
Steal my heart

"I'm pooped." Hana groaned, plopping down onto a table whilst massaging her arms.


Luhan mimicked her actions and buried his head in the folds of his arms.


"Don't even ing talk. We had the toilets." Lay grimaced, with a stoic looking Kris beside him.

Hana looked over and shot a teasing smirk at Kris which he ignored. Something about him caught her attention. Let's see how long it takes for me to crack that ice.


"Where's Sehun?" Luhan asked, looking around the cafeteria. Hana followed his lead, noticing at least 6 people hadn't returned, including the twins.


As if on cue, Sehun and another unfamiliar came into the room with rather pissed off expressions.


"What happened?" Luhan asked as the two sat down opposite Hana and the boy.


"The knife rack fell on D.O hyung while we were cleaning and the stupid guards won't even let him wrap it up."


Hana instantaneously looked to D.O's arm, finally spotting the large gashes that ran down his arm.


"You need to disinfect it now." She stated flatly. She'd had first hand experience with wounds like that and leaving them open to infection in an environment like this never had good results.


"We know that stupid." Sehun snapped.


Hana stood up, despite the guards that immediately stiffened with her movements.


"Where are you going?" Luhan asked, under his breath.


"I'll be back." She grinned, flashing her pearly whites before walking towards the door.


"Bathroom." She saluted to the guards. The two men exchanged sceptical looks before opening the door, eyes on her like hawks.


The girl rolled her eyes and pushed the door into the bathroom stalls. Obviously prison toilets didn't have any windows so that option was ruled out. Hana swiftly walked over to the emergency exit, surprised they had one. Saved the effort of finding an intricate escape.


She pulled a bobby pin from her head and carefully began spinning the knob at an excruciatingly slow pace. Just before the door clicked, Hana shoved the pin into the slot, maintaining the same pressure the trigger originally had on the inside of the lock. She carefully opened the door with her free hand, making sure not to move the pin. A sigh escaped her lips at the silence, as she carefully put the door back, working extremely diligently, not to lift the bobby pin too early knowing it would sound the alarm.






"Oh where've you been?...and where are you're guards?" Kai asked as Hana bounced into the room, having joined the table in the girl's absence.


Hana waited until she heard the sounds of her guards bolting down the corridor before whipping out a paper bag from her sweater.


"Ok, I could only get the cameras off for 10 minutes so we have to work fast before my guards get back."

Hana sprawled the clinical supplies onto her empty food tray and grabbed D.O's forearm, bringing it towards her without permission.


The boys all stared at her with wide, disbelieving eyes. Hana couldn't help but snicker at their expressions.


"How did you-"


"The rumours weren't kidding then huh?" Kai interrupted Luhan with a knowing grin.


Hana didn't look up but returned the grin as she doused the wound with antiseptic, ignoring the hiss it produced. She didn't have the time to be careful.


"How do you know what you're doing?" D.O asked, not particularly objecting but more questioning in awe.


"I had to clean up after my friends all the time." She casually explained, efficiently wrapping the cleaned cut with gauze.


"Yea I heard you even stitched a wound before." Kai stated, sounding more like a question so Hana nodded, stifling a laugh in reminiscence. Her friend's stitches had ripped open after a night raid and Hana had to sew them back before the cops caught them. It was a blur of screams, laughter and as far fetched' as it


The room silenced, all eyes watching Hana as she finished up. The girl grabbed her used napkin, firmly wrapping the empty packages and tools in it before throwing it into the garbage.


Unexpectedly, Hana then ripped off her sweater and hurriedly gestured for D.O to wear it. The boy gave her a firm look of disapproval but when Hana motioned to the exposed bandage on his arm which would surely catch the guard's attention, comprehension washed over him and he wore the ugly orange prison sweater.


"3, 2, 1." Hana grinned just as a bunch of watch guards came tumbling into the room.


"The inmates are all accounted for. No suspicious activity. Must have been a glitch, get the systems checked." The guard spoke into his intercom. Hana smirked and saluted to the men as they checked the cameras once more before filing out again.


