
Chocolates & Dates


Once in a lifetime opportunity, she reminds herself. She repeats the word a hundred times in her head just to give herself some courage. She’s surrounded by girls who were going to do the same things as she was. She didn’t have to guess. From what she heard, there was only one male dancer hanging around the studio since it was Valentine’s day.

She waits around the same dance studio she went to when she was supporting Andrea. Her palms sweaty in nervousness and constant fear of not being able to do what she had been planning since the night before.

Her right hand held a small packet that contains some chocolates. She had helped with personally making them.

A slight scent of male perfume hit her nose and notices a shadow hovering on her side. She turns and saw a tall male wearing a jacket with a hood. The hood was covering the male’s face making it hard for Angela to see his face.

The male tilts the hood a bit to shed some light to reveal his face a bit. An almost gasp sticks midway on Angela’s throat.

“Lay-sshi?” She whispers, a bit wary of the other girls overhearing.

He pressed his finger on his lips, telling her to keep quiet.

She nods and in return he smiles revealing a set of white teeth. His dimple on one side of his cheek sends a lurch in her heart.

Her breath hitches.

Lay jerks his head sideways, signalling for him to follow him. Angela was a bit slow on the uptake that Lay decides to make it easier on her. Like prince in a fairytale, he wraps his fingers around her risk and drags her until they’re a couple of blocks away from the dance studio

“That was close.” Lay mutters.

The warmth of his hand seeps on Angela’s skin. She shivers a bit. Lay misunderstands and immediately thinks that she’s feeling cold.

He pulls out a scarf in his bag and wraps it around her neck. “Better?” He asks.

A blush rushed to her cheeks.

Angela nods dumbly. She doesn’t trust opening .

She almost forgot about the chocolate that she’s holding. Angela contemplates on whether to give it or not.

It would be a waste if she didn’t. Lay was right in front of her. This is the opportunity she’s waiting for.

She has made it this far.

Before she changes her mind, she the chocolate on the male’s chest.

“Ch-chocolates for you.” She answers quietly.

“Oh! Thanks!” Lay’s smile dazzles her, unconsciously making her knees weak.

She smiles back. His simple thanks has her heart pumping like there’s no tomorrow. The words she plans to add went stuck to .

Gingerly, he opens the packet and saw 5 pieces of chocolate wrapped like a candy. Lay looks like a boy who couldn’t wait to taste a favourite treat. He unwraps one piece and pops the chocolate in his mouth. His eyes widen in delight and happily munches on the treat.

Once again, her heart pounds hard to her chest.

Seeing him like that makes her want to say I like you like she planned, but the joy in his face stopped her.

Saying it might ruin that blinding smile on his face.

A little sigh escapes her lips.

Next time, she promises herself.


For our Angel~

Yixing feels^^

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the end^^ thanks everyone^^


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Chapter 9: OMGod that is so cute!
Luhan is soooo nice.
Wait... So since this are shot of our V-day...
Then that means it all happened the same day, right?
That means everyone's dates got rained on because Lu was playing cupid for you.
It's too cute!
Chapter 9: yes your really deserve one. :) <3
Chapter 8: "It's good."
Wow park chanyeol.. =))))))
Chapter 8: omg wait going to read first~
Chapter 8: you made her scream and run, that's unusual thing for her to do, but this is real good. <3
Chapter 8: YEOLLLIEEEEEEE. Pfft you made her ran all the way before realizing you're in love oh my goodness
:)))) so cuteeee
Chapter 8: Awww!
Stupiddoofus!Yeol is freaking adorable!
Chapter 7: ahhhh whyyyyyy huhuhu T___T <3333 so sweet ack
Chapter 6: THE HUG THE HUGGGGGGG :"> <3
Chapter 7: Ooooh!
Sehun is super freaking sweet!