Chapter One

Change My Mind

"Eun-Chan, are you sure this skirts long enough?" I asked, trying to pull it down more.

"It's fine! Now stop worrying or well be late!!"

I grabbed my backpack and ran to the garage where I hurriedly got on my bike. I was wearing the school uniform, which, I liked better than the one I had to wear over in America. It was a white collared shirt, a black blazer with a white boarder, a black, white, and res plaid skirt, and a tie with the same pattern as the skirt. We arrived at school with 10 minutes before home room, flashing our student IDs at the front gate and sped our bikes to the rack. We locked our bikes up and separated because our home rooms were in different buildings. I had recurvedmy schedule earlier this week, so my only problem was finding my home room. With only seven minutes to find my home room on such a large campus, I started running. I was about to turn a corner when I accidentally ran into someone.

"Sorry," I sad in korean, " ummmm. I'm lost. Can-"

"Watch where you're going," the person said before leaving metro find my way, alone.

Before long, I had found myself following the sound of a violin, which had led me to a staircase/fire escape on the side of the building. I took the stairs two at a time, until I stumbled across the source of the music. The boy playing infront of me was perfect. His light brown hair was in a bowl cut, with the ends just above his brown eyes. When I heard the music stop, I saw him staring at me.

"S-sorry," I spoke again in Korean, where is room 412?"

he sighed, "Diwn two floors, eighth door on the right.

"K-Kan Sah Ham Nidah!" I said quickly, blushing and almost forgetting to bow.

when I walked into home room, everyone stopped talki g and stared at me. The teacher shook her head. I sat down and took out my school map. 

"Hmmmm. Pool. Pool. Where is the pool?" I muttered in English.

it wasn't even first period, and I was exhausted, and the talk of, well, my home room. 


I ended up being late for all of my classes, and the bit I saw earlier kept wandering into my mind. 

"Aish! And I thought Anericain schools were hard," I said to myself as I was walking towards the pool during my free period.

"You know, people are gonna think you're crazy if you keep talking to yourself," someone in perfect english commented.

I looked around, but didn't see where the voice was coming from.


hey guys! Xxilovegdrgn here! Just some info- ill do a character description for Eun-chan next chapter, because she plays a bigger role then, and yes, this is based off of Boys over Flowers. Enjoy!

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sheensangel #1
Chapter 14: This keeps getting better! <3 Tension and jealousy!
luexxolu #2
so awesome! love it
Chapter 8: Hey. So I love the fact that it's a BOF spin off. I like Destiny, I like girls who can fend for themselves. Now I don't think you need to have two parts for a chapter, they are already pretty short.There was a lot of grammar mistakes in the first chapter but I noticed you're getting a lot better. Make sure you read over and edit before you post. Also the POV are too quick, you should make them longer and more description is good. Thanks for reading my story and happy writing :)
sheensangel #4
Chapter 5: Aww! <3 Luve GD getting so close to her! :D
sheensangel #5
Chapter 4: OMG! This is getting realli exciting :D
silverwings678 #6
Chapter 1: Wonder who it was she bumped into...
onepanpanone #7
Yay story!!
I wonder whats going to happen next!