
Steal my heart

Hana groaned in annoyance as her head slammed against the interior of the police van.


"A little rough there, officer." She smirked playfully, cracking her neck to relieve the stiffness from the half hour drive. The officer went around the back, finally shining some light into the cramped jail whist tugging on the girl's handcuffs. Hana took the hint and hopped out of the vehicle, stretching her sore, still-chained limbs.


"Are the cuffs really necessary? Scared I might make a run for it?" She shot the man a cocky grin whilst following the man with a bunch of guards surrounding her.


The officer grunted before shoving the girl into the building. She stiffened, suddenly feeling everything catching up with her.


"What? Finally feeling the fear sink in?" The man mocked.


Hana quickly replaced her shock with a crooked smile. "lead the way hotshot."


The girl couldn't help the amused grin that spread across her face as she watched the man's flustered actions. Once the officer had walked in, her smile slipped allowing her façade to break for a brief moment.


"Bye bye freedom." She sighed as the guards nudged her behind the officer.





"Ok inmates, looks like we have a new criminal to add to our achievements." The officer chuckled jokingly as the guards pushed Hana into the room.


She pasted her famous cocky grin as she looked into the room. The first thing she noticed was boys. She raised a brow questioningly, as if asking if she'd been brought to the wrong quarters but dropped it when she noticed two girls sitting quietly in the corner.


"well lunch finishes in 15." The man notified, before shutting the door behind them.


"he doesn't seem so bad." Hana snorted, walking towards the table.


The room was quiet, and she could feel all eyes on her as they analysed their new inmate.


"What'd you get in for?" A voice suddenly spoke.


Hana whipped around and faced the boy. He was smiling as he spoke and Hana almost double took, wondering how someone with such an innocent smile could be in a place like this but then again...she was one to talk.


"Wait...Park Hana?" Another tanned skin boy asked, walking forward whilst giving the girl a once over.


She nodded, " are?"


"Dude. This is ing Park Hana. You were like famous in our part of the world."


"Gangster I assume?" Hana asked the first boy, who was watching with an amused expression.


"Yea, my names Kai." The tan boy chuckled, rubbing his nape sheepishly. "But how did they manage to catch you?"


Hana's expression darkened momentarily before her grin reappeared, "guess I got sloppy."

The boy nodded not believing the girls reasoning but respecting her privacy, before dragging her over to his table with excitement.


"Guys this is Hana. She's like gangster god." Kai announced proudly. Hana inwardly laughed, guessing there wasn't many gang members in the room which was a good assumption knowing they didn’t get caught easily.


" I'm Suho." The angel guy smiled, taking a seat beside Kai.


Hana nodded, looking around the room to acquaint herself with her new friends for the next two years.


"Why the is she smiling so happily? It's pissing me off." One of the boys growled. The boy stood up with a rather irritated face and Hana couldn't help but whistle as he stood to his full height.


"Dayummmm someone's got the model height going on." She whistled, earning a hard glare. She leaned back with a playful smile, unoffended by his cold demeanour. She could do colder. The boys around her snickered and she even earnt a giggle from one of the girls in the corner.


"Don't mind Kris. He's a bit hot-tempered." Kai said as the boy briskly walked off into the other room but before Hana could reply the guards came in to the room, ushering the prisoners back into their cells.


"You'll be staying here with inmates 00098 and 00097." The guard informed her to which Hana saluted before walking in, not missing the small lip curl her action earnt.


"Hey roomies." Hana greeted but was met with nothing but the cold shoulder.


Hana noticed the two girls from earlier but neither seemed to acknowledge her presence.


"Oh twins huh?" Hana continued, hopping onto the unoccupied bunk at the very top.  She hung her head over the railings, scaring the crap out of the girl below her.


"Chill would you. I'm not going to kill you."


"Everyone's a killer in here." The other girl spoke. Hana straightened herself and looked at the girl from her bed. She was braiding a strand of string into a pretty pattern and not once did she look up.


Hana felt a chill roll down her back as she looked at the girl.


"Hate to break it to you chip and dale but you're just as bad as the rest of us." Hana said as she laid back on her mattress.


There was silence for a moment before she heard the girl mutter something that sounded like, "We're nothing like the rest of you."





"How was your sleep?" Kai asked as Hana walked into the prison cafeteria.


"I've done worse." She chuckled, grabbing a tray and sitting beside the boy.


"Are the guards like this on every newbie?" She asked, motioning to the guards who stuck to her like bees on honey.


"No but I heard some of them talking and apparently the police department has requested for you to be under constant supervision."


Hana blew some air into her hands and rested her chin on her palm. "well I guess we'll be having some fun together then huh?" She grinned, to the two guards who remained stoic.


Kai shook his head but his lips quirked up into a small smile.


"Why are you suddenly so talkative Kai?" A curly haired boy asked, taking the seat opposite Hana.


"Yea I was about to ask the same." Another boy chuckled sitting beside him.


"Shut it eggs and bacon."


Hana looked between the three with an interested smile.


"Hello gorgeous. I'm Baekhyun." The second boy said with a cheesy smile.


