
Steal my heart


***                                                                              ***                                                                          ***


She was looking out the window again.

A stray piece of hair blew across her face from the strong breeze but the girl didn't bother moving it. She seemed to consumed amongst her own thoughts.

"Kim Jong In. Can you come demonstrate this problem?" The teacher asked holding out a piece of chalk to the 8 year old boy, breaking him from his daze.


The boy nodded obediently dragging his eyes to the board.



"Jongin honey mummy's running kind of late. Wait at the gates, okay?" His mother whispered hurriedly, the sound of her boss yelling clear in the background.


The boy nodded into the phone, momentarily forgetting the woman couldn't seem him before mumbling a reply. He was more preoccupied with the sight in front of him. Hana was sitting on the gates , her legs swinging idly.


The sound of police sirens suddenly sounded, startling the girl and himself. The 8 year old Hana leapt off her seat, immediately following the police cars on her skateboard.


Somehow Jongin found himself running after the girl out of pure innocent curiosity. The boy ran after her as she walked into a narrow alley.


The sirens grew louder but she was undeterred.


Suddenly Jongin lost sight of the girl, lost alone in the dark maze of alleyways.


"Who's there? Step forward with your hands in the air!" A loud male voice yelled somewhere in the near distance.


Jongin's blood froze in fear. Regret rushed through him as he looked around for Hana desperately.


A hand shot forward, pulling him into the depths of the darkness. Kai didn't make a sound, paralysed both mentally and physically.


"Don't say a word." A feminine voice hissed, dragging him into an unfamiliar surrounding.


He turned around, managing to make out her features in the new light.


"Hana?" He squeaked.


"Why the did you follow me?" She cussed, looking more worried than mad.


"I w-wanted to b-be friends…" Jongin lowered his head waiting to be reprimanded but lifted it at the sound of soft laughter.


"That's cute." She smiled but it soon faded and her expression darkened. It made her look much too mature for an innocent 8 year old.


"I'm sorry Jongin. I'm not the type of girl you can be friends with."


Jongin tilted his head, not comprehending. She seemed perfectly normal and 'friend-able' to him.


Hana sighed, hearing footsteps draw near. "Oi Hana, what are you doing over there? We need to ."


Jongin tried to look over her shoulder at the unfamiliar voice but Hana blocked his path.


". The police are here." The voice continued, sounding more urgent.


Hana groaned in annoyance before turning to face the figure. "You guys head off first. I'll meet you back at Hell."


Jongin gaped at the terminology. Why would she meet him in hell? Were they planning to die? Jongin shook that thought away, assuming it was probably some code name.




"Just go."


"Screw you. We're not leaving you behind Hana."


Jongin managed to peek at the boy from around Hana. He had jet black hair and looked a couple years older than himself but Hana seemed pretty comfortable around the boy. The boy spotted Jongin and raised a brow to Hana who shrugged as If it were nothing.


Jongin looked at Hana with large innocent eyes but Hana ignored his questioning eyes and peeked out through the window.


"God they multiply like flies. Urgh. Ok I'm sorry Jongin but we're going to have to take you with us. Keep close and don't say a word."


Jongin nodded to her words as if they spellbound him.


"I'm L by the way." the elder male smiled, extending a hand.


Hana rolled her eyes at her friend's behaviour and shoved him forward with a giggle, "just move it ugly."


The boy pouted but did as instructed. Jongin almost yelped as a hand grabbed his arm. Hana looked at him through her bangs and shone him a crooked smile. It was the first time he'd seen such a captivating smile.


"Don't get lost." She threatened lightly, hauling him into the darkness that L had run through earlier.




Jongin resisted the urge to cower behind Hana when 7 pairs of curious eyes probed him as the three of them escaped into an old run down house.


"Looks like we have a little rebel huh?" A red-haired boy grinned gummily, earning a smack from Hana.


"Leave him alone Dongwoo. We need to get him back out of the premises before anyone sees him with us."


All jokes aside, the boys agreed. If anyone saw the boy with them, it could potentially ruin his life just as it had theirs.


Jongin couldn't help but feel envious as he looked at them plan out an escape. They seemed like a group of kids that came out of some badass action film.


A part of him was shocked that none of them had yelled at him or lectured him about  his actions.


Hana perked up suddenly, catching everyone's attention. Before the question could arise to anyone, Hana tossed Jongin aside. The boy was sent crashing into another one of the older males- Hoya if he could recall- who grabbed the boy and pulled him behind a screen.  Jongin struggled for a few moments but quietened when he recalled Hana's words from earlier. Trust her.


"What are you doing here Soohyun?" Hana spat, her voice thick with venom.


Jongin could see her conversing with another male figure through the crack in the screen.


"Relax Hana. I don't see why we can't be friends. Just leave this trash and join us, we'll give you everything you need, just like you've always-"


The boys words were abruptly paused and the next thing Jongin knew there was a loud sound of wood splintering.

"So 'm guessing you're not one for negotiation?" The voice continued, sounding agitated. Jongin assumed someone had pushed him into a table, judging from the sound.


"Look our work may seem like it's about power and money to you but this gang is more than business to me. These people are my friends and they mean more to me than anyone else."


Hana sounded so self-assured and confident that it almost made Jongin wish she was talking about him like that.


"Now unless you insist on having me use you as my new dart board, I suggest you disappear from my sight. Forever."


