[YUNJI] Chapter 1

Change Your Mind

I was desperate to sleep.


I had no choreography for my day, for an example: Wake up, coaching football practice, go to school, go for over five dance hours, do homework and sleep. That is Hyoyeon's routine. For myself, it's just wake up, go to school, run around the track, study study study and crash. That is how I usually end this particular choreo. Usually I would pass out [in my terms of sleeping], but I sleep gradually less. Isn’t that a good thing? If I have to sleep less, sure. Of course as always, not with a mother who begs Kris to donate an inch or two for me, and a boy bugging me.


Mr. ‘Oh, I am waiting for you after school’ decides to hold me back, making my homework incomplete and I would have receive a grateful bucket of sleep. He does not really stay after school; only for football. His presence now haunts me in my sea of dreams as I felt the urge to scream at him. Screaming in the middle of night would make my mother think I was abducted.

Only half-awake and groggy, I must finish my algebra equations during Art class.


Stumbling inside the classroom, I give off this weird, lousy presence to the people around me, who spoke either in Korean, Chinese or Gibberish. Majority of my classmates are male, lucky would the other girls say. Well, sweetie, the reason is that we top all of you and have to be in the same classroom. That’s why the girls are so ‘lucky’.

How amusing that I hear someone calling out my name and commenting how I look depressed.  Wait a minute,
who was calling me?

“Yah! Stop purchasing Sehun items in Sehunville and wake up, Yunji!” Jiyun snapped me out from the deep sea of drowsiness and I immediately reacted by seating on a chair.

It felt warm and… Bony?

“Jiyun, what did you do-” Oh my goodness, how did I trust this woman in the first place?

“You’re sitting on me, darling,” A voice whispered in my ear and I got off from Sehun as fast as possible.

SEHUN?!?!” I almost shouted at him. Did not bother raising my voice since it is freaking nine in the morning and I would get in trouble. “Why were you sitting on my desk!?” I never let anyone sit on my desk.

He plastered a smirk on his face as Jiyun’s uncontrollable laughter and Mayumi’s snorts praised my suffering. I wish I can wipe off that smirk. “Well, isn’t it obvious? I was waiting for you to come.” He was indeed a patient person, but why would he wait for me? No one waits for me.

This idiot.

“Girlie, I’ll be off then.” He poked my side after getting off my chair.
Finally…. “Don’t miss me too much.”

Girls beg me to tell them my ‘tricks’ and ‘successes’ on getting Oh Sehun close to me. I do not do much and obviously never had an intention being in a relationship. That reflects with him, too; add football and other things. I don’t even know how Sehun and I began our weird friendship. Am I considered a friend of his?

“Ugh, that idiot…” I groaned as I finally took my seat, no bone or anything too warm. “Let me ask you three: Why did you allow him to sit there?” Thanks to you, No Jiyun, I thought. I lost part of my trust in you.

“Are you on your period?” Jiyun asked me, raising her brow. “You act like this if you are.” Course, certain people know my menstruation cycles. Those certain people are my class.

“Nah,” I shook my head in denial, even though she knew I was lying. “Sehun makes me feel if I
am on my period.”

“It’s only been five weeks of school and Sehun officially become on your concern list,” Nayoung said, “Last year it was Ishiguro Daisuke’s lectures for your Science.”

“I told you not to go to my brother for help,” Mayumi blinked. “Remember, his Science is way out of your league.”

“It was because he took Biology and I had Biology 20 in my schedule.”

“Don’t be
malicious to Sehun,” Jiyun talked playfully. We bring back Sehun in the conversation, ugh. “I know you will fall for him-”

“Wait a minute, why are we talking about him? And you guys didn’t answer my question earlier.”

“Nayoung wasn’t paying attention, Mayumi didn’t care and I wanted to talk to him about something.” Jiyun answered, fiddling in her bag. “Yo, May-may you forgot your book yesterday.” She gave her a purple book.

“Oh, thank you, Jiyun!” She cheerfully smiled and gradually took it. “I’ve been wondering where that book drifted off too. This book is such a peasant.”

“Let me guess,” Nayoung spoke up and poked the book with her pencil. “Fangirl book or the Boy book?”

“The Boy Book,” Mayumi said dreamily.

Ah, the Boy Book.

