Chapter 17

I Can't Seem to Remember to Forget You

Jan Di sat in quiet contemplation about how she would handle the rest of the day. She was sure Ji Hoo had made plans for dinner, but she needed to figure out what direction she was going to take her relationship. It wasn't like Ji Hoo suddenly appeared out of thin air. She acknowledged that there was something stirring deep inside of her for quite a long time. Was it too soon to step away from her reality with Joon Pyo and move on to the dream her and Ji Hoo shared? She decided to tuck away her guilt by rationalizing that Joon Pyo didn't chase after her like Ji Hoo did. He didn't constantly ensure her wellbeing the way Ji Hoo did. And he had certainly lost his flair for romance, whereas Ji Hoo had stepped up his game.

Go with the flow, Jan Di, she thought to herself.

Ji Hoo arrived an hour later with a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of wine and a smile on his face. Jan Di's heart skipped a beat when she saw him. They said their greetings and then he went to the kitchenette to arrange the flowers into a vase.

"Sunb-Oppa, those flowers are so beautiful.", Jan Di said with appreciation in her voice.

"I believe you are more beautiful, Jan Di-ah." He said with a grin.

"I hardly doubt that." She blushed.

"Hmm, perhaps you're right." And with that, he pulled a daisy out of the bouquet and gently tucked it behind her ear. "Now you're perfect."

Jan Di felt her heart pounding in her chest. She was experiencing feelings she had not felt in ages.

There was a knock at the door. "And that must be our dinner." Ji Hoo winked. "Go sit down at the table, and get ready for a feast." He pointed towards the table out on the veranda.

Jan Di did as she was told. The room attendant brought over a large rolling tray and uncovered various hoe, ganjang-gejang, nakji and various banchan. The table was set and the attendant took his leave.

"Oppa, this looks amazing." Jan Di said as she prepared her chopsticks.

"I'm glad you like it. Would you like a glass of wine?" Ji Hoo offered.


They began their dinner quietly with only the sound of the ocean and small murmurs of approval over dinner. As Jan Di toyed with a piece of Kimchi, she decided to broach the subject of the status of her engagement.

"So…it's over, I think, between Joon Pyo and I." Jan Di looked at her plate.

Ji Hoo looked up from his dinner, surprised. "What do you mean?"

"I spoke to him earlier. It didn't go well. I realized that I am trying to hold on to the ghost of him that no longer exists. I can't keep holding onto a man that won't hold on to me." She sighed.

"Jan Di-ah…"

"I'm okay. Really." Jan Di mustered a smile. "I just thought you should know."

"Jan Di-ah, I would never purposely get in the way of your relationship with Joon Pyo, you know that right?" Ji Hoo lifted her chin so that he could look her in the eyes.

"Of course, oppa. This has nothing to do with you. It's been a long time coming." She tried to smile.

Ji Hoo had a look of guilt on his face.

"Oppa. Seriously. Don't blame yourself for any of this. It would have happened with or without you. When I get back, I will settle things with Joon Pyo. But for now, it's just you and me." Jan Di set down her chopsticks and walked to the edge of the veranda. "Isn't the weather perfect? I feel like the ocean breeze will blow away all my worries."

Ji Hoo came up beside her and gently turned her to face him. "Jan Di…"

She looked up into his eyes with curiosity.

"Jan Di…" he said once more and then he embraced her in a kiss so passionately that Jan Di thought her heart might explode. As she settled into the comfortable warmth of his kiss, her wide eyes closed and she reciprocated in kind. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he buried his hand in her hair. The kiss became more and more intense, as if both had been waiting for this moment and couldn't wait any longer. Jan Di finally pulled away breathless.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I took you by surprise…" Ji Hoo started, but Jan Di shut him up with another kiss. And then another. And before the two of them knew it, they were headed towards the bedroom. Ji Hoo picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, running her hands through his hair and her approval between kisses.

He laid her down on the bed and looked into her wanton eyes. "I have waited for you for so long, Jan Di-ah."

"I didn't realize that I was still waiting for you, too." She said.

