[YUNJI] Chapter 3

Change Your Mind

How did Mr. Cho knew I was an extra for the Pororo toy commercial films? And how does Sehun know that my favourite character was Krong?

Stupid Krong sticker on my desk.

Even yet, he knows a lot for a student teacher.

“So, we will start immediately,” He said, walking to the front of the class. “In three weeks, we will be having auditions for a play you will all not just co- direct, but be in charge of lighting and such.” A drama play? Leave the scriptwriting for Nayoung. “I am still in progress of writing [the script] and I am almost finished. Nayoung, please go over and edit parts that are lacking.”

As usual, Nayoung nodded.

“The play is called: Let’s Love,” says Mr. Cho, “It is about a boy named Choi Jaeseok who wants to change the world by using his dance talent to express his feelings to the sudden changing world.”

“Mr. Cho, I am not doing
grand battement en cloche for the play.” Kai gave him a ‘never-choose-me-for-this-thing’ look.

“Did I say that you will be in the play, portraying a character?” He squinted. “I don’t think so.”

“Sorry guys,” Mr. Lau was focusing on his laptop, probably secretly playing Minecraft. “He’s direct.”

“You and Lay will be the choreographers for the play. If anything comes up before the auditions, I’ll leave it to a few Grade 12 choreographers.”

“Lay hyung has a dance competition in China next week and Jongin-ah has to judge the local ballet auditions for two weeks.” Chanyeol spoke.

arkeol, find the Grade 12 choreographers.” Chanyeol was seen dashing out of the room in a millisecond.

“Anyway, currently in the part I am writing, Jaeseok needs a line after having an argument to a boy. He [Jaeseok] wants to prove that he is better than the boy. What should he say?” Mr. Cho asked while diligently scanned the classroom. “Yes, Tao?”

“My hotness is enough to melt ice and snow.” Tao said proudly, with a smirk on his face.

“I hope you weren’t talking about yourself.”

A few chortled by that comment.

“I wasn’t finished…” Tao whined, exchanging a pout from a smile. “The line was suppose to be ‘My hotness is enough to melt ice and snow, including
you and your crew.’”

“Is Jaeseok cocky?” Nayoung perked. Mr. Cho nodded in response. “There you go.”

“That was a nice line, Tao,” Mr. Cho says, writing something on a piece of paper. A burst from the door came from Chanyeol, who was out of breath. “Well, what do you have?”

“Turns out none of them are here…” Chanyeol breathed deeply. “Overnight trip to Jeju Island. For a week.”

“Have you asked Victoria?” Jiyun asked. “She’s a dancer, as well.”

“Yeah, but do you want the dancers in the play to feel the intense burn of flexibility?” Chanyeol raised a brow. “I don’t think so. Besides, Victoria is going to be busy since Student Council.”

“Aha!” Mr. Cho exclaimed, with an idea that flew into his head. “Why don’t the student council create a fundraiser so we can hire an executive choreographer for our play?”

“UGH THEN I HAVE TO GO BACK AND FIND HER AND TELL HER...” Chanyeol groaned and went back to hunt down Victoria.

“I thought Key was the president, not Victoria?” Sehun said.

“Kibum’s in 12th Grade, he came with the choreographers.” I answered.


“So that is now settled,” Mr. Cho spoke. “I will assign your jobs at the meantime. We only have five minutes until Period 2 ends.”

He assigned each and one of us a specific job to do for the play. A few of us have to go with someone else to do the job. Thankfully, I got paired up with Mayumi instead of Sehun. Jiyun and Baek (the noisy line part 2), and Nayoung ended up being paired up with Minseok, but I have a feeling that whenever she’s near him, I get a weird feeling about it.

“She might be related to him?”

“Course not! Why would she be related to
him anyway?”

“Jiyun, do you really hate him?”

“Remember what happened last year, Yunji!?”

“Unnie! Don’t bring it up!”

“Right, you know it too, May-may.”

“Shhhh! Nayoung’s coming from the meeting! Ask her question about Chen!”






“What happened?” Nayoung asked, dropping her bag by the side of the table. “Was Jiyun Unnie dared to do something?”

“AH!” Jiyun screamed, becoming flustered. “I was, uh, well…”

“Yes she was,” I lied. “She’s dared to third wheel Baekhyun and Kim Taeyeon’s date.” A hit on the arm blew.

“I didn’t say anything about that!” Jiyun glared.

“Wait what! Taeyeon is in to Baek!?”

“You made it sound like its a bad thing.” Jiyun said, eating her lunch. “Now tell me, do I really have to third wheel?”

“ to be you, a dare is a dare. You can’t help it but accept it.” Nayoung stuck her tongue out. “Unless you want to bring Luhan with you, then you can either double date or what.”

“I’ll third wheel myself,” Jiyun shaked her head gingerly. “I’m just good friends with Luhan since middle school. It’s better like that, I guess.”

“Wooow, friendzoned much.”

“What? I don’t have a crush on him or anything… Make sense?”


“Ah, okay fine...” Mayumi nodded as she pouted.

Mayumi and Nayoung blabbed with Jiyun, continuing the topic. I wasn't sure if Jiyun had a liking in him, since they have a really good friendship together. That directly goes with Mayumi and Tao, Chen and Nayoung, but only difference is that one of the two takes a liking in the person. Poor Chen and Nayoung has to be in the friend label. Would Jiyun and Luhan even dare to have a fling this past summer or actually date through their graduation year in middle school? How does Luhan feel about their friendship; does he want to be more than just a pair of athletes and good buds? From my knowing, Luhan actually tried to tell her but it was out of the possibilities in the world because she was going through some difficult challenges. Would Luhan even try again?


