Chapter 5

My True Self


I normally didn't like weekends: they were just a time of loneliness for me. Time when I had nothing better to do than think about my life and how messed up it is, why I was still alive in the first place. But this weekend was somewhat different. It gave me some time alone, without having to freak out upon seeing Baekhyun, and have to tell some lame lie to get out of the situation. But I guess I think about Baekhyun and his good points. All I remember was yesterday in music class. His angelic voice, how it made the song have so much more emotion and meaning. I just couldn't get it out of my head. It was around noon and I lay on my bed, thinking about... well... things.
Suddenly my phone beeped. Running over to see who it was, my eyes widened with happiness to see that it was a text from my father, whom I've hadn't seen for weeks. He'd always come home extremely late from work, but woke up extremely late the next morning, since he was self employed. My father was the only person in the world who loved me, and treated me like.... like I was worth something. "Hey son, how's life at home going? I'm texting you because I'm leaving for a business trip tomorrow for 4 weeks. I probably won't see you till I come back, so until then, stay safe and happy, and remember, Channie, I love you." Once again, tears pooled up in my eyes, but these were tears of happiness. Not happiness from my father leaving, but knowing that at least someone in the world cared for me. Too bad, he was never around me to do so.
It was late afternoon. The sun was soon going to set. I watched the blue sky turn a light orange, then pinkish purple as the sun said its final goodbyes for the day. The sunset was always beautiful. 
I heard a noise at the door and sprang up from bed immediately. Who was it? Then I heard my mother's voice. "I'll get him for you, just wait there sweetheart", she said in a friendly tone. "Chanyeol dear! Come down, you have a visitor, his name is Baekhyun! "
I froze. No, it couldn't be. Not Baekhyun! I was looking forward to the weekend without him. But that voice of his!!! So amazing! I decided not to move, but I heard my mum's footsteps come up the stairs. She abruptly opened my bedroom door. "Park Chanyeol!" she screeched, instantly ditching the friendly tone, since Baekhyun wasn't around. "Go and greet Baekhyun now! And it was good timing too! I can't wait for this house to be rid of your foul presence for a little while!" I still refused to move. She didn't realise that Baekhyun made me extremely nervous. "PARK CHAN YEOL!!!" she shouted, smacking me on my forearm at each syllable of my name. I winced and stood up, running down the stairs. She was such a witch. I saw Baekhyun standing at the front door, with a smile on his face. Then I remembered, I was supposed to be smiling too. Putting on my smile, I greeted him. "Hey Baekhyun!" He waved back. "Did you by any chance hear um... noises just then?" I asked, hoping he didn't hear what just happened. He shrugged. "Nope, don't know what you're talking about", he replied. I sighed internally.
I sat on my couch, watching the TV series, "The running man". It cracked me up so much. I had never missed an episode. Laughing until the end, I relaxed when it finished, resting my head against a pillow. It got pretty boring on the weekends. I don't have any friends here, only my cousin Jongin, but I guess he's got his friends and would rather hang out with them. Then an idea struck me: Chanyeol. I should go visit him. He lived pretty close. Springing up from the couch, I put on some sneakers adn ran out the door. "Bye mom!" I shouted on the way out. The sun was setting. The sky was a pretty and light orange. As I was approaching Chanyeol's house, It turned into a pink, with a tiny line of orange at the horizon. I took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell. It was nerve racking, meeting Chanyeol. I really wanted to know him better. THe door opened, revealing a tall, slim woman aged in her forties. It was probably Chanyeol's mom. 
"Annyeong!" she said with a large grin on her face. "And you are....?"
"Oh, excuse me for not introducing myself, I am Baekhyun, a friend of Chanyeol's. I just wanted to see if he wanted to hang out."
"I'll get him for you, just wait here sweetheart, or come in if you please."
"Oh, nono, I'll just stay here, its fine". I grinned.  No wonder Chanyeol was such a happy virus. His mom was so friendly. 
"Chanyeol dear! Come down you have a visitor, his name is Baekhyun". There was no reply. "Excuse me for a moment", she said, walking up the stairs.
I could here screams from upstairs. I couldn't here what they were about, but I heard Chanyeol's mom scream, Then Chanyeol scream. Then he just came running down the stairs, like he was running away from a jungle tiger. "Hey, Baekhyun!" he said, smiling. I waved at him, still wondering why he was running like that. "Did you by any chance hear um.... noises just then?" He asked. Yes, yes I did. But I just shrugged and lied. "Nope, don't know what you're talking about". Chanyeol's mother came down shortly after he did. "Now what do you boys plan on doing? Going to the mall, going to the park?"
"Park sounds good", I replied, giving Chanyeol a glance to see if he agreed. 