Ji Hoo leaned down and began kissing her again, their tongues playfully intertwining. Jan Di nibbled on his lower lip. He responded by kissing her deeply. She felt heat arise from her body, her head began swirling. His mouth moved from hers, to her neck, then her collar bone, and then rested in the space above her s. She was so dizzy with pleasure that she almost didn't notice he was ing her shirt. It took everything she had to grab his hand and stop him.

"Oppa, I desire you so much right now, but this is as far as we can go."

Breathless, Ji Hoo looked down as his beautiful Jan Di. "I won't rush you. I know this is so soon after…"

Jan Di nodded.

"But I felt like I needed to do this, to claim you as my own. I have waited for so long, I didn't want to miss this opportunity and lose out on you again." He placed a light kiss on each cheek. Then her nose. Then both of her eyes. "You are more precious to me than anything in this world. I would never neglect or hurt you Geum Jan Di. All you need is to ask something of me and I will move mountains for you."

He laid down beside her and opened his arm for her to snuggle in beside him. They allowed the scent of the ocean and the light breeze from the open veranda doors to caress their bodies, sending residual tingles from their previous session. They laid there for quite a long time talking about nothing and everything. Laughing at silly jokes. Being playful with eachother.

Then, once again, Jan Di's stomach betrayed her.

"Hungry so soon?" Ji Hoo joked.

"I guess I am!" she giggled.

"I know a place that makes amazing Kkori Gomtang." He suggested.

"Let's go!" she answered with excitement.

The two of them straightened out the clothes they were wearing while sheepishly looking at each other before laughing at their own embarrassment. They held hands as they walked along the village street.

Maybe it's a dream, but I am so happy right now. If it is a dream, I don't want to wake up, Jan Di thought.

Finally they came across a small restaurant, nothing fancy. Just a few tables, a small refrigerator stocked with soju and an old TV mounted on the wall. They ordered two kkori gomtangs and a bottle of soju. While they were waiting, Ji Hoo reached across the table and began caressing Jan Di's hands. She looked at him with adoring eyes.

An ajumma brought the two bowls of soup and banchans to the couple.

"Aigoo…this is better than my mom's!" Jan Di gushed after her first bite.

"I wouldn't tell her that if I were you." Ji Hoo joked.

The went about talking about their plans for tomorrow until something on the TV caught Jan Di's eye.

There on the screen was Joon Pyo. "I can't even escape him here." She said with disdain.

"Ajumma, can you turn up the volume?" a man called from another table. She obliged.

The announcer began, "We are here today at the signing of a multi-billion dollar merger which will result in Shinhwa's entry into the Japanese resort market. The plans are for three resorts to be taken over and two new resorts will be built highlighting Japan's onsen culture by utilizing the natural hot springs available. These will be five star resorts that will attract elites from all over the world, but first, let's go to the press conference now to watch the signing of the documents. On behalf of Shinhwa, CEO of International affairs, Gu Joon Pyo will be signing the documents. Takuya Senji will be signing on behalf of the Takuya Corporation."

The camera panned to a white cloth covered table with an MC podium in the middle. There was a lot of background noise, so it was hard to hear what was going on, but both contracts were signed. Gu Joon Pyo and Takuya Senji stood up and shook hands as flashes from cameras went crazy. The audience clapped. Gu Joon Hee and Madam Kang were both in attendance, smiling brightly at Joon Pyo.

"Now, Gu Joon Pyo will take to the podium for a speech. Let's listen in." the announcer continued.

"Ayu…I hope he's enjoying all the love he receives from that money." Jan Di said disgusted.

As Gu Joon Pyo took a step to the podium, something strange happened. He slightly stumbled and then caught himself by placing both hands on the podium. He shook his head slightly before straightening back up and looking at the audience. Jan Di tilted her head sideways and Ji Hoo caught his breath. They both looked at each other and then back to the TV. Something didn't seem right.

"I am so happy to be part of this arrangme—" Gu Joon Pyo mid-sentence collapsed to the floor. Several aids rushed to him to help. After a moment of chaos, the announcer's voice came back on, while the camera stayed on the happenings at the podium.

