Chapter 7

My True Self

Chanyeol's POV

I opened my eyes and sat up. Where am i? Oh, right, Baekhyun's house. My eyes widened. I must've woken Baekhyun up with my screaming!

"Baekhyun, i'm so sorry for-"

I looked to the side and Baekhyun was still fast asleep on his air mattress. What? Did that mean i didn't scream? And i didn't have a nightmare? But that's impossible! I hadn't not had a nightmare in years. My eyes drifted to Baekhyun again. It couldn't be because of him, right? I always felt at ease near him, which only made it harder to keppy my facade up. Then i realized, it must be because i was away from home, and for once i wasn't worrying about Kris or my mother. 

I got up, trying not to wake Baekhyun up.


I stopped moving. "Uh, yeah, sorry for waking you up."

"Oh, that's okay."

We both went downstairs and had breakfast with his parents. 

Afterwards, i packed my bags, said bye to Baekhyun and walked back home. I opened the front door and my mother was ready to scream at me, this time for coming back too early.I went up to my room and lay on the bed as i thought about the sleepover. It wasn't so bad. At least Baekhyun didn't find out my secret.


The next day, as usual, i walked to school with Baekhyun. I normally tried to leave earlier than Kris but i'd woken up late so i'd left with him.

"So, Chanyeol, is Kris your brother or something?"

I bit my lip and looked at him. Could i trust him? Well, it's not like i could lie if he'd seen us leaving the house together.

"Yeah...but, could you please not tell anyone?"

He frowned. "Why?"

"I don't think Kris would appreciate it." What an understatement.

"But he's your brother."

I didn't want to explain and i just wanted this conversation to end.

"Just don't tell anyone!" I snapped

I had just enough time to see his hurt expression before he turned his head away.



When the bell rang for lunch, i quickly made my way to the cafeteria. Before i could get there, Kris came up to me, seething with anger.

"You little piece of . Why did you tell people about us being brothers?!"

"What?, i exclaimed, "I didn't tell anyone!"

"Then why does the whole school know, huh? I don't want to be associated with a dork like you!" His expression turned cold. "You need to learn a lesson."

He pulled me into an empty classroom where a group of his friends were waiting.I thought i reognized one but he was near the back so i couldn't see him properly. They all laughed when they saw me.

"So, Kris, this is the wimp you're related too?"

One of them punched me in the face and i fell to the ground, blood spurting from my nose.

"I swear! I didn't tell anyone except-"

I suddenly remembered. I'd told Baekhyun. A wave of betrayal washed through me but pain broke through my thoughts when he punched me again.

"Shut up, "

Soon, everyone was punching and kicking me as Kris watched with a sneer on his face. When they'd finished, he came up close to my face and whispered, "This is what you deserve."

I whimpered as they left, too broken, mentally and physically, to move. I closed my eyes and hoped the pain would end soon.


Baekhyun's POV

When we got to school, i quickly went to my first period class and sat next to Jongin.

"Hey, Jongin, can i ask you something?"

He looked at me sleepily and yawned.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Is there any reason for Chanyeol's brother to hate him?"

His eyes lit up and he looked at me.

"You know who Chanyeol's brother is? No-one knows that."

"Uh, yeah. But he told me not to tell anyone."

His eyes glinted in a way that made me slightly worried.

"You know, you must be the only one who knows." he smiled creepily.

"Uh...i guess so?"


I walked to the cafeteria, still thinking about my conversation with Jongin. Even though i know him really well, he seemed so suspicious. 

Suddenly i heard two girls talking in the hallway.

"Can you believe his brother is Kris?"

"I know right, it's so weird!"

I instantly knew who they were talking about and froze. What? How did they know?! I walked up to the two girls and glared at them.

"How did you know that?" I didnt care about being polite. Chanyeol had trusted me. 

The girls looked at me like i was an alien.

"The entire school knows, weirdo."

Ignoring them, my mind went into panic mode. How!? I didn't tell anyone! Maybe Chanyeol told someone else too? I went to the cafeteria and sat at our table, waiting for Chanyeol to come so i could ask him about it. I waited until half of lunch was over and neither Chanyeol or Jongin had showed up. I abandoned my lunch and went out into the hallway to look for them. I was trying to decide where to search first when a group of tough looking guys, including Kris, walked out of a classroom near me. Something told me that they had hurt Chanyeol so i ran into the classroom they had just come out of. I screamed when i found Chanyeol lying on the ground, covered in bruises and blood, and with his eyes closed. Why would Kris do this to his own brother?


A/N  hey, this is baekamazingness! So, i was gonna update yesterday, but GUESS WHAT?! I managed to get my sister into kpop! So i spent all of yesterday watching mv's with her and pointing out who's who. 

And someone obviously knew about Chanyeol and Kris being brothers and told everyone so Chanyeol would think it was Baekhyun.. I think i made it obvious right? Can you tell who it is?

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Chanbaek641 #1
OMG!! This is so good
_kendeuk_ #2
Chapter 1: damn right off the bat im praying this isnt actually happening to pork chanyeol
Chapter 22: update author-nim please!!!
sarapinki #4
Chapter 22: Don't make baek die plz saaave him :'''(
Seoulqueenka #5
Chapter 22: I knew it. When you started talking about how he was tired, by the second time, I knew he was sick. JONGIN AND CO. (Husband waeyo??) WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH !!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!! This is making me frustrated. Please update soon author and your very brave to give your hairs for such a good cause!!!!!!!
Chapter 21: Please update soon :3
Chapter 21: So is this what you're doing instead of sleeping? =3
Not like I'm one to judge anyway XP
i hope you update more often now xD
LunaElle #9
Chapter 20: Wahh cliff hanger, I hope you update soon. I really want baekhyun to live, but I wanna see what you guys come up with. Good luck and good work!