Anyway, Mayumi opened the book to check if she had enough pages but something rectangular slipped out and caught my eyes. Picking up to identify what it is, I ended up saying:  

“Was Luhan in the category “Best Boys”, “Pretty Boys” or “OH MY GOSH! TOO MUCH FEELS FOR THEM! Boys?” I asked half-heartedly. Usually, there will be a slip of paper with the polaroid snapshot that gives a short bio for the depending category the boy is labelled. So, I wasn’t expecting such a huge answer since there was only three categories.

Instead, she responded with, “When did I ever take a picture of him?”

A quiet yet hearable laugh slithered out from Jiyun’s mouth, making me suspicious about her.

“Jiyun, what did you do?”

“I swear I don’t know anything!”

“Unnie, you turn away and smile when you lie.” Nayoung said. Jiyun faced us with a contemporary look.

“Fine, you got me. But, listen, it was never my idea.”

“Luhan, as expected,” I sighed, after listening to Jiyun’s story. “This is why, Mayumi, you should put EXO in the book. Or never
ever leave your polaroid camera in your locker.”

“But where am I suppose to put the others in!” Mayumi asked. “They’re too good to be in this peasantly yet amazing book of mine!”

“Then make an EXO book.” Jiyun suggested.

“I’m broke right now.”

“Then explain why Miyun’s boyfriend, Tao, Kyungie and Kris are in there.” Nayoung commented.

Mayumi helplessly rolled her eyes. “Okay but that was in Grade 10! I would like to remove their profiles but the pages will rip easily if I even try to peel of
one polaroid.


“But really,why is Mr. Lau not even here yet?” Jiyun casually kicked her legs up and placed them on her desk. “It’s been already
forty-eight minutes.”

“If only Mrs. Choi didn’t go on leave,” Nayoung mumbled. “She would have been screaming at us to go to our classes.” I do not really know why she misses that.

“GUYS I AM SO SORRY THAT I AM LATE!” Mr. Lau dashed into our room, going up to the front and panting the life out of him.

“Late.” Kris says coldly. So cold, Kris.
So cold.

“I know that I am late by-” He spoke, looking at the clock. His expression changed. “Oh my gee, dear me! Look at the time!!” It was almost 10.

“What took you so long?” Suho asked kindly.

“The principal and the administration team wanted to talk about me for something,” Mr. Lau answered, hopping on the table. “I am announcing that we will have another teacher with us, he is currently a student teacher.”

From ‘Cool! Another teacher!’ to ‘That’s nice’ came rushing like a wave in the classroom but the one thing that scared the life out of everyone was:

“A MALE!?!?!?!?!?!” Mayumi stood up from her desk with her palms on the table top. Not only her reaction gave Mr. Lau a heart attack but made me fall out from my desk. This rarely happens in school, unless she finds out that her favorite J-Rock band is releasing a new album during class.


“I think I need a life support,” Jiyun breathed. “You reacted so much that Yunji fell out from her desk.” She pointed at me, who is laying on her stomach.

Noticing my fallen soul, she reacted. “UNNIE I AM SORRY!!” She pulled me up to my regular position.

“I think I have grown old…” Mr. Lau’s hand was on his heart, taking a few deep breaths. “I have aged…”

“I feel you…” Chen breathed.

“You’re not
that old.” Baekhyun said.

“Who says I am?”

“Anyway,” Mr. Lau cleared his throat awkwardly and continued on, even though he felt like he has aged. “His name is Mr. Cho. When you have some time after a test, he will drag you out to teach you. For only someone who is 6 years younger than me, he’s pretty straight-forward.”

“A 17-year-old teacher?” Sehun said. “That’s hella young for him to be teaching- he’s the same age as Minseok hyung!”

“Who said that he was 17, smart one?” I turned around, giving him a half-hearted look.

“I took an educated guess, sweetheart.” Sehun winked. Ugh, this person. “So, are we going to our classes or what?”

으르렁 ~

“Yunji, you are late! Again.” My mother scolded at me as I walked up to my room. It was completely obvious that I would receive a scolding from her every time I came home late from classes. But if she were to think, she would have realized that I gotten detention. As usual, my mother cannot handle things that were not on time. Like me at this moment. Since myy mother is a hardcore worker in a successful company, I guess I cannot convince my tired mom at the moment.

