Chapter 6

I Can't Seem to Remember to Forget You

"So in conclusion, we have made great strides in medical advancement over the past ten years. Worldwide cooperation is key. Thank you for your time." Ji Hoo bowed before an applauding audience of his peers.

As the auditorium began to empty, Jan Di approached the podium where Ji Hoo was putting his papers into a briefcase.

"Wow, Sunbae, that was amazing." Jan Di said in awe.

"Think so? I hope everyone else did too. Are we still on for this afternoon?" he asked.

"I've been looking forward to it since you mentioned going to the Royal Ontario Museum last night."

"Alright then, let's get changed and meet me in the lobby in an hour. I've also made dinner reservations at the 360."

"360?" she tilted her head, confused.

"The restaurant atop of the CN Tower." Ji Hoo said with a smile.

"Daebak, sunbae. I wonder if it compares to Namsan Tower?"

"We'll see won't we?"

Geum Jan Di headed to her suite. She opened the french doors to her closet and found the perfect dress for the day: a vintage style floral print in pale yellow, baby blue and white with a scoop neck and empire waist. She slipped on a pair of baby blue peep toe pumps and pulled her hair back with a matching headband.

After touching up her makeup, she made her way to the lobby. Ji Hoo leaned against the pillar, wearing khaki pants, a white shirt and a fitted navy blue blazer.

Jan Di strolled up to him just as he was looking at his watch. "I hope I'm not late."

Ji Hoo turned around and smiled approvingly at the sight before him. "You look lovely."

"Sunbae...since when do you give so many compliments?"

"If life has taught me one thing, it's to never hold back. You'll miss out on precious things." In order to stave off an awkward silence, he continued, "Shall we go, Geum Jan Di-ssi?" He offered his arm to her and she linked hers through his.

"We shall." she smiled. "Should I call my chauffeur?"

"No need. I've rented a car." and like clockwork the valet arrived with a red BMW Z4.

"You F4 boys and your cars..." Jan Di said as she got into the passenger's seat. Ji Hoo just smiled as he put the car into drive.

They both spent the afternoon strolling through the Royal Ontario Museum looking at various displays, paintings and artifacts. Ji Hoo stopped in front of Monet's "Nymphéas" which was on loan from Paris' Musée Marmottan Monet.

"Nymphéas." Jan Di mused.

"You know this painting?"

"I have a copy of it in my study. I became a bit obsessed with Water Lillies and Lotus flowers thanks to your grandfather and his riddles. I also have a few Lotus paintings by Zhang Daqian."

There was a slight pause before Jan Di continued, "I also have the lotus sculpture you gave to me the last time we went to a museum together."

Ji Hoo reached into his jacket's inside pocket and pulled out a post card. "I still have this."

Jan Di pulled the post card from his fingers and flipped it over to find the portrait she sketched of him so many years ago. "Sunbae..."

"Ah, don't concern yourself too much. I brought it because I figured we'd reminisce at some point..."

But Jan Di looked up at Ji Hoo with a slight pained expression. Why was he carrying this around after so long? Certainly he had moved on... She had moved on. Hadn't she? But if she had moved on, then what was this feeling in her chest? Why did she want to reach out and touch Ji Hoo's face?

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. You are engaged, Geum Jan Di. You are to become the daughter-in-law of Shinhwa. Get it together, gizibe.

Ji Hoo pinched her cheek. "Hello, wonder girl?"

Squinting up at him, she smirked. "Just lost in thought. What time is it?"

"Time to head to dinner."

Jan Di put her hands together excitedly. "I am starving!"

The pair arrived at the CN tower and rode the glass elevator to the top. "I think this is taller than Namsan." Jan Di said, feeling slightly dizzy. "The view is stunning!"

Jan Di was staring out at the city scape, but Ji Hoo was looking at her. "Yes, it is."

The elevator doors opened and they made their way to 360. The Maitre'D sat them at a table by the window. They started off the evening with a bottle of vintage wine. Jan Di ordered linguine with Atlantic Lobster and Tiger Shrimp while Ji Hoo opted for Lamb Chops with Braised Garlic. After, they shared English sticky toffee pudding for dessert and conversed over coffee.

"Thank goodness for coffee. I think I drank too much wine." Jan Di giggled.

"Are you not a good drinker?"

"So-so. I could be drunk on the atmosphere and food, as well. Everything is just perfect."

While Ji Hoo slipped the server his credit card, he asked "Would you like to take a stroll around the tower before we head back to the hotel?"

"That would be great."

Jan Di and Ji Hoo walked side by side. She laughed at his (not-very) funny jokes. And he knew it was because of the wine, but didn't mind. Finally they came to a stop in front of a large glass viewing area. Ji Hoo cleared his throat.

"Jan Di, you know, we've been friends for such a long time..." Ji Hoo started.

"Mmm." Jan Di replied, dreamily.

"...I wouldn't be offended if you wanted to drop the formal speech..."

Jan Di looked up at Ji Hoo.

"...and if you wanted to call me something other than Sunbae..."

"What else would I call you?", a small giggle escaped her lips.

"Well..." Ji Hoo turned red.

She leaned forward. "Yoon Ji Hoo-ssi?"

