[YUNJI] Chapter 5

Change Your Mind

The awakening, golden daylight rolled into the quiet room as my eyes fluttered from exhaustion. The chirping birds tweeted their morning melody as I resisted the urge to sleep once again. A breath of warmth took away the annoying cramps and I felt relieved. I snuggled close to the surprisingly warm blanket, to take whatever is left. It felt nice and I wished I can sleep more, but once I am awake, there is no way I can fall asleep peacefully.

The dreams that came from the night gods still lingered slowly in my thoughts, hearing fictional characters speak in such formality as they tell the tales of their lives. Tears, laughter and hope were the themes to each story. I personally want to hear more of their lives, but I had to come back to the painful reality. Thankfully, I am alive on a new day. If I can only sleep more…

“Yunji?” A voice smooth like jazz echoed in the room. I sat up as I cracked my back.

“Yes?” I responded quietly, rolling over to avoid Sehun, who apparently was sleeping right next to me and quickly got up. I felt slow this morning, but my actions felt quick. I squinted due to the blinding light. “Mom?”

Dressed with sophistication and organization, she clicked-clacked her way to me. She kissed both of my cheeks and handed me a filled plastic bag and a file.
The file was filled with numerous amounts of papers and documents, which felt a bit heavy to my hand.


“Yunji, sweetie,” said my mom, “I have a trip that I told you about ages ago. Instead of three days, it turned out to be a month-long trip to Kenya.”


“Oh, well, uh okay?”


“My company asked me to stay longer due to one of my co-workers had an injury yesterday.” She said, “If you don't mind...”


“I can't really say anything because it's your job.” I answered.


“Grandma Joo is coming in next week to be with you. I know you want your father to be with you, but you know why...” My mother lowers her voice. “Grandma Joo knows what to do with all the papers in the files. And I have bought some breakfast for your classmates.”


I peeked into the bag that was filled with sandwiches, various fruits and bottles. “Did you make sure you gotten Miyun juice?”




“Thank you and please be safe on your trip.” I say quietly, sounding a bit sad.


“Yunji-ah,” My mother embraced me in a hug. “I know that your dad cannot make it at the moment. He's all the way at Canada so it would take him a while for him to come back. But I promise, he will come. Don't be such a downer, okay?”


“I understand. But seriously, you gotta go.” I said, trying not to sound like I'm trying to get rid of her. “Take care..”


“Take care,” She kissed my head and quickly walked out of the door. “See you soon.”


I waved at her as I placed the files into my school bag. Closing the school bag, I opened the breakfast bag as I swam into my sea of thoughts. I felt suddenly motionless as I continued thinking. Sometimes, thinking can make you lose consciousness. I tried to remain balanced... Oh my, why do I feel so tired again!?


“Ugh, Tao, your drool is on my face, EW!” Mayumi cried as she wiped off the sticky salaiva on her cheek. “Are you dreaming about Gucci again?”


“Mayumi, no...” Tao pushed Mayumi away. “It's was about something else.” He looked awfully sweaty, but he isn't sick.


“Shut up...” Kai groaned, “No one needs to know about Tao and Gucci's ual adventures.”


Suddenly, everyone began to slowly wake up by Kai's comment.


“What the heck, Jongin!?” Jiyun threw her bag at him. “You, with your strange mind.”


“I just heard strange Gucci ual mind,” Chanyeol yawned, “Is Tao involved?”


“Guys, let's not talk about Tao and his Gucci,” Kris says, “I know he has an obsession, but it's morning.”


“Kris why are you so protective?” Miyun questioned.


“Guys, will you be quiet! I had a good dream and now I forgotten it. Geez.” Baekhyun whined. “I HAVE FORGOTTEN~” he began to sing.

A burst of arguments suddenly changed the mood. From a quiet, peaceful classroom to a level of screams, it felt strange to be forgotten since everyone was so busy yelling at each other. A tug on the pant leg gotten my attention and I looked on the floor. Sehun, who had tired eyes and messy hair, was aroused by the sudden noises. It seemed like he did not sleep well.

“Catnap?” I asked.

“I actually slept well,” he yawns, “I just gotten a shock from the class. Hey, is that food?”

