
Steal my heart

" you liking jail?"

Hana grinned as Kai buried his face into his elbows. She could tell that she was starting to make it under his skin. 

"Did you like the horror loaf last night? Mine was a little dry but I thi-"

"OKAY. Stop!"


She cracked him.

"Can you stop? It's hard enough to ignore you as it is. You're not making this any easier for me." Kai huffed, scooting a little further from her but that didn't seem to affect her. 

Hana  followed his movement, closing the gap between them once again. "And he finally talks. Why are you trying to ignore me?"

Kai looked over at her briefly but his face remained stoic, giving away nothing.

"Fine, don't tell me but we still have another 3 days together and I have no problem spending them asking you 100 more questions." Hana smirked.

"I hate that dumb smirk of yours." Kai murmured, making Hana snort and eventually making him grin as well.

It went silent for a moment but before Hana could break the silence again, Kai looked up at her with a serious expression that she knew meant he was going to drop a bombshell. 

"Your gang is looking for me."

This caught her attention. Her smile faltered, brows furrowed in confusion. "Why?"

"You don't want to know."

This fired her up, her voice turned into an icy staccato. "What. did. you. do." 

Kai scrambled to his feet, sensing this wasn't something that would go down well.

"Nothing! I promise! I would never do anything to hurt you or your gang." He said meekly but Hana's alliances were always with her boys. She knew they wouldn't be on the look for anyone over anything petty. He had done something and clearly it was something bad.

"Kai. What did you do?" She hissed, now on her feet as well, walking towards him with a force that made him back away instinctively.

Kai scrambled away, searching for anything that would put distance between them but it was an empty room. It was just him and her and he knew he had to say it.

"My name is Kim Jong In."



It had been over 15 minutes and Hana hadn't said a word or moved from her position in the corner of the room- that had been a record since she'd come to the jail and it was beginning to worry Kai. It definitely didn't help with his anxiety.

"So are you just never going to talk to me again?" He whispered, just loud enough that he knew she'd hear.

She didn't look up or make any sign of acknowledgement but before Kai could get too down she murmured in the most lifeless voice, "Why?"

Kai kept his gaze at his hands, feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt. 

"Because I wanted to find you."

"Damn it JongIn! WHY!" She burst, slamming her fists into the cold hard ground. He was sure that had split her knuckles but he knew better than to say anything.

"Why did you do this? I let you go to make something of yourself! To make a better life for yourself! I wanted you to be a good kid and you follow me on this stupid path? And now you're in jail? I thought you were smarter than that! I thought I was a better judge of character. I can't even explain how angry I am." She continued, raking her hands through her hair. He could see her trembling in rage and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He didn't even know what to say. She was right. He chose this path all for a girl. He was in jail all because of a dumb childish crush. 

"Kai, you saw us! You know what that meant but we let you off the hook because you were an innocent young boy but now you're a gang member. I can't protect you anymore." Hana looked up at him, her face drained of colour. "If we show mercy now, that'll hang over our reputation forever."

"Hana, I told you. I would never hurt you or your gang. I've kept your secret all these years. You can trust me." He pleaded.

Hana shook her head, "Kai you're in a gang. That changes things. It changes everything."


The last few days in the punishment ward were the most horrendous since Hana had been in jail. Little to no words had been exchanegd between the pair, both of them just waiting out this punishment in silence.


When they'd returned everyone could tell something was different.

Neither Kai nor Hana offered anyone an explanation but everyone could tell that the awkwardness that had existed before had become alot icier between the duo.


"So what's the deal with you and your fanboy?" Lay quipped, setting his tray down beside Hana.

Hana shrugged, "Nothing."

Lay frowned, clearly not happy with the response. "Okay fine, hate Kai but what happened to Queen Hana? Did he really affect you that much?"

This seemed to get her attention because she smacked him with her shoulder, earning a dimply grin from the boy.

"No need to get jealous dimples, I still got a lot of love to give." Hana smirked.

"Glad to hear it because you and I are on toilet duties today!" He said, laughing at the disgusted look she made.


When visitations rolled around again Hana could tell everyone was on a slightly higher alert of her, especially Kris who made it a point to give her a nasty lecture on not causing another riot.

