Stop it!

Listen To Me Carefully, I LIKE YOU

“Why do I have to do this? WHY? Oppa~~~” I keep on asking Wooyoung oppa as I reluctantly walk down the hallway and he held my arm firmly, dragging me along as if I’m going to run off by any chance as we’re heading to the VIP ward room where Mark is.

“You’re the babysitter, so you need to take care of him.” Wooyoung oppa told me once again and we finally reach the ward room.

“Oppa…can’t you stay here with me? I can’t even imagine how to start a proper conversation or just even to look at him. Everything seems so hard for me to do right now.” I sighed hard; Wooyoung oppa held my shoulder, facing me.

“Look here…you just have to help take care of  him, that’s all. He’s sick and his family is away in the states…he needs proper care; with you here taking care of him somehow will make him feel better and hopefully he'll recover quickly.” He looked into my eyes and I just can’t say anything because I know I just have to do it. No choice.

“Oh well. I will try.” I pouted in disagreement and he pinched my cheek.

“And don’t ever try to run away. I will keep checking on you, and if there’s something happens…I won’t forgive you.” Wooyoung oppa warned me.

“Oppa~ that’s mean. How could you…what if he…?” I was about to complaint but he ignores me.

“I have to go now, those boys have been waiting in the car and they need to get to JYPE to practice. Good luck.” Wooyoung oppa patted softly on my check and give me a wink before he left.

“I hate my life…” I whined quietly and turn to face the door.

I politely knocked on the door, afraid that the doctor might be in and somehow could disturb him but after a while there’s no answer so I entered the room. It was too cozy for a hospital ward, no wonder it’s the VIP room and he must’ve like it so much in here. Such a rich brat.

Mark was still asleep; I put down the fruit basket on the desk and sat on the comfortable single sofa right next to the bed. He was sleeping on his side and I was facing him as I sat down. His leg was casted, probably because of that injury. He look so nice and sweet while he sleeps.



Author’s POV

“Why can't you be as sweet as you are now while you’re sleeping?” words came out from Chae Rin’s mouth and she sighed; just to think of the Mark she  knew years ago and now aren’t much of a difference. To her surprise, Mark started to frown and slowly opened his eyes. He turned to look at Chae Rin and his eyes widened like he had seen a ghost.

“Oh! What are you doing here? Why are you here? When did you come in?” He stare at her, backing up a little but still lying down on his bed.

“I’m here to take care of you. Wooyoung oppa force me to…but I don’t wanna be here anyhow.” Chae Rin told him and he started to frown. She raised one eyebrow as she fold her arms.

“Ya…can’t you just be a little bit nicer? Look at me now…I’m sick and in pain…and of course you have to take care of me…you're my babysitter right?” He started to pout.

*Why do you even have to do this?* Chae Rin sighed.

“Ya…you’re not a baby to babysit and you've just twisted your ankle…and there’s a lot of nurses out there who can help taking care of you.” Chae Rin told Mark  and noticed that he’s  trying to get himself to sit but somehow it looked rather difficult.

“Chae Rin-ah…can you please help me to sit? I feel rather week from all the medication I had earlier…I couldn’t even get myself to sit properly.” He asked for her help and unwillingly Chae Rin assist him and somehow she felt sorry for him. She help him to sit and he ask her to put a pillow behind his back; their eyes met when she tries to adjust the pillow for him. Noticing that she was getting so close to Mark’s face and the fact that his eyes are fixed on hers; she instantly backed away to escape the embarrassment.

“Are you comfortable now?” she ask him and he nods shyly; slightly blushing, he smiled while looking at Chae Rin’s reaction.

“Nae, thanks. So…what did you bring me?” Mark turns to look at the fruit basket on his other side.

“Fruits.” she answered him short.

“Just fruit? Ya…I’m hungry.” Mark whined while rubbing his flat stomach.

“Ya…it’s already nice of me to bring fruits to you.” Chae Rin rolled her eyes.

“Can you peel an apple for me?” he requested; making a puppy face at her.

“Ya…you didn’t break your hands or anything isn’t? You can peel them yourself.” Chae Rin try to ignore his request.

“Ya, I’m sick here. What if I suddenly died and didn’t get to eat that apple? I would definitely haunt you for that…” Mark tries to threaten her.

“You’re just exaggerating it…you’re not gonna die anyway…pssshh.” Chae Rin still ignores his request while turn to check her phone.

