The Class

The Parent's Plan
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Once they reached the orphanage, all the youngest kids welcome them with pouty lips but when they spotted what's in Siwon's hand, they scream in happiness.


"Congratulations Mr Cho. Your idea wins their heart." Siwon whispers to Kyuhyun with a bright smile. The younger can't help but smile along since he's happy to see the smile in the kids' face.


"Is it enough? If there's still any, you have to save it for tomorrow. But if it's not enough then share. Don't fight over food, it's inappropriate." Says Matron Ann patiently. 


"It's more than enough Matron. Don't worry." 


"I know Siwon. I'm just trying to teach the kids. Thank you so much, it was so kind of you two." Matron Ann ruffle their heads lovingly. 


"It's Kyuhyun's idea. We must thank him."


"Siwon.... Please..." Kyuhyun slightly pouts his lips. He just never be the one to accept appraisal easily. A shy boy, he is.


Fortunately for both of them, Matron Ann seems to understand the situation and she breaks the uncomfortable atmosphere for Kyuhyun. "It's still two hours before dark. Why don't you two bring the kids to play something outside? They will be happier."


So here they are, Siwon and the boys playing football in the yard while Kyuhyun and the girls busy in front of Mr. Go's laptop, making simple animation. 


Kyuhyun show them step by step to make a picture of jumping frog and he makes an animation. It leaves the girls being awe-struck. 


"This is how people makes cartoon. They have to draw move per move and then put it in a very fast slide to makes the figure looks like moving." Kyuhyun explains to the kids like a teacher to his students.


"Oppa, make a flying pig please pleaseeee please!"


"Ya! Nora there's no such flying pig in real life! You imagining things so much!" An older kid scold the first one. 


"But I want to see a flying pig Neuya eonnie. And it's only a moving picture so what's wrong to draw something's impossible in real life. 


Upon hearing the bickering, Kyuhyun chuckle softly and pats both of the kids' head. "Your name is Neuya right? Here, let me tell you something. What we make right now is called animation. A moving picture.And it's up to the maker's imagination about what kind of figure they want to draw. Also, it's up to the maker's imagination too about what the figure gonna do in their animation. So, please don't scold Nora. Ok?"


"But oppa, there's no flying pig in real life. We ever saw jumping frog like you draw before but flying pig?!" Apparently the girl is persistent enough with her logic and reason.


"Hahahaha. Ok ok, maybe it's my fault. Well, what can I say is, when it comes to imagination, we don't need to be so obedient in what could or could not happen in real life. Because sometimes what couldn't happen in real life wasn't because it's impossible but only because it's not the right time yet." 


The kids look into each other and a slight frown come to their respective's face. 


"Ahahaha. Here here... You know airplane right? Well, back then never once people thought that there will be a flying vehicle. They thought that was impossible. But a man called Leonardo Da Vinci...."




"Hehehehe, yes Nora. You're smart. Well, Leonardo imagining about a flying vehicle and draw it in his diary. He even trying to explain how to make such vehicle. And today, who dare to say that his idea, his imagination of a flying vehicle is impossible huh?"


All the kids listen to Kyuhyun's explanation obediently. 


"Let your imagination goes as far as it could. Give your mind opportunity to explore all the impossibilities. Who knows that some days the technology served our imagination to be real? Ok?"


The girl called Neuya nods her head, satisfied with the explanation. "Hmmm, ok oppa. But let's put a rocket or what in the pig. Don't give it a wing because I still can't accept a pig have wing." 


"Hahahaha, what do you think Nora?"


"Hihihihi, it's ok oppa. I like Neuya eonnie's idea. But can the rocket's form looks like a wing?"


"Hahahahaha yo two want me to die young huh? Why makes such difficult request? Hahahahaha, ok ok I'll try but if I can't make it, don't kill me ok? I still want to eat as much ice cream as I can..."


.........and all the girls laugh together with Kyuhyun. 


The boys on the yard also have some fun time with Siwon. Apparently some of the boys are talented enough in football, especially the tall kid called Choi Minho. He's only 7 years old but really energetic and lively when it comes to drive the ball in the yard, avoiding the other who try to snatch the ball from him. 


That night when Siwon and Kyuhyun went home, both are so tired yet happy. They spent the afternoon with the kids happily. Secretly, they can't wait for next weekend to come because each of them have a plan for the kids.




-Next Week-


Siwon comes to Kyuhyun's house earlier than when he picked Kyuhyun up last week. Surprisingly, Kyuhyun is ready to go already and bring a huge bag in his hand. Huge enough that Siwon must leave his car in Kyuhyun's house and them both goes to the orphanage with Mrs Cho's car which have bigger baggage. 


"What is that?" Siwon ask Kyuhyun once they start the drive.


"Balls. Soccer balls. I watch you play with the boys in our last visit and they seems like enjoy the game so I thought they would be happy to get more than one ball to play with."


"And how much is the more ball you are talking about?" 






"What was what? I bring twelve balls because it's impossible to brought as many as the boys in orphanage at once. We have to drive a truck, then."


Siwon groans softly. This spoiled kid who don't know about sharing, he curse inwardly. "Kyuhyun, but they can't practice their team work then..."


Kyuhyun throw a fierce glare towards Siwon, "Idiot. They need to practice their individual ability first before you could teach about team work. It would make them realize about their weakness points and then they will be able to learn about team work better, about how team mates could make up for their weakness. If from the very first time they already being trained in a group, what comes to their mind would only be how to beat other people, being the best and won over other player so it would be difficult for us to train them about team mate and team work because all they want is personal glory."


Siwon can't react for a while. The supposed to be spoiled kid who don't know how to share is actually a wise kid who try to teach the best for the kids. Oh, Cho Kyuhyun!


"Aw...You....are right... That's...that's so wise of you."


Kyuhyun only shrugs his shoulder. "Well, online game wise, actually." 


"Oh." Siwon laughs softly, "Of course, as expected from you."


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dianti232 #1
Chapter 11: They just so silly but cute....all they have to do is call, it's drive me crazy, I hope in the next chapter they already contact each other in the right way :D Thank you for the update, I'll be waiting for the next chapter....
Chapter 11: Kyukyu being shy....really want to slap this two...if they really want to know if the other os busy or not just send a message or mail before they call....
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 11: thanks for the double update
Chapter 8: kyuhyun voice is always make everyone fall in love deeply. Hehhee so not shocked anymore even siwon also felt like that XD
very sweetttt ><

gomapseumnida <3
kyuwon1013 #5
Chapter 8: siwon falls for kyuhyun when he heard him sang.
kyuwon1013 #6
Chapter 7: seems kyuhyun was too overwhelmed by siwon's compliment huh?
Pinkhotel #7
Chapter 8: Its like siwon falling in love first,,, And yeah kyu Voice is amazing... I cant wait for another chap ,,Thanks
Chapter 8: 'see you soon darl' hahahahaha. is that an unconscious way of making Siwon miss you more, Kyuhyun?
w-wait. what angsty are you talking about, author-shi???