"This is just not fair. Why don't I get any visitors?" Hana huffed, playing with the stress ball Suho had given her in a somewhat feeble attempt to keep her calm.

"I'm not surprised. I wouldn't visit you either." Kris said snarkily, earning a small jab to the foot (since that was all Hana could reach without moving). 

"I don't see a line out the door for you either Mr Daddy long legs." Hana snorted, returning her focus to the stress ball.

Kris didn't seem to care and continued on with his book.

"How about you B1 and B2? No teddys to visit the bananas in pyjamas?" Hana asked, glancing up at the twins.

Miyeon opened to answer but was cut off by her sister who gave her a pointed look that screamed 'shut up'. 

Hana sighed, rolling on to her stomach to stare at the ceiling.

Where are you guys? 

She had been with these guys since before she could even remember and the thought of them just abandoning her was a blow worse than any injury she'd ever suffered- and she'd had some pretty bad ones. It was impossible and she had to keep reminding herself  that but it was hard.

They could have sent someone. Anyone.

Just to let her know that things are okay.

How are you guys? Is everyone okay? Is Myungsoo okay?

"There's no point crying over it. You'll get used to it." Kris interjected, breaking her from her thoughts.

"I'm not so sure I will." She murmured, mostly to herself.



Days started to pass alot slower for a number of reasons but mostly the fact that her brain just wouldn't stop overthinking.

She couldn't stop wondering about her boys but more than that, she couldn't stop wondering about Kai. What would happen to him once the guys found him? What would they have to do?

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Sehun teased, joining her at the table breaking her blatant stare. She hadn't even noticed she'd been staring at Kai till now.

"Yeah, if it bugs you that much just go talk to him?" Luhan said, following Sehun as per usual.

Hana shook her head, "It's not that simple."

Luhan laughed, "It kind of is, you're literally stuck in a building with him for the next year so I don't think any problem you have can be that bad. Nothing gets in or out of here except our memories."

Hana paused, digesting his words for a bit.

That was true. Regardless of what happens when they leave this place, what happened in here wouldn't have an affect on that. Why punish herself for the inevitable? She could be friends with him. It's not like she could do anything to him in here without basically declaring she'd live in jail for life.

That thought seemed to brighten her mood.

"You know what? You may be a lot wiser than you look deer boy." Hana grinned, flashing her pearly whites at him before walking over to the boy in question.

"Okay. I've decided."

Kai looked up in surprise, he didn't say anything probably scared it would change her mind and make her disappear again.

Hana continued regardless, "We can be friends. Only until I'm out of this hell hole. As long as you understand that what happens after that has nothing to do with what happens in here."

Kai nodded instantly. He'd take whatever he could get.

"Okay so are you going to continue with this mute charade or can we go back to normal?"

"Normal. 100% normal." Kai exclaimed a little too loudly, making the both of them chuckle.

"Okay in that case, can you help me with the homework we got?"

Kai cocked his head to the side in confusion. They didn't get homework at school- mostly because no one would ever do it even if they did.

Hana rubbed her neck sheepishly. "What? I dropped out of school before grade 9. I kind of like learning."

Kai chortled, that definitely wasn't something he ever thought he'd hear from Park Hana.

"Alright lets go."

Hana smirked and followed him, glad that things hadn't become awkward between them. She hated bad blood.


"but just so you know, I dropped out in Grade 10 so I don't think I'll be much help."






I'm so sorry I've been MIA for like the last few years ahahah

I thought I'd grown out of KPOP but I recently went to Korea and fell in love all again.
But I'm back for good! Sorry you guys probably had to reread the last few chapters. I did too lmaoooo



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Chapter 5: Finally! A different story from the rest!!! Thank you so muchhhhhhh XDDD
Update soon! This story is too good!!!
Chapter 5: Finally you update .... good chapter - Yuki
Chapter 5: This is getting good! :)
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 4: Thank you for sweet memories of Kai meet Hana - Yuki
Chapter 3: Thanks for update & can't wait for next update! - Yuki
Chapter 2: O>M<G poor Hana!! - Yuki
Chapter 1: Good chapter & keep it up - Yuki
unicornwhisperer #9
This is soooo good *thumbs up*