
Steal my heart

Hana sighed. Again.


"I swear to ing god. One more sigh…" Kris slammed his spoon on the table but her gaze was directed at Kai across the room. Something inside him stirred at the sight. Of course he wasn't a brick wall so even he had found himself informed of what was going on but he couldn't help but wonder why it bothered the girl so much? Did she like him? Kris shook of the thought, unsure why he would care anyways.


"Why the is he ignoring me?" She growled under her breath to no one in particular.


"Did you guys hear what's happening today?" Luhan interrupted, dropping down into the seat beside Hana, the cluster around her all staring at Luhan in confusion. Hana ripped her gaze away from Kai her eyes reflecting questioning as she did so. 


"Apparently there was a budget cut so security cameras are going to be reduced."


A huge grin spread across Hana's face, "Seriously?"


"Uh huh. Heard it from the security staff myself."


Before the question could form in Hana's mind, Sehun filled her in. "Hyung sells his body to get favours from the staff. He's basically a man ."


"It's not ing if you're not getting paid in cash." Luhan tutted, not denying his actions. 


Hana shook her head in laughter. 


"Well it's happening today.Our cell  cameras will be removed as well as everything else but the main corridors and control rooms." He explained.


Hana mentally built the image. She never really had a problem with security cameras since it wasn't hard to detect their blind spots but the reduction would save her the effort. 


"You know what this means." Sehun grinned, the boys all mirroring his expression as their thoughts connected, making Hana raise a suspicious brow.


"Midnight campfire."





Chanyeol tiptoed as quiet as his giant feet would allow, carefulling avoiding the guards and cameras. A creepy grin formed on his face as he slipped into the cell. His eyes drifted across the room, finally finding Hana sleeping on the top bunk. 

Maintaining a silent stealth, the boy crept to the bed preparing to scare her (obviously not thinking about the aftermath). Just as he opened his mouth a palm slammed into his face. It moved so fast that his eyes only managed to see the blur of movements before he leapt back, covering his wounded nose. 

Hana propped up on her elbows, her eyes wide and alert. 


"What the was that?" He hissed, his eyes watering in pain. 


Hana straightened up, rubbing her eyes from any sleep residual and shrugged, relaxing after realising it was just Chanyeol.


Chanyeol grumbled incoherantly so she could only pick up the words 'bloody gangster' before slipping out of the cell first. Hana followed him but couldn't help but falter. 


twisted in frustration before signalling for a groan. This place is making me way to empathetic. She stomped over to the other beds, waking up MIyeon and Sooyeon. "Get up, we need to go."




"You woke us up for this?" Sooyeon glared, shuffling towards the nearest wall.


The boys had gathered on the roof with an abundant supply of food. Any questions she could have had were immediately erased at the sight of it.


Hana rolled her eyes, answering Sooyeon with a donut.  "Just drop your pride and eat before you go to breakfast feeling like you're going to cry."


She couldn't help but smile as the girl shut to chew on the donut.  Her eyes settled over to Kai who was eating a rack of meat carnivorously, a soft sigh managing to escape her. Hana swallowed her pizza and dusted off her hands, picking up a bucket of fried chicken drumsticks whilst finding her way to the edge of the roof before swinging her legs over for a more comfortable position.


"Just when I thought I'd found some isolation." A voice mumbled from beside her. 


"Why aren't you eating?" Hana asked, unattractively piled with grease. She could make out his gummy teeth in the darkness but his all black attire made it difficult to see his outline.


"Chicken's not my style." 

Despite not being able to see him clearly, the repulsion was obviously hinted in his voice. Hana snorted, shoving the bucket in his face. "Come on daddy long legs, If the evil twins can put down their pride then you can too."


Kris raised a bushy brow but didn't say anything as he stared into the night sky. 


"Are you and Kai still at it?"


An awkward silence followed his question but Hana refused to let it get to her. She shrugged casually, filling again to avoid answering.


"Why do you care?"


Her questioning expression was enough to make him explain. "Like i mean, about Kai. Why does it bother you so much if he ignores you?"


Hana paused, her brain racking for an answer. To be honest, she didn't have one. Why it bothered her hadn't even occured to her. She shivered, wishing she'd taken her sweater back from D.O but after the cafeteria incident the thought hadn't struck her. 


"Well whatever the case, clinging to him isn't going to solve anything. You might forget this at times but we're in a prison. We're not here to make friends. Once they're out of here you think any of them will bother coming back to visit you? It's hell enough when we're forced to be here, no one would come back voluntarily. Pretend its fun all you like but face it. We have no freedom, no rights. No life."


A broad smile spread across her face, still visible in the darkness.


"Why the are you smiling? Did you listen to anything I just said?" His brows met in the middle, creasing in confusion. Hana couldn't stop the laugh from erupting now, making his frown deepen. 

"I like you, daddy long legs." The sincerity in her voice was overflowing and she meant it. He didn't tell her what to do nor did he sugar-coat his words. He was blunt and cruel and downright mean but it was refreshing. 


Kris choked on his spit, coughing madly to clear his throat, making Hana's laughter ring louder.


