
Steal my heart

Thirteen pairs of eyes grew to soccer balls as Hana and Sooyeon walked into the cafeteria. Hana still managed to carry her usual crooked smile, despite the markings on her body that would have wiped the smile off anyone.


"This is ing inhumane. I thought physical punishments were illegal already." Kai cursed, his fingers growing into fists.


Hana shook her head and sat down beside him. If the girl felt any pain in her open wounds, she made sure to hide it well.


"Don't be a girl. It's not like I haven't had worse,  heck I've dug bullets out of my stomach." Although it was intended to sound joking, the room was well aware of the truth that laid behind her words.


D.O couldn't help but stare at her injuries with guilt, especially with the neatly wrapped bandage under his sweater nagging at his conscience. Another pair of eyes couldn't seem to drag themselves away from the girl either but Kris managed to make it seem less obvious.

It wasn't his fault. So why did he feel a tinge of guilt tugging at him?


Hana waved aside their concern and turned to Suho, ignoring his expression. "So what's todays schedule?"


"School, lunch, chores then dinner. The usual." He answered absentmindedly.


Hana groaned aloud, laying her head on the table.  To be honest It wasn't the wounds that had hurt her last night. Even through the stinging of the whip as they latched onto her abdomen the girl could only focus on one thing. They didn't come.




"You sure you're okay with that?" Sooyeon asked, watching the girl with a precautious attitude.


The duo had been assigned to clean the day ward and Hana's injuries weren't helping the situation. The girl shrugged and continued with her mopping.


"Why are you suddenly talking to me?" Hana asked curiously, resting her chin against the top of the mop.


Sooyeon looked up and let out a huge breath of air. "look I don't mean to be hostile it's just that being surrounded by criminals all the time has taught us to put up walls."


Bad experiences?


"How long have you been here?" Hana blurted, unable to control the urge to ask the question. The girl didn't expect an answer knowing Sooyeon didn't trust her but she was surprised when she received one.


"4 years."


Hana hid the shock from showing up on her face and went back to mopping. An extended sentence? Just what did they get caught doing?


"I saw what you did for D.O"

Hana didn't look up but she knew the girl was referring to the bandage incident.


"Word of advice. If you want to survive here stop caring about other people and just look after yourself."


Hana almost scoffed at her 'advice'. If there was one thing she detested it was selfishness. Being a gang member, Hana held loyalty higher than all else and despite the fact that she didn't trust these boys that didn't mean she wouldn't help them if she could. The girl resisted the urge to snap and silently finished her mopping.




When dinner finally came around Hana still hadn't managed to shake off the disappointment from yesterday.


"Why do you look so down today?" Sehun asked, as they plopped the solid meat loaf on their plates.


Hana shrugged attempting to seem casual. "I miss edible food."


The boy laughed, agreeing wholeheartedly.


As she sat down, she noticed D.O taking the seat beside her. He hadn't shown any aggression towards her like Kris had so kindly done, but the girl noted he wasn't particularly fond of her either.


Hana poked at her meat loaf, mentally debating whether or not to take the risk of eating it.


 "Here." D.O roughly shoved a small tub of ice-cream onto her lap. Hana stared at him in wonder but he still refused to meet her eyes.


"It's my thankyou for the other day."


Hana reluctantly refrained from asking questions and embarrassing the boy, and shot him a grin showing her gratitude before digging into the ice-cream.


Maybe 2 years in here won't be so bad.




Once Hana had left the room with the twins, Luhan immediately jumped into the girl's seat.


"Tell us about Hana." He demanded, facing Kai.


Kai almost fell back at the sight of the boys all crowding around. Even Kris had scooted closer to listen in.


"Why are you all so curious?"


The boys all exchanged looks, unsure exactly why they were so curious. Maybe it was just the fact that she was so unpredictable that it drove curiosity and nervousness amongst them. She was still a criminal, a fact that made all the inmates wary.


Kai heaved out a breath and leaned back, preparing himself for the tale.


"Well Hana's the reason I became a gangster. She's a member of the most infamous gang I know. No one knows how many members there are or who they are except for the fact that they go by infinite."


"wait so if no one knows who they do you know Hana's a member of them?"


"Obviously they hide their identity because they're on the hit list of many groups internationally. I only found out earlier this year when my gang visited but apparently a huge fight broke out between infinite and some group in China…I don't know the details but the other group disappeared and Hana's name was buzzing everywhere. A month later she wound up here and I figured it couldn't be a coincidence." Kai shrugged earning more interest.


"Damn we miss all the drama in this hellhole" Baekhyun whistled with disappointment.


"but how do you know Hana?" Luhan asked, leaning forward with doe eyes.


Kai cleared his throat and stood up. "I think that's enough for story time. I'm going to bed."




Weeks had passed and Hana knew 'that' time was coming again. She could feel it in her gut.


Her hands traced over the marks on her arms. The wounds had closed rather well, leaving red streaks in their place. It was times like this Hana was grateful that her body had adapted to healing quickly.


"Try not to cause a fuss this time." Kris glared, walking past the girl to his usual seat in the corner of the visiting block.


Hana felt a hand fall on her shoulder and she looked up to meet Kai's sympathetic eyes.


"save the pity for someone who really needs it." She chuckled.


