Chapter 14

My True Self

Baekhyun's POV

I was just randomly walking at school thinking about Chanyeol, of course, when i bumped into Kyungsoo. His wide eyes looked up at me and he smiled.

"Oh hey Baekhyun! I was just looking for you! I'm having a a  get-together at my house on Sunday, mainly to just play video games. Wanna come?"

I was about to refuse (i mean, i'd rather spend my weekend with Chanyeol) when i realized that Chanyeol would probably be there too.

"Is Chanyeol coming?" i asked

He looked at me curiously and said "Yes... but why?"

Oh, uh, cause...then we could walk over together! You know, being neighbours and all..."

He still looked kinda suspicious but shrugged it off. "Ok whatever. So you're coming?"



It was Sunday afternoon and me and Chanyeol walked up to the front door of Kyungsoo's house. Chanyeol rang the doorbell and soon Luhan appeared

"About time you got here! Come on"

We followed him into the house and up the stairs to Kyungsoo's room. He was sitting on the bed, staring at his TV screen with a PS3 controller in his hand. His eyes didn't leave the screen as he greeted us.

"Oh, Hi guys. Grab a controller and sit anywhere"

I looked around his room before i sat and noticed a picture of him and Luhan smiling together as kids on his table. That looks like a long time ago.

"Ok" Kyungsoo said, pausing his game. "What game do you wanna play?

"What game are you playing right now?" Chanyeol asked

I looked at the screen and recognized the game. "OMG Borderlands!" i exclaimed, "I love this game!" (A/N omg guys this is a really good game)

They all looked at me and Kyungsoo shrugged. "Ok, let's play."

We played Borderlands for a few hours but eventually they got sick of it since i kept winning. So we played Ratchet and Clank, which i also poned them at. I was a little suprised because i thought everyone would be better at it. I guess i'm just too good.

"This is boring...hey let's play this!" Chanyeol picked up a game called Uncharted.

HOLY NO WAY AM I PLAYING THAT. That's like the ONE game i'm horrible at!

I yawned and stretched my arms. "Guys, it's a little boring versing players as bad as you."

They all glared at me, especially Kyungsoo, who thought he was the king of gaming. I raised my hands in defence. "Whoah whoah guys, it's not my fault i'm so awesome"

They all glared at me even more and i swear i heard Kyungsoo growl

"Whatever, i'll sit out this time" i said

Luhan laughed, " This must be the game you're bad at!"

I scoffed. "Are you kidding me? I am AMAZING at this. I just don't wanna embarrass you guys even more"

"Yeah, SURE Baek" Luhan rolled his eyes.

Chanyeol looked at me. "Sure you don't want to play? We won't laugh if you're bad at it"

"I am NOT bad at it! Jeez. And yes, i'm sure"

He laughed and said "Ok"

While they were playing, i investigated Kyungsoo's room. There were posters all over one wall and i stifled a laugh when i noticed most of them were of Pororo. He must be a fan.

I opened one of the drawers on his bedside table and took out a photo album. The first photo was of two little boys, smiling. I easily recognized them as Kyungsoo and Luhan. Wow, they must be pretty close i they've known each other or so long. I kept flipping through the photo album and they were all of Luhan and Kyungsoo growing up.

"Hey Baek!" a voice cut through my thoughts. I quickly put the photo album back in the drawer and looked up. "What?"

"We finished playing Uncharted."

"Oh." I looked at my watch. It was nearing 7. Even though it wasn't late, i wanted to go home. "Maybe we should walk back now" i said, directed at Chanyeol.

He shrugged. "If you want to"

Kyungsoo got up. "Ok then. Luhan's gonna stay a bit longer."

We went downstairs, put on our shoes, and left. I was telling Chanyeol a funny story about on of my cousins when it started raining. Like literally POURING.

"Oh " Chanyeol cursed

We quickly ran to the nearest building, which happened to be a cafe called Unicorn Cafe.What a weird name. We quickly got inside and sat down. Soon a smiling waiter came to take our order. I couldn't resist asking. "Why is this place called Unicorn Cafe?" i asked the waiter

The smile dropped from his face. "I'm the owner of this shop. I called it Unicorn Cafe because.." he leaned down and whispered (but still loud enough that Chanyeol could hear) in my ear, 'Unicorns are real."

I stared at him. He had a crazy look in his eyes. "What?!"

"It's true! I'm trying to make enough money so i can start educating people about them"

I stared at him even more and slowly shuffled from him. "Um, okay. That's great. Good for you"

He smiled again, losing all signs of crazyness. "Thanks! Enjoy your order!" he said as he walked away.I stared after him, wondering what the hell just happened.

When we got our food, i looked at it fearfully.What if that crazy guy had put drugs into it? I watched Chanyeol take a bite first to see if anything would happen to him( yes, i would sacrifice him). Suddenly his eyes glazed over and his voice turned zombie-like.

"Baekhyun...i have seen the truth... Unicorns are real!"

"WHAT?!?!!" I nearly screamed, totally freaked out. His eyes returned to normal and he laughed. 

"Just kidding Baek, you should've seen your face!!"

I looked at him in disbelief but then started laughing too. Of course Chanyeol would do something like that.

When we were done it had stopped raining so we left. It was still cold though and i shivered, rubbing my arms to try and warm them up. Suddenly Chanyeol put his jumper over me. I blushed and looked at him. 

"Won't you be cold?"

"Don't worry about me Baek" he smiled.

The rest of our walk was silent and eventually we got to Chanyeol's house. 

"Bye Baek!" he called

"Uh, bye".

I started to walk away but i couldn't handle it anymore. I'd liked him for so long now! I had to do something!

I quickly ran to him, grabbed his shoulders, and pecked his lips. He froze like a statue and i ran back to my house, dissapearing inside. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it, trying to slow my racing heart. oh my god, what did i just do?

Chanyeol's POV

I stood frozen. My mind was totally blank, only thinking three words. WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED. and then i panicked. OMG BAEKHYUN JUST KISSED ME WTF DO I DO DOES THIS MEAN HE LIKES ME WTF WTF WTF WTF

I was about to start screaming but then decided passer-byers might think i was mentally unstable. I quickly ran inside and was, as usual, faced with my raging mother, but for once, nothing could bring me down. 


A/N HI GUYS I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was really crazy when i wrote this so that's why there's all that weird Unicorn stuff....and OMG WHEN DID THIS STORY GET SO FLUFFY?!?! it was supposed to be really really sad... well idk. 

and also, do you guys want Luhan and Kyungsoo to be a couple? I know that's kinda a weird pairing but still, they would be so cute. Not that all that Baekyeol fluffyness isn't cute enough *shudders*


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Chanbaek641 #1
OMG!! This is so good
_kendeuk_ #2
Chapter 1: damn right off the bat im praying this isnt actually happening to pork chanyeol
Chapter 22: update author-nim please!!!
sarapinki #4
Chapter 22: Don't make baek die plz saaave him :'''(
Seoulqueenka #5
Chapter 22: I knew it. When you started talking about how he was tired, by the second time, I knew he was sick. JONGIN AND CO. (Husband waeyo??) WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH !!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!! This is making me frustrated. Please update soon author and your very brave to give your hairs for such a good cause!!!!!!!
Chapter 21: Please update soon :3
Chapter 21: So is this what you're doing instead of sleeping? =3
Not like I'm one to judge anyway XP
i hope you update more often now xD
LunaElle #9
Chapter 20: Wahh cliff hanger, I hope you update soon. I really want baekhyun to live, but I wanna see what you guys come up with. Good luck and good work!