I nodded and handed him a sandwich and a mango. Then I said, “Yes, Sehun. My mom came by and gave this [breakfast] bag and a file to me.”

“Why did your mom came by?”

“Stop asking questions.”

“Gee, no need to be rude.” Sehun started to peel the mango. “No spoon? Or fork?”

“I don’t think so. Just eat it, or you’ll get hungry if you don’t like the sandwich.” I let out a soft laugh. The glint in his eyes sparked up a bit and Sehun gave a small smile as he bit the peeled mango. It made me feel



“Waah! Unnie you won’t believe the great news I hear in my ears!” Mayumi squealed as she excitedly ran to into the change room, waving her phone in her hands. She looked preppy and forever stylish.

“Your J-Rock hubbies released a new album again?” I laughed as I changed my shirt.


“Uh, excuse you, it's the repackaged. I pre-ordered it and I'm getting it today.” She smiles, “and it's legit news.”


“Okay what?” I asked.


“So you know how those stupid cheerleader peasants said something about a new boy and none of us believed it?” Mayumi asked as I gave her a nod. “They’re actually telling the truth.”

“The only truth those girls say are about you or a person.” Nayoung says, “It hurts.”


“Don’t tell me our child got abused by their mean words.” Jiyun said.

“Eh.” Nayoung shakes her head.

“But I’m not kidding, though!” Mayumi flailed her arms. “I did some research and asked people! A new boy is actually coming!”

“He has to be hardcore good-looking and smart,” Jiyun munched on a marshmallow snack. “Because I'm tired of hearing dumb girls asking EXO to either go out with them to the bar or get tapped.”


“So you're saying that the new person should suffer.” Miyun said. Then her eyes lit up. “I like it!”


“I'm evil that way.” Jiyun nodded in satisfaction.


“OH! OH!” Mayumi cried. “What happens if there's a love triangle on one of us!?”


“No, unnie. Just, no.” Nayoung commented.


“Course can't be on lovely Nayoung, she belongs to her Chen Oppa.” Miyun patted her head as a faint blush crept upon her face. “I can't be either.”


“Because you have your own Oppa.” Jiyun stuck her tongue out.


“Then Mayumi.” I shrugged.


“Uh, no way, Hosea!” Mayumi said, sounding disgusted. “I'm in conflict between two men already!”


“Oh really?” Miyun raised a brow. “Who would that be?”


“Eh, it might be her boy-craze problems,” Jiyun said, “what about Yunji?”


“Says the one who friend-zoned Luhan.” I coughed.


“Wait- you friend-zoned him!?” Miyun exclaimed in shock.


“ANYWAY,” Jiyun raised her voice. “Yunji can be suitable for this situation.”


“With who?” Mayumi asked. “Either Sehun or Lee Seokmin would do.”


“For cow's sake Mayumi, Seokmin's a freshman.” I retorted, wrapping a red scarf around my neck. “Why Sehun?”


“Because you dream of him!” Jiyun and Mayumi cried. “Heck, you complain because of him at times!”


“Don't forget that you sat on him.” Nayoung grinned and got her bag.


“Excuse me?” Miyun questioned, looking lost.


“You're kinda lucky you aren't in our class.” I answered, walking out from the change room. “He was sitting on my desk and I...”


“Okay then...” Miyun shook her head and followed. “We change and shower quick, actually.”


“Duh, it's called us having schedules outside from school and we have to be quick like a bee.” Mayumi said. “Where is EXO?”


“Probably playing basketball at the court,” Jiyun said, “they usually come here and play a few games on Saturdays.”


“Today's Saturday?”


“Yes, Nayoung.”


“Sasaeng much.” Miyun joked.


“No.” Jiyun said firmly.


We began walking outside the school building, after cleaning up the music room and changing our clothes. Spotting EXO, who were playing soccer at the field, we sat at the green grass by the goalpost. EXO wasn't really playing a game of soccer, they were more likely just running around and having fun. Mayumi took a picture on her camera, Nayoung was talking on the phone, Miyun started to sketch and Jiyun listened to music. I had nothing to do, since it was so nice outside. The sun smiled at the clear skies as the soft breezes danced with the grass. But I didn't know what was happening until my ears greeted screams.