"I wasn't..." he stammered.

"Ahjussi?" she said and bowed.

"Geum Jan Di!" he scolded and she laughed. He immediately softened. He couldn't resist her laughter.

"Well then, I guess all that's left is...op-pa?" she said the title in a slow and deliberate flirty tone.

"Well if you don't want to..." Ji Hoo looked at the ground.

"So my sunbae is now my oppa." she giggled. "Won't Mr.-High-and-mighty just love that."

Ji Hoo stopped and looked down at her. Jan Di faced the window.

"Well, too bad, Gu Joon Pyo!" she said to the city scape. "You are too busy to even think about me, so I'll call whoever I want oppa!"

"Yah, Geum Jan Di..." Ji Hoo was surprised at her sudden change.

She began to sniffle, "You just do what you've always done and I'll be your little doll for special occasions. You promised me things would change after your father woke up. You promised me you'd marry me. You promised me..."

Ji Hoo embraced Jan Di who began to quietly sob. "I'm okay, really. Just the wine got to me. That's all. I'm talking nonsense."

"Really?" Ji Hoo lifted Jan Di's chin to look her in the eyes.

"Really. I'm just tired. Maybe we should just head back to the hotel. I'm sorry I ruined the evening."

"Geum Jan Di." Ji Hoo said in a soft tone, "In your life, you are capable of doing a great many things, but you could never ruin anything for me."

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. He brushed away a stray tear on her cheek. Like some strange gravity, Jan Di could feel herself being pulled towards him. He began to lean in towards her lips.

What are you doing Jan Di...this...isn't...right.

She pressed against him in a moment of abandon. And just as their lips were about to touch...


The two of them, startled, pulled apart quickly. There before them was a young boy wearing a Blue Jays shirt, holding a stuffed moose in one hand, and pointing at them with the other. "You guys are cootie-heads! KISSING IS SO GROSS!"

"Coo-tie heads? What in the world?" Jan Di said.

"Liam, get over here!" An exasperated mother ran up and grabbed him by his arm. "I am so sorry,'am." As she pulled the boy away, he turned his head to stick out his tongue at Ji Hoo.

"Yeah, thanks kid." Ji Hoo murmured under his breath.


"Oh nothing..." he decided not to correct her on calling him sunbae.

The two were quiet on the way back to the hotel. Both lost in their thoughts about the night's events. The revelation of the true nature of Jan Di and Joon Pyo's relationship was a bit of a shock to Ji Hoo. He thought things were well with them, and then in a moment of weakness he tried to kiss Jan Di. Jan Di was swept up in a torrent of guilt and anguish over almost kissing Ji Hoo. It was unlike her to do such a thing.

"I must be out of my mind..." they boththought.

A/N: Many many apologies for the delay! Your humble author was in the hospital for a week and school and family life also became a priority. I hope you enjoy the latest installment. Please give your feedback! I read all my comments! Thank you for reading so far. Jan Di and Ji Hoo will be headed back to Korea soon - surprises, drama and romance around every corner. 3

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Maianh80 #1
Chapter 23: I am so lucky to find you fic, I really loved it. I have read some other fics but yours is the best. It has the ending that I want to know after drama ended. I very much want to see how the triangle love between them will be in the future. Jandi and Jun Pyo were trying hard to be accepted by his mother. But I also want Ji Hoo to have a happy ending, he is so warm and sensitive, how hard for him to silently watching and supporting his girl to come to his best friend. Finally he has his lover after so many burdens. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic.
Classylydia #2
am sooooo touched!!!
Chapter 23: Sugoii! Sugoii! Im literally crying *sobs* losing someone so precious is quiete painful,:((( you really know how to pull a readers heartstrings author-san .. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story and im looking forward for new stories :)))
hopelesswriter #4
Chapter 23: honestly, i'm a little bitter that Jihoo only got the girl through Joonpyo's made me feel he couldn't win over Joonpyo anyway even though he got the girl...ahh, curse that sickness...but love the F4 scenes here...haha...n Madam Kang too...even though i'm not too pleased with the turn of event...i'm still amused to realize that the title could work for both Jihoo n Joonpyo in this fic. anyway, thanks for sharing this great writing n Congratulations for the completion of this fic.
Chapter 23: Discovered the story so late,but loved it so much! Loved the ending scene ..hope you write more.
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 23: The end was so sweet and so sad. I think that's the only way Jihoo and JanDi could ever be together. Only if something were to happen to JunPyo. This was really well written and a good story always takes a mind of its own. I've come to realize that as well.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 19: Oooh my goodness! Jan Di can't leave now. You know you love that jerk. But what about Jihoo? :( What a mess.
Chapter 19: Aigoo! *le cry buckets* why i have this gut feelibg that curly fries wont survive the surgery :'( as much i wanted jandi end up with jihoo, im really sad for joon! Aigoo! Thanks for the uodate author-san
The story is awesome! Cant wait for an update author-san! Great writing skills! Bravo! I love the plot of the story! A must read! Upvote upvote! :)))
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 18: Joon Pyo!! Really? Pushing her into the arms of your best friend! Selfish coward. Okay, done ranting at Jun Pyo now. Lol.