Would you marry me?

Kevin One Shots~ Latest - It's Over (Part 2)

*Maybe listen to it while you're reading this? :D*

The sun suddenly shining through your windows while it rised, along with your phone alarm suddenly going off with Kevin's sweet voice that he recorded for you earlier this year "Good morning~ good morning~ You know I love you right~?". He jokingly did this when he was playing with your phone that night to make sure you wouldn't be late for work, ahh you thought to yourself and rolled around in bed to your phone on the nightstand trying to turn it off but not wanting to so you could hear the alarm repeat itself. 'When is he coming today?' you thought to yourself, its been a little over a year since you've been together, hoping hes not too tired from practice all the time. Will he be able to make some free time today?
As today was a very special day - it was your birthday.
You stay in bed glancing at the time it was half six in the morning, its way too early though. Why is your alarm set so early? Wait - was this Kevin yesterday when you asked him to put your phone on charge, he always likes to do something on it to surprise you. As everytime you go out he would always take you back home no matter the time or schedule to make sure you were safe. He really was a gentlemen and you couldn't help but smile to yourself. Letting out a yawn you fall back asleep.

Hmm, what time was it now? You wake up to some knocks on your bedroom door, wait - who could it be? No one else has keys to your flat but your mum, you slowly look at the door as it opened. There he was, the bright smile you only saw yesterday again appearing, he was wearing his pale blue shirt with his sleeves rolled up slightly passed his elbows, it was all buttoned but the top button, with a pair of white trousers, his black hair was neatly done with his fringe resting on his forehead, while the door opened a lovely smell of pancakes came into your room, then thinking to yourself how long as Kevin been in your flat? How did he get in?

Like reading your mind Kevin said in a soft voice "Happy birthday" with a smile on his face "I asked your mum for a favour". Oh no, next time you see your mum you've got some words for her, letting Kevin in, especially when you've literally been sleeping and just woke up with puffy eyes you pull your blanket up and bury yourself in it. Why mum, why today.

"Don't do that" Kevin sulked, hearing his footsteps walking closer to the bed as he sat down on the side tugging at your blanket, "your bare face is prettier", you stay still in your spot on your bed but suddenly you were caught in his arms with the blanket still over you he hugs you and your heart beats a little faster. "Breakfast is ready" he said. Still hugging you for a little longer he lets go and says "I'll wait for you" as he quietly shuts the down behind him, you pulll down your blanket with your face red, bringing your left hand up to your cheek your pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming. Ahh Kevin you think to yourself.

After getting yourself ready and more presentable for today, you're wearing something simple and comfortable, some denim jeans and a pale blue t-shirt like Kevin along with a plaid shirt on top incase it was a little chilly outside today. Opening the door Kevin was already there at the kitchen table standing there waiting for you with a smile. On the table there was one big plate stacked with pancakes looking fluffy and delicious, along with a bowl of freshly chopped strawberries, bananas and a dash of blueberries to go with the pancake and a small jug of cream on the side. Next to them were two plates and knives and forks already waiting for you and two cups of juice. "Birthday pancakes just for you" he smiled, he knew one of your favourite things to eat were pancakes, you haven't ate them in a while either - making it the perfect surprise!

You sit down while Kevin sits down next to you, picking up pancakes with his cutlery for you and bringing the bowl of fruits closer "Ah I can do it!"  you told him, but he shook his head and continued preparing it for you. Next thing you know he started cutting it for you and said "go ah~", you move your head the other way with your face red not letting him see letting out "ah no, thats embarrassing!". You can picture him smiling to himself with his voice saying "it's only us, no ones going to see". Slowly turning back your head with your face still red, you see him smiling and you open your mouth and he feeds you, after you look away again feeling embarrassed you tell him "Its really delicious". "You really are so cute" he lets out. Hearing the sound of him putting your cutlery down, you take a little peek and hes starting to eat his pancake. While you face back and start to finish yours. The pancake was just right, it was still warm and fluffy, a perfect pancake!

Finishing off the pancakes you watch Kevin starting to clean the table. You know he won't let you help as keeps an eye on you, it happens every time no matter how tired or busy he is, he just wants to look after you. But suddenly while he was walking towards the sink with his back turned, you hear something drop onto the floor along with Kevin, in a shock as you quickly get up out of your chair pushing at the table then trying your fastest to see if he's alright. One look and there he was, the cutlery on the floor that had dropped doesn't matter anymore, solely focused on him as he was kneeling down on one knee with a serious yet charming smile he looked at you, something he had planned for today as he's never dropped anything before while cleaning and remembering a conversation that he had with your mum a few days ago, a surprising yet different type of proposal.

Slowly looking to his hand he had a small velvet crimson box, his eyes still on you as he says simultaneously while opening the box a beautiful ring appears

"I love you, I'll protect your forever and make you happy for life"

After a short pause he continues his proposal

"You're the only thing that I'll see forever, would you marry me?"

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KimHyunAe #1
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : yes,i will marry u kim ji yeop..
-sigh-if only ths was true...(-///-)
Crown_Dony #2
Chapter 6: I'm crying, why Kevin, why'd you do it
This is incredibly sweet!! You are good at describing how Kevin dressed up. I can imagine it how hot Kevin is. Ahhh. My bed time stories. I will continue tomorrow because it's already 2 in the morning. Heeee.Please update more :)
310LickMeCandy #4
Chapter 4: We should be thanking you for writing Kevin one shots,
I love it and I cried cause it was a bit emotional XD
310LickMeCandy #5
Chapter 3: I love all of this and Kevin is my ultimate bias so thank you soo much for writing this ^.^