“WHAT THE HECK LUHAN!” Jiyun wiped .


“Okay what happened?” Nayoung questioned while seeing Luhan bowing and apologizing to Jiyun. “Is Jiyun wiping ? Wait— what did Luhan Oppa do?”


“If she's wiping , it's either she tasted something terrible or she got kissed.” I said. Then, my eyes widen. Jiyun never drank anything other than water...


“JIYUN YOU GOT KISSED!?!” The rest of us (plus EXO) shouted. “OMO!!!”


Since when EXO came near to us? That was quick.


“Aish, shut it!” Jiyun's cheeks suddenly turned pink. “Luhan tripped and he fell on top of me!”


“If Luhan's fans hear about this, oh things are gonna break loose.” Miyun says.


“Whatever Miyun!” Jiyun cried, burying her face into her hands. “It's my first kiss and you just had to say that!”


“WHAT IT’S YOUR FIRST KISS LUHAN WHY” We all panicked as Luhan gave us a face.


“It's the stupid soccer ball! A-And it's just a kiss!” Luhan stammered.


“Don't underestimate the soccer ball.” Kai said.


“Ooh Luhan hyung you likey.” The Beagle Line howled in laughter.


“Shut up, ChenBaekYeol!” I screamed. “Jiyun's never gonna forget it, obviously and her parents will notice her actions when she comes home!”


“Like stuttering, dropping plates, pulling off an all-nighter...” Mayumi listed. “They figure that Jiyun has a boyfriend.”


“She won't get in trouble or anything,” Baekhyun added, “just that Luhan has to meet her parents.”


“Guys, you're making the author off-topic! I had to break the fourth wall because of this mess!” Suho exclaimed, running his fingers in his hair.


“Then let Jiyun complain and we can make her go back to the real thing.” Baekhyun said.


“NOT FUNNY.” Luhan whined.


“Ugh, Luhan...” Jiyun continued to blush like a field of roses. “Aish I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT OH MY GOSH.”


The rest of us either tried to calm her down or continued on what Luhan should do. I stood up as Sehun walked to me.


“What is it?”


He went to my ear as Sehun whispered, “Wait till that happens to you.”


I just rolled my eyes and slapped his arm.

The day progressed as it turns out all of us went either directly back home or decided to hang out in someone's place. I felt sorry for Jiyun, who apparently cannot go home just yet and is stuck at Luhan's place. Luhan and Jiyun should deal the kiss out before it would get awkward between the two. Let's hope things turn out okay before they get extremely awkward with each other. But guess who I am with at 6:30pm in my neighbourhood?


“I never knew that you can convince me to come with you to a café to have a dinner ‘date’.” I muttered, eating the last bit of the pastry. “How can you pay so cheap?”


“I get discounts.” Sehun smiled, sipping his water. “Apparently, I'm quite known around here.”


“It's because you're the son of the most richest and successful man in Korea.”


“I guess so.”


“What? You sound like its not a good thing.”


“It's difficult to live a spoiled life,” he said, “Stupid company dinners and formal parties. No offence.”


“Seeing you in distress is my secret personal pleasure.” I snickered as Sehun decides to roll his eyes.


“So you live around here?” He stirs up a new topic.


“Yeah.” I answered.


My neighbourhood is near Han River and it's smaller than the rest of the neighbourhoods. Although it's not populated, we all certainly know each other and hold neighbourhood gatherings monthly. There isn't a school since majority of the people are homeschooled. I was one of the few children who decided to go to an actual school.


“I would have put you in homeschool,” my mother's voice echoed from the past, “but it would conflict with many things.”


“B-but I want to play with Jungie!” I whined, pouting. “can't I just stay here!”


“You deserve some more friends since you look so distant most times. Besides, Jungie is always here.”


“MOM! Jungie is gonna be here until next week! He's leaving for America!”


“Yunji,” she mumbles, “I know that it's hard to say goodbye to your friend. But to think, it's hard for myself to say a farewell to your father.”


“Mmm...” I pouted, crossing my stubby arms. “But let me say bye to Jungie?”