"It appears that Gu Joon Pyo of Shinhwa has collapsed. People have rushed over to help him, but he appears unconscious. Oh! It looks as if the medical team has arrived. We are unsure what this means for the Shinhwa/Takuya merger, but we do wish for Gu Joon Pyo's good health. They are putting him onto a stretcher now. It looks as if they will be taking him to the hospital."

Jan Di felt as if she had completely left reality and entered the world of the surreal. There before her on the TV was the man she was engaged to until earlier this afternoon. She put her hand over as she tried to process what she was seeing. Ji Hoo looked shocked. Both were completely speechless. Then, Jan Di's phone began to ring. It was Chu Ga Eul.

"Jan Di! Get to a TV right now!" Ga Eul shouted into the phone.

"I see it Ga Eul. What is going on?" Jan Di said with a shaky voice.

"Just get yourself back here NOW! I'll text you the hospital Joon Pyo-sunbae is at when I find out."

"Oh god, Ga Eul, this is my entire fault, what have I done." Jan Di said with tears springing to her eyes.

Ga Eul calmed her voice a bit, "This isn't the time to freak out. Just come out of hiding wherever you are. Get home."

"I understand." Jan Di hung up the phone and looked at Ji Hoo. "Sunbae, we have to go back right now."

Ji Hoo nodded, while taking note that she had gone back to calling him sunbae. As much as he was worried about Joon Pyo, a part of him felt like he was about to lose Jan Di again.

They quickly returned to the resort and began packing. There wasn't a flight leaving Jeju until tomorrow morning, so Ji Hoo got on the phone and made arrangements for a private jet to take him and Jan Di back to Seoul right away.

The taxi dropped them right off in front of the plane and they boarded quickly. After take-off, Ji Hoo put his hand over Jan Di's. "Look, I know what you're thinking, but this is not your fault."

Jan Di looked over at Ji Hoo. "I don't know, sunbae. I just don't know."

A/N: Well that just turned the story on its ear! More to come soon, my friends! Hang in there!

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Maianh80 #1
Chapter 23: I am so lucky to find you fic, I really loved it. I have read some other fics but yours is the best. It has the ending that I want to know after drama ended. I very much want to see how the triangle love between them will be in the future. Jandi and Jun Pyo were trying hard to be accepted by his mother. But I also want Ji Hoo to have a happy ending, he is so warm and sensitive, how hard for him to silently watching and supporting his girl to come to his best friend. Finally he has his lover after so many burdens. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic.
Classylydia #2
am sooooo touched!!!
Chapter 23: Sugoii! Sugoii! Im literally crying *sobs* losing someone so precious is quiete painful,:((( you really know how to pull a readers heartstrings author-san .. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story and im looking forward for new stories :)))
hopelesswriter #4
Chapter 23: honestly, i'm a little bitter that Jihoo only got the girl through Joonpyo's made me feel he couldn't win over Joonpyo anyway even though he got the girl...ahh, curse that sickness...but love the F4 scenes here...haha...n Madam Kang too...even though i'm not too pleased with the turn of event...i'm still amused to realize that the title could work for both Jihoo n Joonpyo in this fic. anyway, thanks for sharing this great writing n Congratulations for the completion of this fic.
Chapter 23: Discovered the story so late,but loved it so much! Loved the ending scene ..hope you write more.
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 23: The end was so sweet and so sad. I think that's the only way Jihoo and JanDi could ever be together. Only if something were to happen to JunPyo. This was really well written and a good story always takes a mind of its own. I've come to realize that as well.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 19: Oooh my goodness! Jan Di can't leave now. You know you love that jerk. But what about Jihoo? :( What a mess.
Chapter 19: Aigoo! *le cry buckets* why i have this gut feelibg that curly fries wont survive the surgery :'( as much i wanted jandi end up with jihoo, im really sad for joon! Aigoo! Thanks for the uodate author-san
The story is awesome! Cant wait for an update author-san! Great writing skills! Bravo! I love the plot of the story! A must read! Upvote upvote! :)))
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 18: Joon Pyo!! Really? Pushing her into the arms of your best friend! Selfish coward. Okay, done ranting at Jun Pyo now. Lol.