“Ya…Jung Chae Rin… peel me an apple…please? Please? Didn’t you feel sorry for me?” Mark makes cute face and keeps on whining. Realizing that Mark didn’t turn to look away and somehow she’s kinda bothered with it; Chae Rin give in.

“Oh this guy…you won't give up, huh?” she sigh,  refuse to waste her energy to fight with him so she does as he asked. After peeling the apple, she cut them into slices and put it on the table right next to him.

“Ya..can you get me a slice? I can hardly hold the hands are shaking…see?” he showed his trembling hands and it seems like it is hard for him to even lift his hands.

“Are you even serious? Is the medication effects you that bad and you want me to feed you? Aughhh this is too much. You’re just being ridiculous. It’s just your leg that’s injured, not like you’ve been hit by a bus and broke all bones in your body and you can’t even move.” Chae Rin told him and he gave her a smirk. She still protested but he used his aegyo on her.

“Please…I really wanna have a slice…don’t you have a little pity for me?” he bats his eyelashes and pouts. Though she felt like pushing him out the window at the moment, Chae Rin just can’t argue and took the bowl of sliced apple and sit on the side of the bed, facing him and feed him a slice.

“Hmm..this taste good. Thank you.” Mark turn to look into her eyes but she turn to look away. Chae Rin don’t want to get too close.

“How long will you be here?” she asked him to get away from the awkwardness sitting and facing him like that.

“I’m not quite sure…the doctor said until I’m fully recovered.” He told her while his eyes are following her iris, she feed him another slice and he smiled, satisfied.

“Chae Rin ah..can you please buy me a cup of hot chocolate?”

“Suddenly? Now?”


“Are you even serious?”

“Yeah. Please?”

“Oh well, fine.”

Chae Rin head straight to the cafeteria and get him a cup of hot chocolate and quickly gets back to him.

“Here you go.” she hand over the cup and he carefully hold it; he opens the lid and he frowned, looking back at her.

“No cream?”

“You just said you want hot chocolate…”

“It tasted better with cream though…” he frowned, showing much disappointment.

“Why didn’t you told me earlier?”

“I thought you knew…”

“I’m not a psychic..I cannot read minds.”

“I’m sorry…can you get me the one with cream?”

“Okay, okay… I’ll get you another one with cream…anything else?”

“Nope. Just the one with cream.”


Chae Rin left to get another cup for him but she was a little unlucky that she had to wait in a long line for it. As soon as she gets her order, she heads back to Mark’s ward room.

“I’m sorry I had to queue up and it’s quite long…here’s your hot chocolate with cream.”

“No thanks. You can have that one instead.”

“Excuse me?”

“I have already drank the one you bought me earlier because I was thirsty. I thought you’d be longer so I’ve drank it and it wasn’t that bad and now I'm full.”

“Ya! You could’ve just…haishhh…” Chae Rin put down the cup and sat at the sofa feeling rather frustrated.

“Hey..hey..calm down. I was just too thirsty... can’t help it.”

“Whatever.” Chae Rin turn to face the window, trying to ignore Mark.

“Chae Rin-ah..” he called.

“What now?” she rolled her eyes but didn’t turn to look at  him.

“I need to go to the toilet…can you please help me? Pretty please? Hmmm?”

“ want me to carry you there? No way.” she turn to look at Mark and immediately saw the urine container under his bed and she took it, pointing it towards him; “Use this instead, I won’t look.” she suggested with a smirk.

“Are you crazy? It’s not comfortable…how did you expect me to use that? No!” Mark protested.

“Just do your business” Chae Rin waved the urine container at him on purpose; she just want revenge.

“Ya Jung Chae Rin..are you going to help me or not? My bladder is going to explode…” he seems to be restless.

Chae Rin laughed at him and he frowned; she actually have no idea how to assist him, and before she could think, Mark put his hand over her shoulder and drag her closer to him. She have no choice but to held him by the waist so that he could stand properly.

 Though it’s a little awkward that he’s holding onto her with their bodies too close to each other, Chae Rin just have to ignore it. She opened the door for him and he hops a little to get inside because he couldn’t stand on the injured feet.

“Ya..Mark, do you want me to help you take your pants off too? Or want me to stand by you and hold you still so you want fall off?” Chae Rin purposely for revenge.