"Well, have fun boys", Chanyeol's mom said as she basically pushed us out of the house.
Since my mother wanted me gone, we ended up going to the park. She was such a good actor, she was so 'nice' to me in front of Baekhyun. Upon arriving, we sat on a wooden bench that was on the edge of a playground with swings and monkey- bars. There was an awkward silence, so I just stared at the park lamp that was lit up next to our bench, nodding my head and smiling when Baekhyun and I made eye contact. I think Baekhyun must have gotten tired of this ice cold silence, because he turned around and started talking. "So Chanyeol, do you like this neighbourhood?" he asked. No, I thought. The whole world is messed up. But I had to lie, AGAIN.
"Of course! I grew up here and am very happy!" 
"Do you like your school?"
"Sure. I have some pretty cool mates"
Man these questions. I wish I could tell the truth, but it was all too much to handle. Their was a brief pause, but this time, I decided I would break the silence.
"So, you like music? Baekhyun?"
"I love it, my family were really poor when I was young, and I had to sing and play out in the cold to make money, but I never thought of it as a burden because I loved it so much. I had to do it again 5 years ago, when my father got diagnosed with leukaemia, cancer of the blood. I'm glad he's still alive today. My grandpa didn't survive when he was young though. :("
"I'm sorry you had to go through that"
"Oh, nono our family is all happy now, nothing to be sorry over. So what's your family like?"
I paused. Oh no, please don't bring that up, it's just horrible. I had to lie again. If I were to count the times I had lied to this guy, I'd need more than one hand now, and it's only been what? Like 3 days? 
"I love my family. They've fed me well, and supported me with everything, though my dad isn't home a lot". Phew, at least some truth is in that. "I also have a lovely hyung, Kris. He's really handsome and smart, so he helps me with my homework, and uh... gives me advice on girls".
Baekhyun laughed, which hopefully meant he fell for it. 
It was now dark and cold. The wind began to pick up. "We should go now", I said, shivering.
"Hey I have an idea!" Baekhyun beamed. 
"What is it?"
"You should come to my house for a sleepover! We could know each other a lot better and you get to meet my family!"
Oh my god this isn't happening. But I guess my facade could still be faked. My mum would want me gone anyways. 
"Sure, I'll ask my mom and pack some stuff."
"Yay!" he cheered like a little kid.
At home, my mother gave Baekhyun a cup of hot coffee as he sat in the lounge room. Meanwhile I was upstairs packing some cards, games and my pyjamas. Someone came into my room. Turning around, I saw Kris. "You're finally not gonna be around for once. The family would be complete without you." He sneered, flicking my forehead then leaving. 
"Ow!" I complained, rubbing the sore. Then my mother came in. "Yah! Hurry up! Hurry up and leave, so this house can be rid of your foul presence! People say they can smell the foulness from Antarctica!" I immediately began to hurry. "Why can't you be like Baekhyun?! Look at how sophisticated and polite he is, you'll never be like that, not until the world ends! NOW LEAVE!!!!" She grabbed my arm and literally shoved me down the stairs. As I looked up from the ground, Baekhyun was offering me a hand.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, just uh... tripped". Then my mother came with her fake friendliness again. 
"Chanyeol! Are you hurt? Please be okay!" I winced at her fake personality. 
"Mom, I'm fine, go and have a rest", I assured her.
She led us to the door before saying her final goodbye.
"Bye mom, I...... l-lo-love y-y-you", I managed to squeeze out. Man those were the hardest words I have ever had to say. Now that I come to think of it, I never really said them at all......... 
A/N: Heyyy!!! its Howtotrainyourkris again! Yea I wrote this chapter, sorry if nothing much happens yet!! So we swapped and Baekamazingness is now writing ch 6 :)))
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Chanbaek641 #1
OMG!! This is so good
_kendeuk_ #2
Chapter 1: damn right off the bat im praying this isnt actually happening to pork chanyeol
Chapter 22: update author-nim please!!!
sarapinki #4
Chapter 22: Don't make baek die plz saaave him :'''(
Seoulqueenka #5
Chapter 22: I knew it. When you started talking about how he was tired, by the second time, I knew he was sick. JONGIN AND CO. (Husband waeyo??) WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH !!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!! This is making me frustrated. Please update soon author and your very brave to give your hairs for such a good cause!!!!!!!
Chapter 21: Please update soon :3
Chapter 21: So is this what you're doing instead of sleeping? =3
Not like I'm one to judge anyway XP
i hope you update more often now xD
LunaElle #9
Chapter 20: Wahh cliff hanger, I hope you update soon. I really want baekhyun to live, but I wanna see what you guys come up with. Good luck and good work!