Chapter 7

Let's Live On



I backed up slowly, trying to give myself time to think as the thing slowly plodded towards me, groaning. My back hit a tree and I looked up. It was climbable and at that moment, I didn’t see any better option. I dropped the bag of berried on the ground and quickly began climbing up the tree as fast as I could, it wasn’t easy. I just got high enough in time as I felt one of them claw at my foot lightly and I let out a small shriek before pulling myself up to the next branch, well out of their reach.


Jimin was in a state of urgency yet he had no idea what way I had gone. He looked around on the ground, hoping to find some sort of trace. Finally, in the dirt, he found what looked to be a faint footprint. This being his best lead, he didn’t waste any time and began running in that direction. As he got deeper into the forest, he heard a scream and immediately knew whom it was. Despite knowing it was a bad idea, he began screaming my name. “Ju-ah! Ju-ah, where are you!?” he picked up speed, running to where he thought the scream had come from.


I looked down at the two monsters mindlessly reaching up to me from below. I had no idea what I was going to do now. I awkwardly tried to shuffle on the branch I was sat, so to get in a safer position. However, I felt myself slip. I screamed and latched onto the branch for dear life, stabilizing myself. Just then, I heard him. “Ju-ah! Ju-ah, where are you!?” My eyes shot wide open, knowing whom it was. I began scanning the area for the owner of the voice but I couldn’t see him yet. “Jimin!” I cried back, desperately. “Jimin, over here!” Suddenly, I heard rustling as someone ran towards us. I felt relieved but also terrified. “Jimin, be careful there’s two of them over here!” Then, he suddenly came into view. Without a moments hesitation he ran over to the tree, ing his knife deep into one of the flesh eater’s skulls. Placing his foot on it’s back and pulling the knife out, it fell to the ground. Immediately, he went to the next one, taking care of that as well. As that one fell to the ground, too, Jimin stood there, catching his breath before looking up at me. His eyes looked angrier then I’d ever seen them before. “It’s okay, come down now.” He said, his voice shaking a little. I silently began to make my way down but it was a little more difficult than it was getting up. Jimin reached out with his arms, lifting me off the last few branches.


He held me tightly in his arms for a few moments. I thought all the blood was beginning to rush to my head as he cut off my circulation. He didn’t say a word as he broke away and took a step back, looking over me once. “You’re not hurt anywhere?” he asked and I shook my head. “No, I’m fine.” I mumbled, still a little shaken up. He sighed in response. His eyes focused on me, full of seriousness. “Are you crazy? Why the hell would you run off into the woods by yourself and without anything to use as protection!?” he growled. I swallowed hard, looking down at the ground as he continued to shout at me. He then seemed to remember where we were and lowered his voice, not wanting to attract more unwanted attention.  “Let’s…let’s just go back.” He said bitterly, grabbing on to my wrist. “Oh wait.” I said, wriggling out of his grasp and running to the bag under the tree, picking it up. “What is it?” he questioned, seeing me return with it in my hand. I smiled weakly and opened it for him to look inside. “Berries!” I whispered. Jimin’s face was unimpressed though. He stared at the bag for a few seconds before his eyes slowly rose to meet mine, he clearly was not happy. Then he snapped.


Snatching the bag from my grasp, he threw it to the ground, the berries scattering everywhere. My eyes widened in shock. “Jimin! What are you doing!?” but before I could protest anymore, he cut me off. “Berries!?” he questioned in disbelief. “You came out here risking yours and my life for measly berries!?” He boomed. I felt as if I could have sunk into the ground at that moment. “Well, it was all a waste now anyway.” I mumbled bitterly, looking at my hard work lying around our feet. “Are you kidding me? You need to grow up because I’m not always going to be here to rescue you!” His words stabbed me, hurting my heart. “I didn’t ask you to come out here!” I fought back. My sudden outburst surprised him. “I could have handled it myself in the end!” I argued. He laughed at my response. “Oh really? You really think that? Fine! You know what? I’m done. I’m not babysitting you anymore! You take care of yourself and lets just see how long it is before you’re screaming for me or clinging to my arm!” He boomed. I felt the blood boil in my body. “Don’t think that’ll be happening ever again.” I spat. My words left us in silence for a few minutes, just staring at each other, our chests heaving in anger from the fight. “As soon as we get back to camp, you wont here anything from me, is that okay?” I threatened; wishing deep down he’d back down. Never before had he lost his temper, especially to this extent. “It’s more than okay.”





Woah, it's been too long since I updated this T.T Exams and stuff are keeping me busy at the moment. I don't know when I'll be able to update again but it wont be as long as last time, within a week xD

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Chapter 13: really miss this story. :(
changjo1995 #2
I miss this :(
i want more of this, its already november please update ily.
changjo1995 #4
Please update! I'm legit dying to read this! :(
Its already may. U not gonna update?
changjo1995 #6
Chapter 1: please update author-nim :(
changjo1995 #7
Chapter 13: I thought it was an update , but it's okay. Waiting for the next chapter :D
changjo1995 #9
Chapter 1: hi! i hope you will update soon! :)
changjo1995 #10
Chapter 1: please update author-nim~~~ :'(