“Not my fault,” I answered, “Homeroom teacher was late thanks to the office; detention for thirty minutes per class.”

“No pork and spicy soup for you tonight!”

I was not really in a mood for pork and spicy soup anyway.

Tossing my bag onto the floor, I stumbled onto my chair and began reading
The Outsiders for our Language Arts novel study. From Greasers to Socs to Ponyboy and Johnny running away, I felt time burn violently. It smelled like apples, that were freshly cut. You can’t smell time, obviously. What does time smell like anyway? Sehun smells like apples. How do I even know this information?

I sleep later than 2 in the morning and wake up early at 6:30, which is not good for me at all. It was incapable for me to lack sleep, since I really have this addiction to sleep. My mom scowls at me, for getting less sleep and she worries that I will be short. Her words run in my dreams, over and over
like an engine.

Thankfully, it is only 8:45 at night.

Maybe I’m moonstruck lately- not feeling the power of being Number Two in the whole school and overriding my abilities to defeat that Oh Sehun.

Gah. Oh Sehun.

Ever since Grade 11 began, he has been a pain in the . An annoyance and a disturbance.

“Correction,” he would say, shaking his head lightly. “I’ve been annoying you for quite a long period of time.”

“Lies,” says I, frowning. “It feels like you’ve been bugging me since May.”

“You got it, Corporal.” He winks.

I just roll my eyes whenever he responds with that answer.

I have been only on the same chapter for the past hour since I keep painting white inside of my mind. I have not even turned a
single page of the chapter. Giving up, I placed away the book into a pile of books; neatly stacked in the colors of the rainbow. There was nothing for me, no studying and no homework.

“Thank you,” I muttered, getting off the chair and reached for the door. “I can at least rest for once.” A tray patiently waited in front of my feet; Makchang and Oritang were in their assigned dishware and a cup of citron tea stayed on the tray. Carefully taking the tray while kicking the door shut, I came back into the room with a surprise.

“Goodness, what brings you here? You almost made me drop my food.”

“Miss me?” Sehun asked flirtatiously, lying/sitting down on my bed. “Gobchang and what..?”

“Excuse you, but I never miss you,” I retorted, sticking my tongue out. “It’s Makchang, idiot.”

“Let me have some,” He came close to my table, trying to take the chopsticks. I hit his hand, batting it away. He pouted at me. “Yunji-ah~ I haven’t eaten since noon.”

Aegyo much. “Then buy something down at the mart nearby.”

“Do I look like I have money on me?”

Sehun, you are the son of the richest man alive in Korea. I just said, “Do I look like I care?”

“Then buy me something.” Sehun begged with puppy eyes. The way how the shining moonlight reflect his face that can make any girl fall for him, brings me to an answer.

“No,” I answered firmly, gobbling on the Makchang as I spun my chair to the other direction, “You should go before my mom sees you in here.”

“Why would you say that? You’re just excusing us.”

“M-My mom will think I’m dating you!” I’m not even allowed to date.

“Let her think that then,” He said, leaning close and grabbing the backrest of the chair. “Just please, give me some food.”

I felt something red shade my cheeks, but I did not bother about it. Instead, I ended up feeding him my bits of Makchang to him.

Yes. Feeding him with my chopsticks, that had my own saliva on it.

“Satisfied enough,” He his lips, wanting to get every bit of my mom’s cooking. “I’ll see you tomorrow, honey.”

Darling, girlie, sweetheart and then HONEY? What is wrong with him?

Sehun unclasped the lock and opened the window. It felt hideously chilly tonight, but the night sky shone beautifully. I felt like I was in a book, Sehun the werewolf going out to the wild and I, was the girl saying a farewell. He sparkled under the moonlight, but he is not a vampire. Vampires only sparkle in the sun. His teeth looked sharp, but he is not a werewolf. His eyes reflected the white moonlight and his jacket howling against the winds. Sehun is a mystery, unraveling the dark secrets that were hidden in the light. These thoughts digged into my brain, how I will never forget.

“Sleep well tonight,” was the last thing he said to me before hopping out from my window.

I miss my chance to ask him how did he know where I live.


Sehuna, why you know where Yunji lives~? That’s creepy….

So here it is! Chapter One of Change Your Mind. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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See you then!

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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 5: aww i want to know who it is....and i wanna see how sehun would react
looking forward to your next update:)