular online-gamer in the history of online-gaming.”

“Okay, how did you know that?” Chanyeol blushed as Tao gave him a wide-eyed stare.

ARKEOL!?!? Man, I stalked all of your tips and tricks all the time to try to defeat Tekken 6 for good!!!!”

“I remember Sehun,” He glances a look at me. “The youngest member of the varsity swimming team. Won fourth in the nationals.”

“No wonder girls beg on their knees to see your bareness…” Yunji snickered at me quietly. I just shot her a glare, with a brow up.

“You forgot Nayoung!” Chen called. “And Hwangie..”

“Nayoung, ah yes!” Mr. Cho says. “Short stories. A very talented writer.”

“Thank you, Mr. Cho…” She thanked. “I’ll keep trying my best.”

“Well, what about Yunji?” Mr. Lau spoke up.

“Yunji, well, I remember you back 8 years ago…” Mr. Cho slightly chuckled.

“Oh , this is going to be interesting.” Jiyun mumbled happily. She’s right. Anything that happened a long time ago to someone can be interesting.

“Well, what did you remember?” Yunji asked, seeing a sweat drop run down her face.

“You were one of the little girls for promoting Pororo toys in commercial films.” Mr. Cho chuckled.

“OH MY FLIPPIN— MY DAY JUST BECAME BETTER” Jiyun stood up and applaud. Slight laughs and chuckles made Yunji embarrass herself more. I smirked at Yunji, who was flushed in red.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked.

“Just imagining it makes me like you more.” I teased and stared at her. “Kwong!” I said in a little girl voice and clapped my hands childishly.

“Sh-shut up…”




I really like it how I made Hyoyeon as an Assistant Football Coach cUZ SHE IS SPECIALIST HY

So you get to know some talents/secrets of the four main girls and EXO. Isn’t Chanyeol’s interesting? A popular online gamer in the history of online gaming (hehe)~  

I hope you all enjoyed it!

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See you then!

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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 5: aww i want to know who it is....and i wanna see how sehun would react
looking forward to your next update:)