
To Break Me
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My breath heaved in my chest as the beat dropped out and I was left facing the mirrors in silence. After the week had flown by, it was finally time for the second part of my audition. Zelo had helped me in every way he could, but I still wasn't confident that I could execute the dance with my injured ankle.

Despite my best attempts, my ankle had only gotten worse since I had injured it on the first day of practice. While I was at home I avoided walking on it, but I couldn't stop practicing during the day. With each passing practice, I had felt my ankle getting worse. There was nothing else I could do, though, but persevere.

"I think you'll be just fine," a voice said from the doorway, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"Youngjae!" I put a hand over my startled heart as I turned to face him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said. "You sound great, though. You really have nothing to worry about."

"Thanks. Zelo taught me well," I breathed, taking a swig of water.

"Speaking of Zelo, your new hair matches his." Youngjae pointed out.

I turned to look in the mirror once more at my newly dyed hair. I hadn't thought of it, but my sky blue hair did somewhat match Zelo's.

"Hm, didn't notice." I shrugged. "Where's everyone else?"

"We're right here!" Himchan called from the door cheerfully.

"You've got dedication coming here so early everyday." Yongguk nodded as everyone piled into the studio.

"All our trainees are always late," Daehyun laughed.

"Daehyun, you don't even have a trainee." I rolled my eyes.

"Will you be okay to dance today?" Zelo interjected, looking at me with concern. 

"I'll have to be." I shrugged.

"I'm sure you've already practiced enough today. Rest your ankle until you have to perform," he said, worry in his eyes.

"I'll take you up on that, but you don't have to worry about me." I smiled gently, reaching up to ruffle his hair.

"Your hair looks nice," Jongup said suddenly.

"Thanks!" I smiled brightly.

"Yeah, looks good," Zelo mumbled and left the room.

"What's up with grumpy lump over there?" I asked after Zelo had disappeared from sight.

"He's a little disappointed that he won't get to see you again after this." Himchan explained.

"Really? That's a little flattering," I laughed easily.

"I'm kind of disappointed too. I mean, you're fun to be around. I'll miss talking to you," Jongup said to his shoes.

"That's sweet and I'm glad you think I'm fun, but who said this is the last we'll see of each other?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. "If I get picked, we'll be working with each other."

"I sure hope you get picked," Himchan said. "I could get used to having you around."

I chewed the inside of my lip nervously as I stood before the judges. Through drawing lots, I had gotten the last slot to perform in front of the judges. With each passing person, the judges seemed less and less interested in seeing us perform. The day was dragging on and I had to get this over with.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Zelo nodding at me encouragingly. This was my only shot and I was going to have to take it. If I didn't go through with this, I would be stuck with my father forever.

The music started and I let everything from my practices flood into my mind. I tried to remember every little pointer Zelo had showed me. Put emphasis on this syllable, make sure of my footing on this beat. I was so focused on my movements and my voice that I couldn't care to be aware of what was around me, much less my ankle.

When the beat dropped out and

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DrunkenMaster #1
Hey. Review is done :). Update soon! haha
Chapter 3: Heheh I've read Rainbow, so reading this again is nice! :)
Chapter 1: wow i really love this so far, its great!:}
Chapter 1: well i think i will enjoy a lot :D I love it already *-*
teentopbapshineefx #6
Chapter 1: Thanks :).
teentopbapshineefx #7
Chapter 1: Yeah, I enjoy :)