The Call - 1

The Parent's Plan
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It's been a week since Kyuhyun's departure to Japan. When Kyuhyun was already being busy with every class and task there, Siwon spent his three first day without Kyuhyun to wondering what's the meaning behind Kyuhyun last sentence, 'See you soon, darl!'. Darl. DARL. D-A-R-L. Isn't it abbreviation of darling? And darling means beloved in one or other way, right?

Days and nights Siwon keeps wondering as to why Kyuhyun addressing him as darl? Was it just a joke? But Kyuhyun isn't the type to joke around. In fact, Kyuhyun always so sensitive with any kind of intimacy between them. Be it the lovey-dovey kind of intimacy, or just the brotherly intimacy. Either way, Kyuhyun always shows how uncomfortable he was for such thing. So why all of sudden Kyuhyun addressed him as darl?

Siwon keeps his mind busy with the question until the fourth day since Kyuhyun's departure. It's his mom who remind him that he suppose to contact Kyuhyun and ask about his well being there. Well, as a friend. Nothing wrong with that, right?

"But...I think it would be better if he is the one who contact me Mom. Thus I will now if he is having free time or not. I don't want to disturb him there." Siwon try to defends himself when his mom asking why didn't he contact Kyuhyun first.

"Well, that's logical. Just don't forget to send our regards to Kyuhyun, okay?"

"Sure, mom."


One week already passed and there's still no contact between them two boys.

"Maybe he's busy with his school." Siwon says in front of mirror when he's groom himself before a business dinner with his family.

"I think he's busy with his daily routine. School, help his parent or what-else-ever I never now." Says Kyuhyun to himself inwardly when he take a look at his picture gallery and stumble into the karaoke night before his departure.

Both of them try to convince themselves that the other is busy, without even realize that a simple 'Hello" text could makes them stop wondering whether the other is busy or not. Little did they know, at the moment they are experiencing the longing and yearning feeling for the very first time.

At the ninth day, which is also the second week of Siwon's alone-volunteering, came Kyuhyun's e-mail to reply Nora's.

"What?!" Siwon screams loudly when Nora yell happily to announcing the good news. He has the time to reply her e-mail but didn't even spent a minutes to text me hello? Unbelievable. And why didn't Nora tell me that she sent him an e-mail? Unbelievable.

While all the kids in the orphanage happily gather themselves around Nora and keeps saying what they want to tell Kyuhyun about their activities, Siwon just watch them with sore heart. He didn't even mention my name in the e-mail. Unbelievable. But the kids are all so busy with happiness upon Kyuhyun's e-mail so no one notice that Siwon is sulking. Well, even if one of them notice it, what can they do? They are too young to understand about what Siwon feels right now.

Siwon keeps sulking for the rest of the day. He even refuse to eat his dinner. Leaving his parents worrie

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dianti232 #1
Chapter 11: They just so silly but cute....all they have to do is call, it's drive me crazy, I hope in the next chapter they already contact each other in the right way :D Thank you for the update, I'll be waiting for the next chapter....
Chapter 11: Kyukyu being shy....really want to slap this two...if they really want to know if the other os busy or not just send a message or mail before they call....
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 11: thanks for the double update
Chapter 8: kyuhyun voice is always make everyone fall in love deeply. Hehhee so not shocked anymore even siwon also felt like that XD
very sweetttt ><

gomapseumnida <3
kyuwon1013 #5
Chapter 8: siwon falls for kyuhyun when he heard him sang.
kyuwon1013 #6
Chapter 7: seems kyuhyun was too overwhelmed by siwon's compliment huh?
Pinkhotel #7
Chapter 8: Its like siwon falling in love first,,, And yeah kyu Voice is amazing... I cant wait for another chap ,,Thanks
Chapter 8: 'see you soon darl' hahahahaha. is that an unconscious way of making Siwon miss you more, Kyuhyun?
w-wait. what angsty are you talking about, author-shi???