“Hey, Yunji-shi,” A girl tapped my shoulder. “Luhan wants to ask you something.”


Oh shxt. Did he overheard us?

That’s a no. He is all the way at the field.


“Ah, thanks sunbae,” I nodded and talked to my friends that Miyun is having her menstruation early and she needs her tampons, that I own in my locker. It's true, she does need me now.


Passing by Kaiyun (Kai and Miyun), I tossed the package of remaining tampons to Miyun and Kai helped her out, to get her extra clothes in her bag. I spotted Luhan at a distance, not too far from the school. At the soccer field, leaning against the post. I jogged up to him, calling his name as he tossed me a Pepero box.


If Luhan gives me a box of Pepero while asking me to talk to him alone, that means:


“Luhan, not to be mean-ish, but stop bribing me with Pepero and let me stop giving you Jiyun news.” says I, taking a Pepero stick and took a bite.


He rolled his eyes, and shifted his position.


“Look, I know that you like her, admit it.” I reassured him. “Come on, Lu.”




“So, it means that you are hiding something from me.” I answered. “Something about Jiyun.”


“Yunji-shi,” Luhan sighed. His brown eyes focused on me. “I know I did try telling her. But time is exclusively limited.”


“You got time! Like now!”


“But how will Jiyun react to my feelings? How can she see my image? Can Jiyun understand? Does she want our friendship to be like this?” Luhan questioned. “I can't just go up to her and say, ‘Hey Jiyun, guess what? I like you.’”


I blinked at him. He was right, Jiyun’s vision of people can be ruined by some factors that affect their relationship. She lost half of her trust from her previous basketball teammates last year because of their image and factors.


“Look at her. She's a happy girl and satisfied on what she has. I want her to be happy, but I want her to know as well. Without her seeing me as a different person. Now, tell me. Where can I find time?”


I hesitated on what was stuck on my throat, but I was wordless at the moment.




He told me that we will have to talk again, someday.


I answered an ‘okay’.


Luhan walked back to the school building as I just leaned by the soccer post for a while.


“What did you and Lu-ge talked about?”


“How did you know?”


“You two were out at the field.”


“Yixing-shi, you shouldn't really be poking through personal things.”


“What do you want me to do? I'm sometimes alone.”




“I'm always the last one who knows everything. Do you want me to be a hacker, and get the first greasy bits of the vulgarly drama?”

Poor Yixing is alone when it comes to gossip. We all love him, and we do. I wasn’t sure why no one tells him things, but is it maybe because his aunt is the secretary at our school? He is a good child, and I know he would not tell his aunt everything about the school drama. Or is it he blanks out in a daze and doesn’t pay attention as much?

“Nice reference,” I commented. “Fine. You don't say anything about this to Luhan, and people. Especially Jiyun.”


“I'm scared of Jiyun, why do you expect me to tell her what you and Lu-ge talked about?”


I gave a sigh and told him about the conversation.


He gave me a slight jaw drop.


“Dude, it isn't surprising at all; Luhan liking her.”


“I know,” Yixing nodded, gnawing on his pencil. “But it's his actions. It gets me every time.”


“You fangirl- I mean, fanboy over the two?” I squinted at him, sort of surprised that he does this kind of thing. Rarely, he not even interested in the shows that bring so much popularity amongst the girls.


“If you put it that way, sure.”


“Give an example of how Luhan's actions get you every time.”


He told me one.


This one got me.


“Luhan likes her!” I exclaimed.




“Okay fine, Yixing, if you want to be a sassy diva.”


He raised his arm and snapped his fingers, giving me a 'dang right girl, I am fabulous' expression.


“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. “Hey, I heard we're having a new kid in like, a week.”


“I don't think so. Mr. Lau would have said something earlier.”


“If it's a guy, would you think it would cause some ya know, drama?”


“Girl, since when you got into these kinds of things?” Lay looked at his nails.


“I'm still not, but if you think about it...”


“What happens if he's gay?”


“Yixing, what the heck?” I sighed.


He just shrugged and said, “Maybe annoying Jiyun and Luhan, or Nayoung and Chen...”


“You forgot Tao and Mayumi.”


“Yeah, but they're okay. They been through shxt.” Yixing shakes his head, “Nayoung and Chen are majorly friend-zoned while Jiyun and Luhan are well, supposedly friend-zoned according to you.”


“I don't think the guy will annoy them. He'll probably annoy someone else.”


“AHA! Kaiyun!”


“Impossible. Who would even try to break them up?”

Kai and Miyun have a very strong relationship, not as lovers but also as friends. They been through a lot together and it made them who they are today. No one, even some stupid would dare to break them up. It’s like they are made for each other. Some say that they were lucky, but they ran out of luck a long time ago. They were patient and waited until the flawless timing. How ironic that Miyun is an impatient person. We all knew that if some idiot knows how to mess everything up between the two, their tails would be blazing with deadly hate. But who would even dare?


“Then I give up,” He says. “There will be a good chance that it will be someone we know, but not all of the four shippings will be affected.”


“Who then?”


“I don't know, but they can be two people who share a strange relationship of some sort and there. The guy will cut in.”


“It sounds like you're talking about someone I know.” I said, as I felt a sudden connection to his words.


“Exactly,” He curled his lip into a tiny smirk. “I'm talking about you and Sehun.”




//flips hair//


Well there's chapter 3 for you^^


And did you guys see the Overdose teaser!? It was amazing<3 I cant wait! my feeelz cx


and this


its beautiful i love it :D


Hope you enjoyed!

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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 5: aww i want to know who it is....and i wanna see how sehun would react
looking forward to your next update:)