“How sweet,” Sehun's voice brought me back to the present. “must be nice to have a childhood friend.”


“Never had one?”


He nodded. “When was the last time you have seen him?”


“Ten years ago,” I answer, “I was six and he was seven back then. My mom said he's coming back soon for a visit.” I looked at my phone, checking the time. It read 7:50 PM. “Ah, it seems I gotta run. I have to go home soon.”

“I’ll walk you.” He offered.

“You don’t have to.”

“But I will anyway.” Sehun stands up and takes my hand as he pulled me from my seat. I stumble, but managed to follow through.

Sehun leaves some coins on the table as we walked out from the café. The sun began to die down while the moon began to take its place. Street shops began to close, the soft giggles of the youth began to disappear, and the noises from the nightclubs started to increase. The cold winds blew from the north and I shivered. Even my jacket and my scarf wouldn’t do a thing. My lips shake and my breath trembles, as I tried to keep warm.

“Ah….” I breathed shakily.

“Yah, are you okay?” Sehun asked; his voice sounding a bit worried.

Gosh, why am I so cold?

Because you are, aren’t you? Sehun would say. Your personality is, isn’t it?

“Sh… shxt…” I gasped desperately as I grabbed onto Sehun’s arm. “Hold me, will you?”

“Goodness, Yunji are you okay?” he said, placing a hand on my forehead. “Why are you heating up? Are you sick?”

I didn’t answer. I can only give him uneasy breaths.  

“I'll carry you,” he says, “so you don't have to walk. Gosh Yunji, what happened to you?” He carefully positioned me and shifted my body to a piggyback.

I can only see the worry of his face and smell his jacket, which smelt like apples.


She felt heavy as I continued to walk. Yunji’s uneasy breathing made me feel different than usual. Her house wasn’t too far; with the living room lights on. My feet dragged as I struggled to walk. Why am I so slow, even though I am one of the top runners!?

“Aish, Sehun-ah keep up!” Hyoyeon Noona would tell me, as she watches me. “Not trying to force you or what, but come on! Kyungsoo can carry Tao, who is heavier than him, while sprinting!”

“Noona, I’m carrying a girl here.”

“But does she weigh the same like Taozi?”


“Then go carry her,” she says, “and she will thank you.”

“Why she would thank me? She hates/likes me.”

“Because by the time you carry her to the destination, she’ll be thanking you.” Hyoyeon Noona answers. “Thanking you that she’s safe and alive.”

The sudden scenario in my head felt astonishing real and Hyoyeon’s words motivated me to keep on going, even though how scared I am. I continued, and continued…

Until I finally reached for the door and gave a few lousy knocks.

Yunji, 진짜 (Really)- OMO WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU FIND THIS PLACE!?” A grandma exclaimed in shock while giving me a stare. “Do you know Yunji?”

“Course I do,” I breathed. I was out of breath afterwards. “I was having dinner with her and by the time we were done, she out?” I couldn’t find a better way to tell this lady about what happened to her.

“Ah, kay kay,” she nodded and faced inside the house. “YAH! Yunji’s home and isn’t feeling well! Her boyfriend came back with her!” The grandma faced back to me. I blushed madly. “You, come in, quickly.”

I nodded and went inside the house as I felt my back throbbing in pain.

“Gee, where is that kid?” She looks around the floor and her eyes lit up. “YAH! Didn’t I say that Yunji’s back! Why are you hiding? Are you shy? Come out!”

As the grandma returned with a cloth in her hands and following a person behind, I felt something. It was strong and dark.

“Is she alright?”

A teenage boy, who looked like a seventeen-year old, was staring at me and Yunji.


Decided to update today~ Hope you guys are happy otl

so yes a new boy comes in heuehue

and i throw in three pictures


all three of them are characters in the story! I want you guys to guess who is this sudden guy
┻┳|・ω・)ノ choose one hehehehhuehue 

I hope you enjoyed!

Comment on your opinions and subscribe if you like~!

See you soon~! ^^

*updated* Chanyeol to Kyungsoo for the Hyoyeon scenario c:


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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 5: aww i want to know who it is....and i wanna see how sehun would react
looking forward to your next update:)