"Hey can I ask you a question?" He asked, sitting beside her whilst waiting until his visitors arrived. Hana nodded absentmindedly, fiddling with a piece of skin hanging off her cuticle.


"Why are you expecting them when they can't come?"


Hana switched her attention to the tan boy with a questioning look written on her face.


"Infinite...aren't you waiting for them?"


Hana couldn't help the way her expression fell at their mention. Kai knew the girl probably wouldn't answer but that didn't stop him from looking at her expectantly.


"I'm not stupid Kai. I'm not waiting for them...I'm waiting for something from them."


 Before Kai could inquire further the guards called him, but just before he disappeared from an earshot he heard her murmur something along the lines of, "Just one ing signal is all I need."




"Try not to look so much like a kicked puppy." Kris sighed rather angrily, his gaze not lifting from his book as he spoke to the girl.


Hana sighed and scooted over to the tall male. Kris couldn't help but question how someone like her could be of such high status in the criminal community.


"Daddy long legs don't you ever get tired of waiting in here?"


"And what you think they're going to let us just roam around without guards? It's called Prison for a reason."

Hana didn't look at him but she could tell he was rolling his eyes. On a normal occasion Hana would have made a snarky remark about how it was a detention centre not a prison but today the girl was just not in the mood.


"It's not so bad." A soft voice said from beside her. Hana was surprised she didn't notice the girl take a seat beside her and mentally made a note to be more careful.


Hana stared at the girl for a while, noticing the small mole over her right eyelid. So what's this twin's name?




Hana looked over at Sooyeon who was beckoning Miyeon back to her with a large frown.  Miyeon looked at Hana for a moment, opening and closing a few times as if she were trying to communicate something but ending up looking like a fish.


As a louder whisper sounded from her sister, Miyeon quickly mouthed the words 'thankyou' before running off to her other half.


Hana stifled a laugh and laid her head against the cool bricks behind her. That one doesn't seem so bad…but I hate crying.




When the inmates gathered back in the cafeteria for dinner, Hana couldn't help but notice Kai was a lot quieter than usual.


"What's up with you?" Hana asked, leaning forward so he was forced to look at her.


Kai stiffened at the sound of her voice before standing up. "I'm not that hungry." He muttered, throwing his food in the bin and walking away.


Hana gaped in confusion. Although it was normal for them to throw out there food when the taste become unbearable, it was completely unnormal for kai to go back to his cell before he was thrown in forcedly. The other inmates seemed to notice the boys weird behaviour too but most just shrugged, probably assuming it was from the visits earlier. Hana decided to ignore it and resumed with her dinner.



Everything would have returned to normal had it just been a one-off mood from the visits but Kai's weird behaviour didn't stop there. He seemed to be avoiding the girl at all costs and being ignored was number one on Hana's top ten pet peeves.


Instance one. When Hana entered the classroom and took her regular seat beside Kai he didn’t speak a word. Even when she leaned over and asked him for the answers, he didn't shove her away like usual and instead shoved his answer sheet towards her, leaving her even more puzzled.


Instance two. When they had been partnered for cleaning, Kai forced Sehun to swap with him and cleaned the bathrooms with Lay instead. Was Hana really worse than bathroom duty?


Instance three. When kai walked in for breakfast and spotted Hana sitting in Luhan's spot beside Kai's seat, he

immediately walked over to the other table to sit beside Chanyeol.


Hana had even smelled her hair to check if it was her scent but he hadn't had an issue with her raspberry shampoo before so why would it bother him now?


The girl could list plenty more small incidents where Kai had avoided her but that wasn't helping her unravel why? What had she done? She couldn't recall any actions that would have caused any tension between them so why was he suddenly avoiding her as if she was the scariest criminal out ?



"Why do you look so down, pineapple?" Lay asked, the nickname given by Kris since she was 'Ugly outside and sour inside'. Hana thought it was quite coincidental since pineapples happened to be her favourite fruit.


"Why is Kai ignoring me?" She asked bluntly. She wanted an answer and if Kai wasn't going to give it to her, she would get it her own way.


Lay looked over at Hana and sighed. He knew she'd try to get it out of him since he could never resist when it came to Hana. She'd managed to get out of her toilet duties through him on multiple occasions but he never really minded since she'd always provide him edible food from her 'secret stash'. It was kind of a tit-for-tat relationship.


"Well I don't know the details but apparently something his gang said on their last visit really messed him up."


"What did they say?"

Lay stared at Hana, probably debating whether or not to tell her.


"It's fine. I don't want to get you in trouble with Kai so don't tell me. It's better that way."


Lay nodded. To be honest that wasn't the reason he hadn't told her.


I didn't tell you because they said infinite are looking for him.




Authors note:

Sorry for the lack of updates

Next chap you'll see how Kai knows Hana :P



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Chapter 5: Finally! A different story from the rest!!! Thank you so muchhhhhhh XDDD
Update soon! This story is too good!!!
Chapter 5: Finally you update .... good chapter - Yuki
Chapter 5: This is getting good! :)
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 4: Thank you for sweet memories of Kai meet Hana - Yuki
Chapter 3: Thanks for update & can't wait for next update! - Yuki
Chapter 2: O>M<G poor Hana!! - Yuki
Chapter 1: Good chapter & keep it up - Yuki
unicornwhisperer #9
This is soooo good *thumbs up*