Chapter 21

My True Self

Chanyeol’s POV

I haven’t spoken in ages. Not even to Baekhyun. When I tried going to his house, his mother said he needed some time alone before he underwent his first chemotherapy session. As for my own house, nobody liked to talk to me in the first place. I avoided them as much as possible and I guess it seems to be working pretty well. Occasionally, I plucked my guitar for a few tunes. At other times, I went online and searched up whatever popped into my mind. I sighed. I really hoped Baekhyun was going to be okay.


Baekhyun’s POV

Today was another big day for me. I swear I already had enough big days in this past year it’s not even funny. But then again, what’s happening to me isn’t funny at all. I didn’t ask for this in the first place, but when I thought about it, it occurred to me that it was probably better that I did it. But it made me nervous. Very nervous. The car rolled at a steady pace along the highway. I watched the trees pass by for a while, then resumed my aimless stare to nowhere as I looked out the front window. Suddenly my mum laid her hand on mine.

“You’re nervous. I can tell,” she stated, her gaze still focused on the road, her face as pale as flour.

“Not as nervous as you, from what I can tell,” I judged by her emotionless expression.

“I’m your mother, of course I’ll be worried. I just hope everything will be okay and that you’ll stay with us for long.”

I glared into the distance and felt a warm smile come on. “Don’t worry, mum don’t worry.”

Chanyeol’s POV

I was going to be alone yet again today at school. Along with the fact that Baekhyun was getting his first chemotherapy session today, I was going to try and avoid everyone as much as possible. At lunch, I went to my old spot, which I had already grown used to. The school’s bathroom. That way, I could hide from Luhan and Kyungsoo, in case they had more questions regarding Baekhyun. I went to the most inside stall, flipped the seat down and rested there, just like the good old times. All sorts of questions flooded my mind.

Was Baekhyun gonna be okay?

Will chemotherapy help?

How long does he have to live?

What happens if he dies?!!

Upon thinking that last question, I vigorously shook my head and mentally slapped myself. How could I bear to think like that?

The bell was about to ring in a few minutes. Heaving yet another deep sigh, I stood up and opened the door to my stall, only to see Jongin and Kris walk in from afar. In horror, I quickly backed away into the stall and shut the door again.

“Chanyeol’s been acting weird lately.” I heard Kris mutter.

“What do you mean?” Jongin questioned

“It seems like something’s bothering him. I mean, at home I know we all hate him and don’t talk to him, but lately, it seems like he’s been avoiding us more. I think it may have something to do with that friend of his.”

“You mean, Baekhyun? Yeah, I mean he hasn’t even turned up at school for a while. Maybe he’s doing drugs.” They both laughed out loud.

“Maybe he realised what a loser he was and suicided. Heh, wouldn’t mind that, would you?”

“Not at all, man.”

I fought the urge to just open the door and bash them up. But inside, I knew I was never going to be strong enough.

“Hmm, let’s start a rumour.” Jongin suggested.

“Sure, what should we say?”

“Say he’s doing drugs. Then the whole school will despise him for the loser he is.”

“Alright it’s settled. Let’s get going first. The bell should be ringing any moment now.”

The loud toll of the school bell was the perfect representation of my emotions. Loud and enraging. How could they say stuff like that? Jongin was Baekhyun’s COUSIN. Of course they hated each other but who would stoop so low as to say stuff like that?!

Tears welled up in my eyes and poured down my cheeks as I stood there, too dumbfounded to even move. How could I stop this from happening?

Baekhyun’s POV

I was led into Dr. Choi’s office by a kind nurse, who offered me words of support before the drugs were to be….. tubed into me. My body gave a shudder at the thought of some drug running through my veins. The room seemed to give off a dark vibe this time. The barred windows reminding me of a prison cell and the white walls giving me the impression of a mental hospital ward. I sat down in the patient chair in front of Dr. Choi’s desk while my mum popped into the visitor’s chair next to mine.

