The Karaoke

The Parent's Plan
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What was supposed to be two months volunteering now reach its fourth months and so many things had happened. The good news is, Siwon and Kyuhyun could get along pretty well now thanks to Siwon's decision to restraint himself from too much teasing Kyuhyun. The latter himself also trying to relax and didn't over reacted towards the joke thrown to him. While the kids one by one settled themselves into their respective passion; be it sport, making animation, singing, dancing etc. Mr Cho and Mr Choi joint venture to build a swimming pool for the kids so they didn't need to went to the public swimming pool anymore. They could swim whenever they want and have passion in sport or not, swimming is always enjoyable and fun for kids. 


The only bad news, if you could call it like that, is soon Kyuhyun will go to Japan to attend his special gaming school. Next week to be precise, and Siwon couldn't hide his disappointment for the fact that he will soon let his volunteering partner go. It's not that he couldn't functioning well without Kyuhyun, after all they have different field and way in volunteering activities. It just, he really was used to have Kyuhyun near him while volunteering. He was used to have Kyuhyun to discuss anything. He was used to tease Kyuhyun and get teased back. He was spent his days with Kyuhyun.


They finally build a good friendship and it's more than enjoyable for Siwon. Kyuhyun is quite opposite personality from himself. He may looks child-like from the outside but he already plan his life very well and take step by step to accomplish all his dreams. On the other side, Siwon maybe a composed and mature-looked teenage but somehow he's still doubting what path should he takes for the best future. Just like himself, Kyuhyun is also interested in so many different topics just their point of views are sometimes different, even opposing one another's. By discussing and talking about basically anything with Kyuhyun, Siwon learn different way of thinking, different way to facing the world and the life.


Little did Siwon knows that Kyuhyun feel the same. For the very first time since he enrolled to the gaming school, Kyuhyun isn't as enthusiast as he used to the idea of leaving Korea and stay for two months in Japan. The past four months had been the best time in his life and he consciously admit it. With Siwon, he feels like finally has a brother. They discuss about anything, asking for each other opinion and even sometimes Siwon will drag him to do something that's-not-so-Kyuhyun like hiking, cycling for more than twenty kilometers, bungee jumping etc. Mostly sport activities that Kyuhyun used to avoid as well as he could. The most memorable for Kyuhyun was when Siwon got him driving to the beach and camp for a night in the beach. He couldn't sleep for the combination sceneries of night sky and sea in front them are so beautiful, it makes his breath taken away. 


Before he knew Siwon, Kyuhyun used to spent his spare time to reviewing the newest game and try to defeat each levels, then concentrating himself in building his own game. All the activities with Siwon, certainly take quite big portion of his spare time and decrease his time in reviewing and defeating the game but surprisingly enough it makes him full of idea for his project. 


So Kyuhyun did consciously admit that he will miss Siwon and didn't quite like the idea to go for two months but he's a man of pride and no way he will blurt that out to Siwon. Enough for himself to know the truth. 


The only way he shows his true feeling is being kinder to Siwon and spent as much as possible time with Siwon. 




"Oh lets go karaoke! Go go go!" Mrs Cho say excitedly, and the men of Cho family

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dianti232 #1
Chapter 11: They just so silly but cute....all they have to do is call, it's drive me crazy, I hope in the next chapter they already contact each other in the right way :D Thank you for the update, I'll be waiting for the next chapter....
Chapter 11: Kyukyu being shy....really want to slap this two...if they really want to know if the other os busy or not just send a message or mail before they call....
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 11: thanks for the double update
Chapter 8: kyuhyun voice is always make everyone fall in love deeply. Hehhee so not shocked anymore even siwon also felt like that XD
very sweetttt ><

gomapseumnida <3
kyuwon1013 #5
Chapter 8: siwon falls for kyuhyun when he heard him sang.
kyuwon1013 #6
Chapter 7: seems kyuhyun was too overwhelmed by siwon's compliment huh?
Pinkhotel #7
Chapter 8: Its like siwon falling in love first,,, And yeah kyu Voice is amazing... I cant wait for another chap ,,Thanks
Chapter 8: 'see you soon darl' hahahahaha. is that an unconscious way of making Siwon miss you more, Kyuhyun?
w-wait. what angsty are you talking about, author-shi???