"And I'm Chanyeol." The curly haired boy mimicked.


"So why have you got our Kai looking so chummy?"


Hana laughed as the said boy glared at the two older males. "piss off. Is it illegal to be in a good mood too now?"


The boys chuckled but Hana was preoccupied as she watched the two girls enter. They took their trays before walking over to the corner of the room in their own secluded section.


"What's their story? I couldn't get a word out of them all night. Do  they have like a secret grudge against the world?" Hana asked, nudging her chin towards the twins.


Kai followed her gesture and chuckled, "I'm not sure actually. Most of the guys came this year but those two have been there for longer than all of us. Kind of strange since they can only lock us up here for 2 years...well 3 if they caught you with one or more offence. "


Hana nodded knowingly recalling the magistrate quoting the same words at the Children's court, but she couldn't help but look at the girls for a while longer. I wonder what their story is.


"If you don't mind me asking." Another boy said, joining the table. "How are you so down with everything? Like you seem so happy to be here."


"Nice introduction Lay." Baekhyun chortled.


Hana turned to face the so called Lay and immediately reached out to poke his dimple, making the action seem completely casual. "Well Mr. dimples of course I'm not happy to be in jail because that would make me  psychotic but I saw it coming so what you gonna do?" She shrugged.

The boys had to admit they were taken aback by the girl's carefree attitude.


"And you're not scared of us? You don't know what any of us are in here for...we could be serial rapists for all you know." A short, striking boy piped in from the other table.


"Chen don't scare the girl." Suho chided, sliding in beside her but she waved him off and looked back at Chen with interest.


"Sorry to disappoint you chenchen but I don't do fear." The girl shot him a sideward smirk before dumping her food in the bin and trotting off. I have got to get someone to sneak me some edible food in here.




"Er what the is this?"

The boys snorted at Hana's look of utter shock. 

"We're still undergraduates meaning legally, we need to attend school." Suho explained, taking a seat at the front of the classroom.


"Why? Never seen a classroom before?" Chanyeol laughed, hopping to his seat.


"Not in a long time." Hana muttered, instinctively taking the seat in the back corner.


The boys winced as she sat down and even the twins gave her an odd stare, making the girl look up in curiosity.


"That's my seat." A gruff voice growled from beside her.


Hana looked over and whistled, "Daddy long legs. Where were you this morning?"


Kris glared icily, "Get off my ing seat."


"well I don't see your name anywhere and I kinda like this seat." The girl shone him a crooked smile before resting her feet on the desk and rocking her chair in a badass manner.


If looks could kill…


Kris opened his mouth to retort an insult but was cut short as the teacher walked in.


The boy exhaled in annoyance, not wanting to face another retched punishment from the wardens and took the seat beside her.



Hana felt his glare on her the whole lesson but paid no heed to it as she drowned out her surroundings and faded into her thoughts.


I already miss you.





"Urgh. School's over! isn't it bed time yet?" Hana groaned as the guards trailed her into the working pit after a quick lunch break.


"Park Hana." Hana looked up as the patrol officer called her name.


"You will be partnered with Luhan. Region, Left wing."


She looked around wondering who the heck Luhan was, when a bright blonde head appeared in front of her.


"I'm so goddamn glad we didn't get the toilets."


Hana nodded, presuming the boy was Luhan. She hadn't had to clean anything in her life thus far, and she sure as hell didn't plan too but then again she never planned to wind up in a juvenile delinquents centre either.



Hana mopped the floors while Luhan made the beds.


"So tell me bambi, What're you in for?"


Other than Kai, Hana had no clue what crimes the others were all responsible for. It didn't bother her but she couldn't help but feel kind of curious.


Luhan chuckled and threw the dirty bed sheet into the basket. "Manslaughter."


Hana gave the boy a curious look, "So accident or…?"

Luhan shot her a small smile, reflecting all the regret and pain behind the story. "Yea you could say that."


The girl nodded, stacking the mop away and moving onto the other beds. She ripped off the bed-sheet off the mattress, instinctively catching an object as it flew off with the covers. She stared at the book with a puzzled expression.


"What the is this?" She asked, scanning the plain black cover.


Before she could open it, Luhan tore it out of her grip.  "It's Sehun's."


Hana raised her hands in defence to which Luhan smiled good naturedly.


By the time the duo had cleaned all the cells in the left wing, night had already fallen and the inmates were brought back to the cafeteria for dinner. 




Authors note:

Was just writing up some study notes

for Legal when i had this sudden urge to write a fic HAHAH


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Chapter 5: Finally! A different story from the rest!!! Thank you so muchhhhhhh XDDD
Update soon! This story is too good!!!
Chapter 5: Finally you update .... good chapter - Yuki
Chapter 5: This is getting good! :)
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 4: Thank you for sweet memories of Kai meet Hana - Yuki
Chapter 3: Thanks for update & can't wait for next update! - Yuki
Chapter 2: O>M<G poor Hana!! - Yuki
Chapter 1: Good chapter & keep it up - Yuki
unicornwhisperer #9
This is soooo good *thumbs up*