“I can’t do this, mum.” I sighed

She shushed me and gave me a tiny softball made of foam. “It’s normal to be nervous. Just squeeze this and you’ll feel better.”

Knowing that it was too late to back out now, I wanted to complain more but instead I took the ball and held it in both hands, giving it a hard squeeze. I wished Chanyeol was here. I missed his company so much. I didn’t know how I survived the last few days without him. At that moment, a figure waled into the room with a thick pile of papers covering her face. I already knew it was going to be Dr. Choi.

My mum and I both stood up and greeted the doctor with a ‘hello’ and a bow. She laid her papers down and smiled. “Sorry about the papers, quite a lot of things I have to do with you!”

We both uttered a soft laugh.

“Alright without further ado, we shall begin your first chemotherapy session!”

Dr Choi gestured towards another chair in the corner of the room. My mum gave a last pat on the back as she wished me good luck. Sitting on the chair, I closed my eyes, while Doctor Choi prepared her equipment.

“Alright,” she muttered, finishing her preparation. “This tube will contain the chemotherapy drugs, and will be inserted into your right arm. You might feel a little light headed afterwards, which is lucky that you have your mother here with you. Are you ready? Just relax and let me locate your arteries.”

I took a deep breath and tried my best to relax. I closed my eyes as I felt her running her fingers along my arm trying to find my arteries.

“Okay, one two three,” Without giving me much time to process what was going on, she inserted the needle and tube into my arm. The pain was sharp but quick. It made me feel weak all over but I knew it would end soon. Utter silence filled the room as the drugs slowly made their way into my blood. I envisioned them destroying my cancer cells, leaving me with a healthy body. I imagined a healthy me, with Chanyeol, happily talking and having fun. A smile slowly began to form on my lips. If only that would happen.

Dr. Choi was the first to break the silence. “Alright we are now done!” she said cheerfully as she pressed a bandage to the place where the needle had penetrated my arm. Feeling as though my energy had been drained, I stumbled back to the patients chair and sat down. I could tell that my mum was going to bombard me with questions but I shot her a glance that told her to ask me later. Dr Choi sat down not long after I did and typed a few things into her computer.

“You may experience some side effects such as dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea or vomiting, as these drugs, along with destroying some bad cells, have destroyed some good cells too.”

I must have looked extremely terrified because she gave me a reassuring look. “Don’t worry its normal, painful, but normal.”

I nodded, still afraid that I could be severely vomiting by this time of tomorrow. “Your next chemotherapy session is in 4 weeks, but you have to come back in weekly intervals so we can check your progress and your blood. But in the meantime, I have prescribed you some anti nausea pills, to hopefully slow down and side effects. Here’s a token for you bravery.” Dr Choi handed me a small teddy bear with BRAVE printed on its white, furry stomach.

I smiled. “Thank you so much, for everything,”


A/N hi its baekamazingness (howtotrainyourkris wrote this chapter)... im so sorry that we havent updated in so long! we had a heap of exams and we were so busy we didnt really have time to write. We'll try and update more frequently now.


byee :D


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Chanbaek641 #1
OMG!! This is so good
_kendeuk_ #2
Chapter 1: damn right off the bat im praying this isnt actually happening to pork chanyeol
Chapter 22: update author-nim please!!!
sarapinki #4
Chapter 22: Don't make baek die plz saaave him :'''(
Seoulqueenka #5
Chapter 22: I knew it. When you started talking about how he was tired, by the second time, I knew he was sick. JONGIN AND CO. (Husband waeyo??) WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH !!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!! This is making me frustrated. Please update soon author and your very brave to give your hairs for such a good cause!!!!!!!
Chapter 21: Please update soon :3
Chapter 21: So is this what you're doing instead of sleeping? =3
Not like I'm one to judge anyway XP
i hope you update more often now xD
LunaElle #9
Chapter 20: Wahh cliff hanger, I hope you update soon. I really want baekhyun to live, but I wanna see what you guys come up with. Good luck and good work!