The words must have seemed menacing to the man as well since Jongin heard hurried scurrying before the door slammed.


Hoya removed his grip from the boy and led him back into the main room.


"So do we have to kill him?"


All eyes were on Hana, who looked rather disappointed. "Sungjong, Sungyeol. Would you?"


The two said boys nodded before disappearing out of sight.


"Why do you have to kill him?" Jongin suddenly asked, unsure where that courage came from. To be honest he didn't feel the disgust he would have expected from their actions. Instead he was filled with curiosity.


"Because he saw us. We can't expose our identity to anyone. No matter what the circumstances." Hana sighed rather regretfully. Jongin managed to catch her mumbling, "I warned him to stop trying to find us."


"...does that mean your going to kill me?" Jongin asked, the nervousness clear.


Hana froze, as if the thought had only just dawned on her and horror rose in her eyes. She looked around the room, meeting the eyes of her friends. They all lifted their hands and she knew they were telling her it was her call and they'd follow through whatever she wanted.


Her gaze returned to Jongin and she almost giggled at his large round eyes. It seemed so absurd for two 8 year olds to be having this conversation.


"No. I won't kill you but in return you have to promise me two things."


Jongin instantaneously nodded, willing to accept any conditions. He wasn't afraid of her, but something about the way she spoke made him want to agree regardless of what she wanted. Hana moved towards the boy and rested a palm on his shoulder.


"You're the only person on earth who knows the identity of Infinite and it's very important that you keep this to yourself all the way to your grave. Ok? "

Jongin nodded once more. He didn't have to ask what would happen if he didn't listen to know the answer wasn't very pleasant.


"And two. I want you to find some good friends. Friends you can rely on for anything. Friends who will keep you safe in place of me."


Jongin was awed by her words. The girl spoke so well that Jongin couldn't help but drool over her slightly. He would have never guessed that the quiet girl who slept though at the back of their math class would be hiding a secret like this. A small tint rose to his cheeks making Hana squeal in adoration and pinch his cheeks.


"You're so kai!" She fawned, poking his baby-fat filled cheeks.


"Kai?" Jongin asked in confusion.


"Yeah! Don't think I don't pay attention in mandarin lessons! I know my stuff." Hana huffed proudly, oblivious to the snickers of her friends.


Jongin didn't even bother telling her that it was pronounced 'ke-ai' and gave her a broad smile.


Hana walked Jongin back to school, dropping him off at the gates where his mother would meet him at. Jongin spotted his mother's black car and turned back to Hana. He opened his mouth, not really sure what he intended to say. He had so many things that he wanted to tell the girl, so many questions to ask. But Hana managed to cut them all off with one line.


"I'll meet you again one day Kai."





And that was the last time he ever saw her.




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---5 years Later---



"KAI. You're zoning out again." A tall male called. Kai shook his head free of the memory and ruffled his hair. "sorry."


The male laughed heartily and wrapped an arm around the younger's shoulders. "let's go meet the others."


Kai nodded and slipped on his leather jacket. The boy stared at his motor bike for a moment, allowing himself to reminiscence in the past for a moment longer before following his taller friend.


I will meet you again one day Hana.








"Hey do you guys remember Jongin?" Hana asked, hopping onto the couch beside Myungsoo, who immediately laid his head on her shoulder groggily.


"Yea that kid you randomly decided to spill our life story to. Why?" Sungyeol answered as he chowed down on marshmallows.


Hana shook her head, "Do you think it was a mistake letting him live? I mean he knows who we are."


Woohyun, appearing from thin air, shoved Myungsoo aside angrily and bore his stare into Hana.


"LISTEN HERE MISSY. I know you're hiding our identity for the sake of us but there are some boundaries you can't cross. That day is a proud memory for all of us because it reminded us of who we are. We're not monsters Hana, our humanity is something precious that we can't ever lose. Remember that."


Hana nodded through Woohyun's grip as he squished her cheeks together, forming a fish face. Hana pulled the boy into a hug and smiled.


It was only when they were rudely ripped apart did Woohyun remember Myungsoo's existence.


"Excuse you." The boy muttered, shoving Woohyun aside as the boy had done earlier before reclaiming his spot on Hana's shoulder.


"but yea I agree with the grease ball."


Hana chuckled and gazed outside the window.


I wonder what you're doing now Jongin…




Sunggyu watched Hana space out and let out an exasperated sigh.


"She doesn't know, does she?" He asked as Woohyun approached the kitchen.


Woohyun shook his head, his eyes narrowing into slits. "and no one is going to tell her alright?"


The boys nodded solemnly.


If Hana were ever to find out that 8 year old boy she had rescued 5 years ago had become a criminal no better than herself, even her humanity would not be able to stop her from killing him. 

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Chapter 5: Finally! A different story from the rest!!! Thank you so muchhhhhhh XDDD
Update soon! This story is too good!!!
Chapter 5: Finally you update .... good chapter - Yuki
Chapter 5: This is getting good! :)
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 4: Thank you for sweet memories of Kai meet Hana - Yuki
Chapter 3: Thanks for update & can't wait for next update! - Yuki
Chapter 2: O>M<G poor Hana!! - Yuki
Chapter 1: Good chapter & keep it up - Yuki
unicornwhisperer #9
This is soooo good *thumbs up*