How 'bout It

On Rainy Days

A/N: Soooo.......long time no see. l'll give my subscribers something to read. I truly am sorry for the little hiatus that's been going on. l hope this kinda makes up for some things. l wouldn't have the courage to write this if it weren't for my subcribers and commenters. l actually started writing this but it came out like CRAP so l deleted the whole thing and rewrote it....ON WITH THE SHOW!


SooYun's POV

As we exited the elevator and walked through the lobby of the building l noticed the rain had stopped and that it was only 3:00 PM so l didn't want to go home yet.

''Yah, we should go get some icecream." Gikwang said suddenly while pointing to a small icecream cart. Icecream did sound good right about now. So l decided to agree. We walked over to the cart and were greeted warmly by a cute, young girl.

"Annyeong! What can l get for you two?'' she said with a cheeky smile.

"Uhhhh, l quess l'll have vanilla." Kwangie stated. I already knew what flavor l wanted as soon as the word icecream came up...STRAWBERRY!

"l'll have strawberry please!" l nearly shouted.

"Here you go." the icecream girl handed us our cones and Gikwang started to dig for his wallet.

''Oppa don't,'' she said, ''lt's on me!" l looked at her shocked. "l'm like your biggest fan on the planet!!" Oh, that explained it.

"No really, l can pay for it." Kwangie tried to reason with her. He's different than me, if someone offered me free icecream l'd take it and run.

"Think of it as a fan present or something. But if you want to give me something how about your autograph?'' He sighed but signed a napkin for her anyway.

"Well okay, if you insist." we turned to walk away put the icecream chic grabbed my wrist.

"Unnie you're Oppa's girlfriend right? she asked.

"Uhhhh......Deeeehh." l said cautiously.

"Then can you do us B2UTIES a favor and take good care of him in our place?" she gave me an adorable eyesmile and l returned her smile and said

"Sure, as long as you promise to keep this to yourself for Oppa's sake.

"I swear~" the girl used aegyo and waved goodbye. l ran to catch up with Kwangie and he slung his arm over my shoulder. I wonder where we're going next...

GiKwang's POV

SooYun-ah ran to catch up with me......I wonder what they were talking about.......

"Jagiya, how about dropping by to visit the guys, you haven't seen them in a while." l said. Her eyes twinkled and she nodded her head excitedly. We walked hand-in-hand to the dorm swinging our arms as we walked.



A/N: Okay, how was it? Good, Bad, HORRIBLE? Let me know and comment........or BETTER SUBSCRIBE.Sorry if it's short but l hope you enjoyed anyway, l enjoyed writing it~^^


                                                                                                                              much love,




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villaurel #1
Chapter 10: plisss updte... jeballl
pandawriter #2
i think this is really nice! please update soon! ^^
CoolerThanYou #3
how do you know? i love this song!!
mehrong123 #4
Aww :3 shoot I'd be with kikwang any time! Update soon ara? Good job :3
sounds interesting. Update Soon :DD
Hi KK0330 here,comment PLEEASE! I NEED to know if people think this has potential. I'd REALLY appreciate it.