“Yaa..I can do this myself. Get out.”

End of POV



Mark’s POV

It seems awkward but I purposely so that I would know if she really cares for me or not and also the fact that I do get jealous after I witnessed Taehyung kissing her. Deep down I  know this is rather too much playing tricks on her but I did this so that I can get closer to her and somehow find a way for her to forgive us and I just can’t do it the nice way.

As I’m finished with my little business, Chae Rin helped me to get back to the bed and after I have comfortably get on it; an idea came to test her.

“Chae Rin-ah…I really want to have my favorite chicken soup for lunch…but it was only available downtown. Would you go and get it for me?"

“Can’t you have just the one served here? It’s pretty much the same…”

“It doesn’t taste the same. You know how much I love soup right?”All of a sudden Wooyoung hyung called and I put on my acting skilss.

“Ah, Wooyoung hyung…nae, she’s here. Yeah she takes a good care of me, kind of. I don’t know yet, but I feel like I wanna have chicken soup though, but I’m not sure if Chae Rin would buy it for me…” I purposely said so and as I glanced at her, she bit her lips; telling me that I shouldn’t have told that to Wooyoung hyung and he asked me to pass the phone to Chae Rin.

“Ah..nae oppa.…I was about to tell him that I’d buy it for him but he told you that I won’t right?” she rolled her eyes at me and I just laughed. Wooyoung hyung had asked me to act that way though. He’s the mastermind.

“Nae oppa, don’t worry…nae…bye. – Ya…are you doing this on purpose?” she asked me as she returned my phone; still biting her lips and seems like she’s going to get all angry.

“Do what?” I pretended as if I didn’t do anything.

“Uh whatever. I’m going to get your soup. Anything to add?”


“Are you sure?”


“If once I came back and you told me that it’s not what you want…I’m gonna kill you. Ya..give me your phone.” She ask me for my phone that I was about to put in my pocket.

“My phone? Why?” I asked her but before she answers me, she stormed towards me and reach for my phone; she took it from my hand and searched for something.

“You have my number right? Ah..yeah, you have it here. If anything came to your mind, make sure you call me to inform. I’ll go off now.” She gave back my phone and heads straight to the exit.

 “Thank  you.” I told her but she didn’t turn to look.

Chae Rin left. Though I feel sorry for her having to trouble herself just to get my favorite food, but that’s was part of the plan…to get her pissed and I hope it won’t get out of control. I didn't know how to properly approach her in the situation we're in at the moment but after having that personal talk with Wooyoung hyung, I realized that I've started to like her, more than I usually do.

End of POV



I went downtown to get Mark his favorite chicken soup and some dumpling because I know that he likes those foods. Even though it was kind of irritating that he’s being all baby and fussy I just have to take care of him so that he would get better soon before Mrs.Kim came back from her work trip.

As I head up to the mentioned restaurant, I bumped into Suga, J-Hope and Taehyung. Somehow it feels rather awkward as what happens the other night with Taehyung came to my mind.

“Hey, noona!” J-Hope turn to look at me and waved; they’re having lunch at the restaurant.

“Hey..where’s the rest?” I asked as I walk to their table and sit next to J-hope and facing Taehyung; it feels rather awkward.

“They had just left to catch up with their turn for photo shoot…and we’re just about to leave..” Suga explained and J-Hope added;

“What bring you here noona?” J-Hope asked as he turn to look at me, sipping on his iced tea.

“Owh, I came here to get some food for Mark..he’s in the hospital.” I told them and they turn to look at each other.

“Hospital? What happened?” Suga asked and the rest seems worried as well.

“He sprained his ankle during tricking practice yesterday, so now he’s in the hospital for treatment.”

“I felt sorry for Mark hyung..” Taeyung voice out his concern.

“Maybe we can go for a visit later…our schedule will end early evening.” Suga suggested and the others nodded.

“Yeah, we’ll come for a visit later. We’ll see you then noona…we need to get back to our schedule…” J- Hope informed and I stood up to make way for him.

“Yeah sure…”

“Uhm..hyung, you guys go first…I have something to talk to noona..just a quick talk..”

“You better hurry…” the two left after bid their goodbye. Taehyung turn to look at me and I just can’t get away from this conversation.

“Noona…what happened the other night…I just wanna apologize for that…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that to you…” Tehyung sighed, scratching the back of his head and he seems hesitant to talk about it; so do I.