"I'm going to go get some water." Kris stood up, straightening out his long, lean figure. He hesitated for a moment before stripping off his jacket, placing it on top of Hana's head. "I swear to ing god if you get sick then this whole prison will die with you, so do don't even try. I swear you've barely been here a month and you're already a ing burden." His tone was cold and brutal but Hana couldn't help but feel warmed by his words, as messed up as that made her sound.


He grabbed a drumstick from her bucket before walking away without uttering another word.


Hana turned around to watch his figure fade into the distance, resisting the urge to whistle aloud and embarrass him. "Damn. When did he get so chic and co-" Her words were interrupted as he tripped over a stack of empty pizza boxes on the ground. "Spoke too soon." She chuckled. 




As it approached 3am, Suho declared they had to head back since the guards parolled around 5. It seemed nostalgic to the boys since they all functioned in perfect harmony in erasing any evidence of the campfire. Hana helped clear the empty food satchets, the large sleeves of Kris's jacket making it rather difficult. 


"Here. I forgot to give it back. Sorry." D.O muttered, holding the sweater out to her. 


She smiled in good nature and accepted it, taking off the jacket and wearing her thin sweater. A sense of disappointment filled her as she stared at Kris's jacket, unwilling to part with it. 


"Give it back tomorrow." Kris said from behind her, "Maybe by then your stench will fade out." He added, probably not wanting her to get the idea he was starting to tolerate her. 


She saluted gratefully, pulling the jacket back on over her sweater.  "Wasn't planning on giving it back anyway."


"What? No wait-"


Hana ignored his protest and skipped over to the twins who were heading back to the cell.




"Okay, the coast's clear. You can be honest. You had fun didn't you?" 


Miyeon couldn't help but giggle at Hana's hushed tone but Sooyeon's face remained sour as she brushed Hana's arm aside.


"Still going with the 'I hate everyone. this world' concept?" Hana sniggered, her arm still around Miyeon who didn't seem to mind. 


Sooyeon gave her a look before freezing. Her ears perked and Hana didn't need to be told to sense what she'd heard. She pressed Miyeon against the wall, quietening her breathing just as a precaution, staring at Sooyeon who did the same against the other wall. Once the quick footsteps grew farther, she exhaled the breath. 


"Why are they running? What's happening?" 


Hana's face hardened. The running could only have been one of the boys or the guards but both scenarios could only derive from one situation.




Someone got caught. 






Hana couldn't help but squirm. She had to find out who got caught. She hopped down from her bunk, pressing her chest against the bars of her cell to get a closer view of the clock. There was only 3 clocks in the entire facility.




She had a solid 15 minutes before the guards would begin to patrol. 


Finally persuading herself to test that her skills hadn't got rusty, Hana pulled a bobby pin from her hair, ignoring the loose tendrils that fell as a result. Manipulating the old fashioned lock, she grinned to herself before darting towards the punishment ward.


Having already been there before, it wasn't difficult for Hana to find her way without getting busted. She grunted slightly when she recalled the modernised locks that binded the punishment ward. No bobby pin would help with that. She paused at the door trying to recall how Sunggyu had always hacked locks. 


A hiss of frustration left her after 5 minutes of struggling. 


"Get the out of here." A voice growled from the other side. 


A wave of mild shock rippled through her as she recognised the voice. He definitely wasn't who she expected to have been caught. 


"No. I'm coming in." She hissed back, retrying her luck with the lock. 


She heard distant footsteps and knew the guards had begun patrolling. She shifted her stance, tossing around her two options. She could easily sneak back into her cell but somehow the other option seemed more appealing.


"I'll see you soon." She whispered with a grin.





Kai double took as he watched the guards shove Hana into the room beside him, locking the ward behind them. He didn't open his mouth but she didn't need to be asked to know he wanted an explanation.


"Hi." She smirked, gathering herself into a sitting position.


Kai refused to give her the satisfaction of acknowledgement and shifted back so he could lean against the wall.


"Good luck. From what the guards told me since we were both caught 'attempting to escape the facility' we're both stuck in here for a week. Together."


This time the boy couldn't stop a gape from parting his mouth. It was hard enough avoiding her when they weren't trapped in a room together and knowing Hana's persistance, she wouldn't let him leave till he confessed.


His gaze lifted, coincidentally joining with hers. Her smirk reappeared as she scooted towards him.


"Take your time princess."

Authors note-
ten years later: I UPDATED! MANSE! /bricked
But first, lets take a couple minutes to pray for those affected by the ferry. #prayforkorea
ok i legit waited 2 minutes and now OMFG EXO'S COMEBACK. LETTME SOB. 
the feels have still not died down.
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Chapter 5: Finally! A different story from the rest!!! Thank you so muchhhhhhh XDDD
Update soon! This story is too good!!!
Chapter 5: Finally you update .... good chapter - Yuki
Chapter 5: This is getting good! :)
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 4: Thank you for sweet memories of Kai meet Hana - Yuki
Chapter 3: Thanks for update & can't wait for next update! - Yuki
Chapter 2: O>M<G poor Hana!! - Yuki
Chapter 1: Good chapter & keep it up - Yuki
unicornwhisperer #9
This is soooo good *thumbs up*