In Her Arms

Her Body is Perfection

That night I got home and threw myself onto the couch trying to erase the memories of Jessica’s velvet skin in my hands. With no success, I decided to turn on the TV but every show is so provocative it made my mind wander back to earlier in the day. This girl was driving me mad with desire!

With the TV off again, I was bored so I glanced at my phone to see it was only 8pm, too early to go to bed. I wish I didn’t have such a routine life because it made nights like these boring without company. Needing not to be alone in my thoughts, I called Yoona and Sooyoung to go to a bar with me. It was Sunday, but it is still the weekend so going out drinking wouldn’t look too pathetic.

I got to the bar and saw my two friends already at the bar getting drinks. With excitement I pounced on my friends who didn’t see me arrive. They turned around in surprise and smiled, “Yuri!”

“It has been too long!” They managed to both hug me forcefully.

“Your fault for being a health nut and not coming out to have fun.” My friends were so adorable when they pouted.

I was getting hyper, “Let’s make up for it tonight! I want to have fun!”

After getting several drinks in our system, the three of us made it to the dance floor. Being three beautiful girls (I can’t lie), the guys were fighting to get close and dance with us. The alcohol helped with being intimate to a stranger but the alcohol must have not been strong enough to erase my thoughts of Jessica. As the stranger touched my arm, I remember touching her arm. As his hands went to graze my abs, I imagined my hands on her flat stomach. When his hands lowered to my thighs, I felt the softness of her skin on my fingertips. I suddenly pushed the guy away from me which made him angry, but I didn’t care, I needed to get these thoughts out of my head. I needed more alcohol.

One drink, two drinks, three drinks….after a while I was plenty drunk. I saw Yoona leave earlier with some guy and Sooyoung wanted to leave with the guy she was with but she was too concerned over me who was wasted. “Yuri do you have someone else who can take you home tonight?”

I wasn’t really listening to her, but I blurted the only name that was on my mind, “Jessica!” That name is always on my mind. Sooyoung quickly grabbed my phone and dialed the number listed under Jessica.

My vision was blurry but I was sure I saw Sooyoung leave when a blond came in. The girl took my arm and it went over her shoulder with her other hand guiding me closer to her warm body. We slowly made it to the car and she helped me into the passenger seat. Putting my seatbelt on, I could smell her familiar scent. The fragrance that always made my knees go weak and let my body enter a complete relaxed and comfortable state.

I passed out in the car and was only awoken when we arrived at a house. She again helped me out of the car, but this time I wasn’t as gone that I realized it was Jessica who was helping me this whole time and I noticed it was not my house we were at. “Where are we?”

She jumped from my sudden statement, “I didn’t know where you live…so I hope you don’t mind just spending the night here. At my house.”

I was too weak to argue and I couldn’t remember my address so I let her continue to guide me into her house. From what I remember, it was clean and nice. Not too big but not a small home in any respect. I continued to follow her into a guest room on the first floor, and I collapsed onto the bed after she pulled down the covers for me. “Yuri let me get you some water.”

My eyes were ready to close again but stayed open long enough to see her return and give me my water. I was so dizzy that I ended up missing my mouth. I heard her beautiful laughter at my mistake and she took my hand to guide the glass onto my lips so I could take a sip. “Thanks.”

“Did you need food or anything else?” She was so caring but I declined having any more help from her. I was already burdening her so much.

“Okay, if you need me in the night, just call.” Jessica helped reposition me so I was lying down and her hand went to clear the few hairs that dropped onto my face. She was going to get up but my stupid body had other plans.

My hand went on top of hers. “Wait.” She looked at me with apprehension. “I want to tell you something.” I was struggling to get myself back up so Jessica helped me until I was leveled with her. Still dizzy I was having trouble balancing myself and after a few seconds, my body collapsed onto Jessica. She caught me and I was in her arms. Although falling was unintentional, I was loving every minute in her embrace. I could feel her trying to ease me back up but my arms went around her waist preventing her. She didn’t pressure me to get off her so I let my head lay on her shoulder. I could tell that after a while she became more comfortable with our position when her hands were set on my back. “This is nice.”

She didn’t say anything but she nuzzled her head into my neck and her breathing returned to normal. I took that as she was enjoying the closeness as well. It was then that I fell asleep in her arms.

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Chapter 10: Releído
Chapter 10: I can read this ff over and over again, I love it!!!
Thanks Catsba!!!
Thank you sooo much!!
williammozart #3
Chapter 10: Are you a taengsic shipper???
Cos most of your stories are about taengsic.
I only found three stories about Yulsic.
Are there other stories about Yulsic that you wrote?
If so, tell me.
Thank you for writing YULSIC stories.
Chapter 10: Kekeke hot yulsic
Author, can I have a .pdf file of this story so I can read it offline? Thanks! :)
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 10: ohhh i love yulsic so much.. keep up with another stories :)
aullia22 #7
Chapter 10: Woahhh..yulsic is so hot..
I really loved it..
Please write more..
Chapter 10: Loveeed itt !!
Thank you!!
YulSicSLTTR #9
Chapter 10: *-0-* That was..........Hot!
Really good !!!
Hope you write more YulSic :)