“Uhm…yeah, about that..let’s just forget about it, shall we?” I offered him a solution.

“I’m just worried that you wouldn’t forgive me and won’t talk to me anymore since you didn’t reply my messages these few days. I felt guilty that I’ve kissed you like that..” Taehyung turn to stare down on the table.

“Taehyung-ah…I’m sorry I didn’t felt the same way you feel about me. There’ll be someone better for you..but I do still love you like my I’ve always had.” I try to assure him and hope that he would just forget the feelings he had for me.

“I know it was stupid of me to think that I can win your heart and be your oppa…” Taehyung turn to look at me and I feel somehow sorry for him.

“Ya…I’m not the only girl in this world..there’ll be prettier girl that meant to be with you. Trust me, it’s only the matter of time..just wait a little more okay?” I try to make him feel better anyhow, though I’m really bad at giving advice especially in love matters.

“So..noona is no longer mad at me?”

“Let’s just assume that it never really happened…”

“I’m sorry..once again..”

“Apologize accepted.”

“Can I hug you?” he smiled naughtily.

“No. Are you crazy? Ya…you have just apologized for what you did.”

“Okay, okay..sorry. I’ll see you later this evening.” Taehyung giggled.


“ Take care.”

“You too.”

Taehyung left and I feel relief that he had apologized for it though I know he’s disappointed with my answers but I’m glad that I can finally get over the shock.



Author’s POV

“Hyung, how do you think it would be with Chae Rin noona taking care of Mark hyung?” Yugyeom ask out of the blue as they’re on their way to have lunch.

“I have no idea…but I have the feelings that it wouldn’t be that good.” JB answered him.

“Like Wooyoung hyung said, he have already told Mark hyung what to do..I guess everything would turn out just fine.” Youngjae try to think positively.

“But I just don’t think it went well…it’s Mark hyung and noona…y’know?” Jackson shook his head.

“Hey, how about we go for a visit right now? Just to check on things?” Jinyoung suggested.

“Great idea…” Bambam nods.

“But still noona didn’t say a word to us yet…let’s hope that she’d start to talk to us when we get there.” JB was hoping that Chae Rin would start talking to them after almost four days of silent treatment.

“Let’s just hope that both of them won’t end up bickering or fighting each other.” Jinyoung giggles as he said it.

“Yeah…hey, how about we bring Mark hyung some food so we can have lunch together with him as we visit?”

“Can we do that? Our break is only an hour..” Yugyeom seems worried.

“Then we should go now.” JB suggested.

“Let’s go!”

End of POV



It was a pretty hectic downtown as it was lunch break and it has caused delay on my timing to get back to the hospital. I rushed to get into the elevator and head straight to the ward room and to my surprise the six of them were there.

“Hey…you’re back!” Mark greets me as he saw me standing at the  door.

“Hi noona…oh, let me get that for you…” Bambam quickly assists me with the food containers I had in my hand.

“Whoa, hyung…noona get your favorite soup and dumplings…” Jackson tries to peek into the food container but Bambam quicly took it to the table.

I hate to ignore the fact that I still haven’t forgive those boys but they already acted as if there’s nothing happened between all of us and I just play along.

“I got you your chicken soup and some dumplings…I’m sorry it took me quite sometime; the traffic was really bad.” I told him whilst putting down my jacket and sling bag on the couch on the other side. All of them looked at me as I sat down on the sofa; putting a little distance between them.

“Chae Rin ah…thank you for taking the time to get me all this but…I’ve already had lunch.” Mark told me and the rest looks rather anxious; they turn to look at each other and looking back at me.

“What?” I was rather annoyed hearing that after all the trouble I’ve gone through just to get him what he asked for.

“They brought lunch together with just now and we have have already eaten…” he told me and in that instant I stood; the others are still frozen at their seats as if they were under a spell.

“Ya…you should’ve told me…you could've at least call to cancel. I went all the way downtown to get you all those and and now you told me you don’t wanna eat them?”

“I’m already full, I can’t have any more food. You haven’t had lunch yet right? You can have them instead.” He told me without even an apology or even a thank you.

“This is too much…I had enough of your game Mark Tuan…” I took my stuff and stormed out of the room.

“Chae Rin, wait..”


I just ignored them calling me and before I could reach the elevator and get away with my anger, someone hugged me from behind.



