The Tease

The Parent's Plan
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When they still enjoy the lunch, rain pouring so heavily it makes the kids cheering happily and nag Matron Ann to let them play under the rain. As expected the decisive woman didn't granted their plea. 


"You'll get sick and couldn't attend tomorrow school. No. Big no no!" Matron Ann shake her index finger to the kids. 


"Heheheh she remind me to my ma. She always do that gesture when she's mad at me." Kyuhyun tells Siwon who's laughing upon seeing the kids dejected expression. 


"Matron, let them play under the rain." Says Father Go with a wide smile in his face which welcomed with a loud cheer from the kids. "But only for one hour and after that all of you should drink ginger tea to warm up your body and promise me too, that you all will study twice hard than usual. Deal?" 


"DEAAAAAAL YEAAAAAAAY!"and all the kids run happily to the yard. Matron Ann could only shake her head with an understanding smile in her face. 


"Join?" Siwon ask Kyuhyun. 




Siwon only nods and run to join the kids. There's kind of disappointment in Kyuhyun's heart because he wants Siwon to ask him 'why' since he hopes Siwon would join him instead then. Well, he wants to help Matron Ann makes the ginger tea first then later on they can join the kids. But yeah, maybe Siwon is so eager to play under the rain too just like the kids.


"Matron, can I help you makes the ginger tea?"


The asked woman looks shock upon hearing the question. "You don't want to play under the rain, dear?" 


"Later Matron. I want to know how to make ginger tea too... So, can I?" 


Who is Matron Ann to refuse such kind offer from a very sweet boy like him. Sure, Kyuhyun is a grumpy kid comparing with Siwon but so far Matron Ann could see just how kind hearted this boy is. 


"Come." Matron Ann pats his shoulder softly. 




Apparently the kids could only play for half an hour because the rain got heavier and seems like storm about to comes. Father Jo decisively forbid Siwon and Kyuhyun to come home. 


"Stay here. You can come home tomorrow early morning when the storm is end. I don't want something bad happen to you on the way."


"But school..." Siwon wants to argue but Father Go shake his head with a stern look in his face.  


"No. I will call your school to explain as why you two are coming late or couldn't attend school. They will accept the reason, I believe. Come from a man like me too, nonetheless. Heheheh...." 


Siwon couldn't hold back his smile anymore. "Father you so smug." 


"We need it for a while young boy. Now go clean yourself. I will lend you my clothes." 


After all the kids clean themselves and change into dry and warm clothes, they gather in the dining room to drink ginger tea and have some snacks. Everybody chats happily in small groups and Siwon alongside with Kyuhyun help Matron Ann to distribute the tea for the kids. 


Siwon somehow looks funny in Father Go's shirt. The kids keep teasing him by call him 'appa'.


"Appa I want more tea."


"Appa where is eomma?"


"Appa you looks so oldies." 


Siwon snaps the kids but with a wide smile attached in his face, "Oh shut up kiddo there's your eomma helping Grandma Ann." 


The kids burst into laughter and start to call Kyuhyun eomma because the one that Siwon means is indeed him. The called boy only tilting his head, didn't quite understand what actually happen. It's Matron Ann who understand and explain to the boy with giggles here and there in between. 


"YOU!" Kyuhyun threatens Siwon by uphold the glass he's currently held and the kids once again burst into laughter.


"He's funny. Siwon." Matron Ann says to Kyuhyun, still with giggles in between. 


"Funny what funny matron. He keeps tease me like no tomorrow. Haish..."


Matron Ann pinch Kyuhyun's cheek, "Then just back. Don't be too sensitive. Be friend with him. Isn't that the reason your parents sent you both to volunteering here?" 


Kyuhyun could only hums lazily. Deep down he know Matron Ann is right and he could just easily tease Siwon back. But somehow he doesn't really easy with that exact kind of joke Siwon used to thrown. Like, they both know each other's ual preference so why would Siwon still joke like that. If another people who heard that, they may just think that Siwon is a free-going personality and the joke is a mere joke. But for Kyuhyun, who's quite conscious enough with their gay identity, it feels strange.


"You don't romantically like him, do you?" Matron Ann scatter Kyuhyun from his reverie. "I know about your ual preferences. Your parents told me and Father Go when they told us about the volunteering plan. It's okay, we don't have lousy mouth hehehehehe...." She adds when Kyuhyun looked shock.


Kyuhyun looks awkward for a while. "I know Matron. You and Father Go will keep that for us. But no, I don't like him romantically. Why would you think like that anyway?" 


"Because since the very first time you came here, you always looked awkward whenever he tease you with lovey-dovey thingies. Just like now when he call you eomma in front of the kids." 




Kyuhyun POV could sh

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dianti232 #1
Chapter 11: They just so silly but cute....all they have to do is call, it's drive me crazy, I hope in the next chapter they already contact each other in the right way :D Thank you for the update, I'll be waiting for the next chapter....
Chapter 11: Kyukyu being shy....really want to slap this two...if they really want to know if the other os busy or not just send a message or mail before they call....
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 11: thanks for the double update
Chapter 8: kyuhyun voice is always make everyone fall in love deeply. Hehhee so not shocked anymore even siwon also felt like that XD
very sweetttt ><

gomapseumnida <3
kyuwon1013 #5
Chapter 8: siwon falls for kyuhyun when he heard him sang.
kyuwon1013 #6
Chapter 7: seems kyuhyun was too overwhelmed by siwon's compliment huh?
Pinkhotel #7
Chapter 8: Its like siwon falling in love first,,, And yeah kyu Voice is amazing... I cant wait for another chap ,,Thanks
Chapter 8: 'see you soon darl' hahahahaha. is that an unconscious way of making Siwon miss you more, Kyuhyun?
w-wait. what angsty are you talking about, author-shi???