"Ok. I like her." Sehun admitted, his lips twitching up.


Hana thumped her fist against her heart twice and extended a peace sign towards the boy, which he copied making the girl laugh. "Even got our own signal now."


When dinner was over, the inmates were sent back to their cells.


"She's sketchy." D.O sighed, hopping onto his bed.


Kai, his cell mate, gave him an incredulous look. "She did risk her for you, you know."


"Which makes it all the more sketchy. How the did she do it? She's under tighter watch than any of us."


Kai rolled onto his own bed and pulled out a book from under his cover. "There's a lot you don't know about her."


D.O to his side to face the boy. "Speaking of. Why do you trust her so easily? You still don't trust half the people in here...why are you so open with her?"


A small smile spread across the younger boy's face. "She may not remember me...but she's someone I could never forget."





Hana closed her eyes awaiting the long needed sleep.


A small sniffle from the bunk below her broke her stream of unconsciousness but the girl flipped onto her stomach and ignored the sound. The sniffles grew into muffled sobs so loud that it made Hana sit up with an irritated expression.


Hana hopped off her bed and stared at the bottom bunk, finding her cellmate huddled in the corner. Her eyes flickered to the other bed, only now noticing a lack of presence.


"Where is she?"


The girl turned to Hana, tear streaks staining her cheeks. "In the punishment ward."





Hana groaned as she sauntered into the cafeteria, wordlessly taking a seat. Her cellmate hadn't spoken anything more after those 4 words so Hana spent the night trying to smother out the sound of the girl's sobs with her pillow. She heard the sound of a tray being slid towards her and looked up in surprise.


"You looked tired so I got it for you." Kai chuckled, taking his usual seat beside her.


"so 2 or 3?" She asked the boy, poking at her porridge with a spoon.


"Three. One year down two to go."

"Guess we'll be out together then."


Kai looked up at the girl in surprise. He would have thought she'd have more than one offence against her name with that big reputation of hers.


"I got busted for the crime they witnessed but I hide my tracks and identity pretty well." She explained, with a rather confident grin. Kai nodded but remained mum. He knew there was something behind that grin and he definitely intended to find out about it when the time came.


Hana was about to question him on his darkened expression when another figure walked in. His steps halted as soon as he stepped into the room, probably frozen with regret.


"Daddy long legs." Hana called from her table, earning her daily glare and a snicker from Kai.


"He laughed doesn't that get him a glare too?" Hana pointed her porridge covered spoon at Kai. Kai gaped at how easily she sold him out before joining the girl in laughter.




"so what's happening today?" Hana asked once the inmates were all in the cafeteria.


"Well today we have spot checks then visiting hour." Suho informed the girl whilst she still played with her untouched porridge. The girl straightened at his words and a brilliant smile won over her face.


"Seriously? Visitors already?"


A few of the boys chuckled at her excitement but majority were cautious, probably assuming she had connections to drugs.


"yea you came at a good time. We only get visitors once every couple of weeks." Baekhyun sighed dramatically.




"How was the spot check?" Luhan grinned, as they walked back into the common room after his own check.


Hana shuddered and hugged herself. "I feel molested. Do they make men strip too?"


Lay laughed with a small nod, "and they call us the criminals."



Hana gripped onto the opaque window, pressing her palms and cheek against the glass despite the fact that they could see her even if she couldn't see them.


Kris rolled his eyes at the girl and slouched back into his seat.


The room was pretty silent since most of the inmates had been called to meet their visitors, so the girl was left with only Kris and half of the twins-both of whom didn't seem to be expecting anyone.


Hana blew out an annoyed breath before laying flat on the ground like a starfish. Are you guys actually not coming?


She struggled to keep the disappointment from devouring her mind and decided to focus on something else.


"You guys don't get visitors?"


Hana knew they all heard her yet no one looked up at her question.


"Daddy long legs?" She persisted, tilting her head to look at the male reading a magazine in the corner.


"No I don't. Now buzz off."


Hana noticed his voice didn't sound as sharp as it usually did. Whether it was self-pity or pity for her, the girl couldn't differentiate.