Author’s POV

“Noona…please.” Jackson’s voice makes Chae Rin paused for a moment and let out a frustrated sigh.

“Let me go Jackson…” she forced herself to move but then another hug came from her side, and another and later the six of them circling her with hugs.

“Noona…please don’t get mad. It’s our fault and we didn’t know that you went out to get Mark hyung those food.” JB apologized. The people who walk by just gives them an awkward stare and some just smiled as they turn to look.

 “Ya…you guys wanna die? Let me go!” Chae Rin forced herself to escape but the strength of six guys hugging her at once make her feel helpless.

“Noona, we’re really sorry. Please don’t treat us like this anymore…we admit that we’re wrong…please noona…forgive us.” Youngjae begs and they still hugging Chae Rin.

"Noona, we're truly sorry.." Yugyeom adds.

“Ya…what’re you guys doing in the middle of this hallway like this huh? Is this some kind of reunion or what?” Woyoung's voice surprised them all and in that instance the boys let go of her.

“I just want go guys take care of him instead.” Chae Rin told them and as she was about to walk off, Wooyoung managed to grab her hand.

“Ya..Jung Chae owe me an explanaition here.” Wooyoung said with a firm voice.

“I had enough of that annoying brat…does he thinks I’m his slave? Asking me to get him this and that and later told me he doesn’t want them. I even took the time to go and get his favorite food downtown as he requested and I came back here only to know that he had already eaten and ask me to have the food instead. He does not care to say sorry or even thank me for the trouble and right now I’m so pissed off..ugh!” Chae Rin struggles to escape from Wooyoung’s grasps.

“Hey..hey..calm down okay…” Wooyoung tries to comfort her.

“How can I keep my calm when he did this to me?” Chae Rin fold her arms and turn away.

“Why don’t you guys head back to practice, your lunch break is almost over…I’ll join you guys later.”Wooyoung told the boys and all of them left.

“Ya, Chae Rin-ah…look at me. I know that you’re mad right now but you gotta help take care of him because no one else could.”

“Why would I? He’s too much. I can’t even stand a day with that guy.” Chae Rin protested.

“Ya..I’ll talk to him okay and I’m sorry if I forced you to do things when you didn’t want to. But you’re the only one that I can rely on to take care of him. You don’t want Mrs.Kim to get worried too right? At least you can make sure that you have taken a good care of him for her.” Wooyoung try to buy her trust by mentioning Mrs.Kim and hoping that she would agree to just take care of Mark.

“Is this some kind of revenge or what? He really hates me isn’t he?”

“No he didn’t, he likes you. I know this is hard when you’re still mad and refuse to forgive those boys but you do care for them and care for Mark..don’t you?” Wooyoung asked but Chae Rin didn’t answer.

“If he likes me then why did he do all this? Why can’t he just…” Chae Rin paused; unable to continue with her words.

“I’m sorry to trouble you..but please help me this time..just take of him for the week, okay? I’ll talk to him about this. Now let’s go back in and ask him to apologize.. okay?”

“Ask him to apologize? Like he ever gonna…"

We wouldn't know if we didn't try.."

"Why do I even have to do this oppa?” Chae Rin refused but Wooyoung dragged he back into the ward room.

“Ya, Mark Tuan…you owe this girl an apology…” Wooyoung pushed Chae Rin to stand right in front of Mark while he stood next to her.

“Apology? For what?” Mark pretended as if he did nothing wrong.

“Okay, that’s it!” Chae Rin want to just walk away but Wooyoung held her arm.

“Mark Yi En Tuan…this is not how it was supposed to be…don’t try to drag things off and make it even worse than it already is…you’re wrong and you should!” Wooyoung give Mark a deep stare and he did as told.

“I’m sorry?”

“That’s not it..” Wooyoung raised  one eyebrow while folding his arm waiting for Mark to properly apologize.

“Uhm..I’m sorry for what I’ve done that hurt your feelings...I didn’t mean to hurt you…sorry?” Mark starts making his cute face asking for forgiveness.

“Uh..fine.” Chae Rin rolled her eyes.

“Good. So now that everything is good between you guys, I can happily go back and monitor them practice.” Wooyoung make his way to the exit.

“Oppa…you’re leaving?” Chae Rin grabs his arm.

“Yup…I’ll see you tomorrow okay? Don’t stay mad for too long, it’ll only create wrinkles on your beautiful face. I better go now, take care.” Wooyoung pinch her cheeks softly and left.

 “Nae oppa.” Chae Rin turn the door knob and at the same timr her  phone rings; she answered it and it was a call from Taehyung.

“Ah..Taehyungie..oh you guys are already here? He’s in the V.I.P ward room, just come up to 7th floor. Nae…I’ll see you soon. Bye.- Your friends were on their way to visit.” Chae Rin informed Mark as soon as she hung up.

“Oh..okay. I just wanna lay down.” Mark told her and seems like he’s not interested with what he had been told with. A moment later, there’s a knock  on the door and Chae Rin opened it, it was the bangtan boys.

“Hi noona!” J-Hope greets Chae Rin and so does the rest.

“Oh…Mark hyung is sleeping right now?” Jungkook asked as he tilt his head to have a look.

“No he’s not..we’ve just talked to each other…” Chae Rin told them and they all went over to have a closer look at Mark; he had his eyes closely shut.

“Maybe hyung is tired…” Jimin said as he puts down the gift bag they brought along.

“Hyung needs a lot of rest anyway.” Taehyung adds in as he look over at Mark.

“Noona is so nice taking care of Mark hyung…noona should have proper rest too.” Namjoon patted on Chae Rin’s shoulder.

“I have no choice though.” Chae Rin replied with a reluctant smile.

“I guess we better make our move since Mark is sleeping and we don’t want to disturb him anyway…” Suga suggested and the rest nodded in agreement.

“Uh.. I feel bad that you guys wanna leave…you’ve just got here.” Chae Rin voice out her concern.

“It’s not a problem though…Chae have to take a good care of yourself too..” Jin told her and she nods, escorting them to the exit.

“Well, we’ll come for a visit some other time..see you soon noona. Take care.” Taehyung bid his goodbye and they all left. Chae Rin gets back inside and found out that Mark wasn’t really asleep; he had already awake.

“Ya...I thought you were asleep just now?”

“I just don’t feel like meeting anyone. Not in the mood.” Mark suddenly becomes rather serious.

“But they’re your friends.”

“They’ve already left anyway.” he rolled his eyes and Chae Rin noticed.

“Ya..why are you acting this way? They came all the way here despite of their busy schedules and you treat them this way? You’re being so selfish.”

“He kissed you.” Mark give Chae Rin a stare like he's not satisfied with what happened.

“Excuse me?” Chae Rins was taken aback with what he had said.

“Taehyung. He kissed you…didn’t he?” he raised an eyebrow.

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t try to pretend you didn't know what happened…I saw him kissed you that night.” Mark let out a little sigh.

“ did you…”

“Excuse me Mr.Tuan, it’s time for your medication…” their conversation being interrupted by the nurse. Chae Rin walk out from the room to let the nurses do their job and bring herself to sit and ponder upon what Mark had just said to her.

“How did he saw it? When? Why did he said that? Why did he even bother?”

End of POV



Will there be a confession of love?


Thank you for being patient with me and waiting for so long for my update. I'M SO SORRY. Please leave your comments and thank you so much for reading...Have a nice day everyone!

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I'm a little nervous to post this next chapter..please wait patiently..thank you


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What? Keep on losing my subscribers? I'm sorry if my story updates doesn't meet your expectation and disappoints you guys.. =(
FallenDemon #2
Chapter 8: YAY U UPDATED!! This made mi day :))
FallenDemon #3
Chapter 5: That kooie is so cute and cheesy!!!>-< awww u got a new subscriber ^-^
FallenDemon #4
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: lmao they just need 2 ppl to hold mark down and four ppl to hold chae :')
FallenDemon #5
Chapter 1: Chapter1: dang yugyeom is sooo tall!!! 0-0'....I wish I get taller just a little bit to relieve this short ppl problems
exoulf #6
Chapter 4: Update new reader Mark so cute, xoxo
buniejyp #7
Chapter 1: mark and chea rin will be fall in love?? lol i think so,
i hope will be have some thing special for yugyeom, bc he is my bias.
upload soon-au, i like your story
StarTravelMallow #8
Chapter 4: New reader here~~~
Awww...that's so nice of them...although i would've forgiven them the first time they tried :)
Chapter 4: i can imagine the boys kneeled like that, they must be looks so cute XD
please update soon author-nim!