"ok. Visiting hours are over. Back to your cells." A guard announced, opening the door.


Hana's eyes grew, "no you're wrong. My visitors haven't come yet." She pointed out, desperation edging it's way into her voice.


"Better luck next time." Her guard said, maintaining a neutral tone.


"YOU'RE WRONG." She snarled, surprising everyone in the room. She used the shock to her advantage and shoved the male aside, racing into the visiting area. Another guard ran at her but she flipped the man, searching the room.


Why aren't they here?


She felt another hand grip her wrist but before she could attack, his gruff voice broke her trance.


"Don't be stupid and get back inside." Kris hissed. She didn't take the hint from his sudden worry and broke free of his grasp.


The boy shot her a look of frustration before jogging back to the room, not wanting to be caught alongside the girl.






"Where's Hana?" Suho asked, as Kris walked into the cafeteria with the younger of the twins trailing behind him.


"Punishment ward."





Hana bit her lip as she was pushed into the cramped room, the door swinging shut behind her.


"GOD I SAID I WAS SORRY ABOUT THE WHOLE FLIPPY THING, THERE'S NO NEED TO HOLD A GRUDGE." She called out as the officer limped away, his back  still sore from earlier.


"would you keep it down." A faint voice drilled from the darkness behind her.


Hana adjusted to the darkness, her eyes trained to do so. "oh. It's B2."


The girl walked over, slumping onto the ground beside her.


"It's Sooyeon so cut the crap with the nicknames."


Hana noticed the hoarseness of her voice and she couldn't help but wonder what everyone dreaded so much about the place. It didn't seem all that bad to her.


"They'll be back soon." Sooyeon spoke, before Hana could ask.


"Depends what you did to get in here." Answering Hana's question psychically.


"Just flipped a switch for a moment...may or may not injuring a guy in the process."


A light chuckle escaped from the girl making Hana freeze up for a second.


"You better prepare yourself then. I just got caught helping out my sister which is why I was let off with 2 nights of the horror loaf but you're in for it bad for violence."


Hana shrugged, not trying to brag but simply not bothered by the fact.


"What's the horror loaf though?"


"You don't want to know. Two days on it and you'd be thankful for the food they offer here."


Hana thought back, remembering how the boys would always scarf down the food as if it were actually edible and snorted. Sissies.


"00129" A guard called, motioning for her to stick her hands through the slot.


Hana almost snickered but managed to refrain. She knew the cuffs were just a precaution since the guards were nervous she'd flip the cap again.


She heard a cough from the corner and glanced up to meet a look of concern. She tilted her head wondering what had made the ice princess show some compassion towards her, even if just a bit. How bad could it be?



Hana bit the inside of her gum to control herself. It took every inch of her willpower not to beat the out of the guards as they continuously whipped her. Hana wasn't one to take beatings seeing as she was the one that dealt them majority of the time.


Once the guards had counted out a solid 50, Hana was dragged back to the ward to soak in her own blood. Even she couldn't help the soft, invisible wince from escaping her with the rough landing. Her whole body ached and she mentally cursed the invention of the stupid rope.


"How many did you get?"


Hana didn't look up but she was mildly surprised that Sooyeon was still here, sounding raspier than before.



Even Sooyeon grew shocked at the number but she held back her pity.


"We'll be let out tomorrow morning for breakfast." She informed, ending any form of conversation before the two and this time even Hana didn't object to the silence as it lulled them into slumber.


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Chapter 5: Finally! A different story from the rest!!! Thank you so muchhhhhhh XDDD
Update soon! This story is too good!!!
Chapter 5: Finally you update .... good chapter - Yuki
Chapter 5: This is getting good! :)
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 4: Thank you for sweet memories of Kai meet Hana - Yuki
Chapter 3: Thanks for update & can't wait for next update! - Yuki
Chapter 2: O>M<G poor Hana!! - Yuki
Chapter 1: Good chapter & keep it up - Yuki
unicornwhisperer #9
This is soooo good *thumbs up*